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Заполните таблицу, разъяснив суть ведущих молодежных организаций Великобритании.


7.3. Определите, истинно или ложно каждое из нижеперечисленных утверждений (относительно текста). Пометьте каждое предложение как “ T ( true )” или “ F ( false )”. Откорректируйте ложные утверждения.

1. There are about 60 youth organizations in Great Britain.

2. There are no religion-based youth organizations in Great Britain.

3. The membership in the two largest non-political youth organizations is obligatory.

4. Most important of all for a Scout was to make a promise that he would do his best to do his duty to God and the Queen, to help other people and to obey the Scout Law.

5. The Boy Scouts had a left-handed handshake, a special badge and the motto “Be Prepared”.

6. Like a Scout a Girl Guide must be a friend to animals.

7. All British youth organizations do not depend on any political parties.


7.4. Дайте развернутые ответы на поставленные вопросы, опираясь на содержание текста.

1. What is the main aim of all youth organizations in Great Britain?

2.  Can you trace any similarities between the youth organizations of Great Britain and Belarus?

3. To your mind, can youth movement help to solve any acute social problems? In what way?

8. Подготовьте развернутые высказывания (от 25 развернутых предложений) в ответ на вопросы, заданные ниже. Задание , помеченное звездочкой , выполнять не обязательно .

1. Prepare a short descriptive report about youth movement in Belarus.

2.* If you happen to know any foreigners, ask them about the activities of youth organizations existing in their country. Share this information with your groupmates/instructor. 


Text 2. Troubled Youth – Common Problems and Ways to Help

Убедитесь, что Вам понятны слова и выражения, перечисленные ниже. Если необходимо, воспользуйтесь словарем.

Ø to grow up Ø preteens Ø transitioning Ø teenage years Ø challenge Ø adult Ø troubled youth Ø supportive Ø fair limits Ø to stumble Ø anxiety Ø to overcome Ø to fail Ø to keep track of somebody Ø solution Ø to express oneself Ø risk taking Ø invincible Ø binge drinking Ø safety Ø underage Ø reserved Ø abusive Ø inhalant Ø to combat Ø issue Ø perfection Ø to strike Ø to pull away from somebody Ø trouble sleeping Ø eating habits Ø physical activity Ø to schedule Ø obese Ø tough Ø to fit in Ø overweight Ø self-esteem Ø to succeed Ø unsupervised free time

Соедините разрозненные части выражений и составных слов.

1 risk A years
2 to pull B track
3 fair C drinking
4 trouble D habits
5 binge E youth
6 physical F sleeping
7 teenage G activity
8 eating H limits
9 to keep I away
10 troubled J taking

Заполните пробелы недостающими словами из списка (Упражнение 1).

1. She suffered from ________ attacks.

2. "These are the guys I __________ with, best friends," Staudacher said.

3. I could have been reading about a drug ________, alcoholic young man.

4. For instance, you can become a better problem solver by looking beyond your personal biases and blind spots to consider alternative ___________.

5. But the analyst questioned whether Jackson fans would want to use a virtual world, which is mostly populated by _________ and teenagers, he said.

6. They ________ to be ranked in the top ten.

7. Convincing voters that he means it, however, may be Mr. Romney’s greatest __________.

8. The release of the single is _________ for April.

9. Ending our fossil fuel addiction is the only way to truly __________ climate change.

10. Children should be accompanied by an ________.



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