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Архитектура Аудит Военная наука Иностранные языки Медицина Металлургия Метрология Образование Политология Производство Психология Стандартизация Технологии |
Раздел 2. Деловая лексика
S: A “tip” is the ______ you pay a waiter for doing a good job.+: money S: I asked the waiter to bring fish for the main ______.+: course S: The international trade company is the largest _________ in the city.+: employer S: The standard age for _______ in our country is 55 for women and 60 for men.+: retirement S: Applicants should have at least two years’ post high school education or work _____+: experience S: I asked the waiter to bring fish for the main ______.+: course S: I was _____ some part-time work, but I’m not sure I want to apply for it +: offered S: The _____ of her visit was to inspect the equipment.+: purpose S: Being able to use a computer is an important _________ nowadays.+: skill S:A time-management consultant helps people to organize their work in a(n) _______ way.+: effective S: He was unemployed doing only odd ______ . +: jobs S: I’m supposed to wear a suit to work but sometimes I come in _____ clothes.+: casual S:The bank has just telephoned me to tell me that they are unable to pay your ____+: cheque S: Let's ____ the exact time and place of our meeting.+: fix S: A time-management consultant helps people to organize their work in a(n) __way.+: effective S: Раздел 3. Профессиональная лексика. Promotion is the effort to inform and persuade potential _____in order to accomplish the sale of the product, services, or ideas.+: customers S: Government expenditure is not the only way in which government _______ resources.+: allocates S: The businessman was asked for a customs _______or commercial samples.+: declaration S: Important decisions are made by the operating _______ .+: employees S: The managers of a company had difficulties with low motivation among its ____+: workforce S: Representatives of the socialist economic theory believed that the main object of capitalist manufacturers was to increase their _____.+: profits S: Market socialism is a term used to define a number of economic _____.+: systems S: Once the marketing managers are in possession of suitable information, they embark on a process of ________.+: decision making S: A job interview may be an obligatory condition for a candidate looking for a _____.+: post S: The managers of a company had difficulties with low motivation among its _______. -: workforce -: budget -: rates -: production ( правильных вариантов ответа - 1) S:Representatives of the socialist economic theory believed that the main object of capitalist manufacturers was to increase their _____.+: profits S: Once the marketing managers are in possession of suitable information, they embark on a process of ________.+: decision making S: My job is to answer questions from our ___and solve any problems they have.+: shareholders S: The oil industry raised _______ last year.+: prices S: The European Central Bank has raised interest _______.+: rates Раздел 4. Термины и дефиниции. S: _____ is the business of drawing public attention to goods and services.+: Advertising S: _____ is a summary of your academic and work history.+: Resume S: ______ is a formal permission to sell a company’s goods in a particular area.+: Franchising S: _______ is a system of purchasing goods or services and paying for them later.+: Сredit S: ___is an official document showing permission has been given to use the company’s logo+:Permission S: _____ is the rise in the general level of prices caused by an excess of demand over supply.+: Inflation S: _____ department is responsible for hiring, training and placing employees.+: Personnel S: _____ is a team of office workers who assist their superior in carrying out an assigned task.+: Staff S: _____ is the activity or result of distributing or disposing persons or things properly or methodically. +: Organization S: _____ is a fee charged by a government on a product, income, or activity.+: Tax S: _____ is various transactions (sales and purchases) having the objective of supplying commodities (goods and services).+: Commerce S: To _______ means to allow somebody to use something for a fixed period of time.+: lend S: A _______ is the second important person in an organization.+: deputy Раздел 5. Словообразование . S: Cable TV and work desk with _______ telephone lines are available in each room.+: modernised S: There is one evident ______ between Kate and Ann.+: similarity S: John left his job because he was _______ to deal with such a large amount of work.+: unable S: We weren’t allowed onto the ferry because it had been _______.+: overbooked S: Lots of changes were made but all the attempts had little ______+ : effect S: A very important part of the American ______ system is the community college.+: educational S: John left his job because he was _______ to deal with such a large amount of work.+: unable S: Traditional homes have been _______ by big blocks of apartments.+: replaced S: The last year has shown a slight ________ in the economy.+: improvement S: If you don't speak the language you feel more like a _______.+: foreigner S: I want to be a famous ______ when I grow up.+: scientist S: The man had to _______ the paint because the first coat wasn’t sufficient.+: reapply S: Superman is a comic strip character who has _______ strength.+: superhuman S: The level of _______ was very high at that time.+: unemployment S Mike tried _______ to phone Cathy several times.+: unsuccessfully Раздел 6. Местоимения . S: I’d like those books. Please give ______ to me.+: them S: He drove so slowly that it took _______ three hours to get there.+: us S: It’s your turn, or is it ________.+: mine S: There is a new film on, but I haven’t seen _______ yet.+: it S: - We've got _______ time to make a cake before the party!+: no S: It is not my book, it is ______.+: theirs S: Your bag looks heavy! I’ll carry _______ for you.+: it S: Are you taking _______ magazines with you?+: any S:Is this book yours or ________?+: his S: - How did you get my sister's book? S: That isn’t my key. _____ is here.+: Mine S: Look at these two cars. This one is ______ and the other one is hers.+: mine S: ______ have you got your car?+: How long S: Are you taking _______ magazines with you?+: any S: ________ composition is the best.+: Your S: My house is _______ in the street.+: the smallest S: That’s _______ building I’ve ever seen.+: the most modern S: The sofa is _______ than that old chair.+: more comfortable S: Of the three boys, Dave is the _______.+: tallest S: He is the ____________ person I’ve ever known.+: most interesting S: The smaller is the house, the _____ it will cost us to heat.+: less S: Life is not ________ as it used to be.+: so easy S: Karen is the _______ girl in the class.+: prettiest S: Kate can speak Spanish _______ than Avis.+: more fluently S: There were _____ than 20 people in the hall.+: fewer S: Life is not ________ as it used to be.+: so easy S: My house is _______ in the street.+: the smallest S: She sings _______ than anyone I know.+: more beautiful S: It was the ________ sweater in the shop.+: cheapest S Karen is the _______ girl in the class.+: prettiest Задания по теме 8: Артикли S: ______ Thames flows though London.+: The S: Freda’s ______ astronaut. There are six of them on this mission.+: an S: There is _______ good chance we’ll be late for the train.+: a S: _______ Coca-cola is enjoyed all over the world.+: - S: We're having dinner with _______ Smiths at the weekend.+: the S ______ Everest is the highest mountain in the world.+: - S: He was _______ only person to disagree.+: the S: I have _______ appointment at the dentist’s this afternoon.+: an S:Bats and owls generally hunt at _______ night.+: - S: Many people were waiting for more information about the accident in ____ Swiss Alps.+: the S: She is going to see her daughter who has come from _____ Canada.+: – S: Newcastle is a town in _______ north of England.+: the S: I have _______ appointment at the dentist’s this afternoon.+: an S: We may be going skiing at _______ Christmas, but it's still all up in the air.+: - S: _______ large steel bridge joins the two banks of the river.+: A Раздел 9. Предлоги . S: I’ve bought two tickets _____ a football match.+: for S: We enjoyed the film but it was very cold ______ the cinema.+: at S: I haven’t seen my friend ______ a very long time.+: for S: We’ve known the Robinsons _______ twenty years now.+: for S: I entered _____ Moscow State University last year.+: - S: She is going to study music _______ next year.+: - S: The Great Wall of China is a long way _______ any major city.+: from S:My brother can run 100 metres _______ 11.5 sec. -: - -: on -: in -: at (правильных вариантов ответа - 1) S: I lived in London for five years from 1980 ______ 1985.+: to S: Halloween is a public holiday celebrated ______ October, 31.+: on S: I have known Annie _______ ten years.+: for S: We’ll begin _______ the solution of the present-day problems of our enterprise.+: with S: We met some interesting people _______ the party last night.+: at Раздел 10. Союзы . S: When she sees ______ you have done, she will be angry with you.+: what S: ______ I save some of my pocket money, I won't be able to buy a bicycle.+: Unless S: I’m used to getting up early now, _______ I didn’t like it at first.+: but S: It’s Sunday tomorrow, _______ I don’t have to get up early.+: so S: You should eat more, _______ you’ll make yourself ill.+: or S: That is the house ______ Shakespeare was born.+: where S: She used an alarm clock _______ to wake up on time.+: so as S: It’s Sunday tomorrow, _______ I don’t have to get up early.+: so S: She went to work _______ she had a cold. +: although S: _____ he overslept, Clive wasn’t late for work.+: Although S: _______ they arrive, they’ll want to have dinner.+: As soon as S: I did it ________ he told me so.+: because S: We enjoyed our walk _______ the bad weather.+: despite S: Ask him _______ he can do it tomorrow.+: whether |
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