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Раздел 15. Бытовая сфера .

S: Grandmother: “Happy birthday, my dear!”

Grandchild: “_______________”+: Thank you for your present, grannie!

S: Passenger: “Thank you very much, you’ve been very helpful.”

Conductor: “______________________”+: You are welcome. Always glad to help you.

S: Hostess: Are you enjoying yourselves?

Guest: ______________+: Oh, yes, we’re having a fantastic time, thank you.

S: You: Can I borrow you mobile phone, please? I need to make a quick call to my mother.
Your friend: __________________+: OK, Here you are.

S: Jane: “Kate is twenty-one today, Michael.”
Michael: “_______________”+: Many happy returns, Kate!

S: Выберите реплику , наиболее соответствующую ситуации общения
Mother: “_______________”
Daughter: “Thank you!”+: Have a nice weekend!

S: Выберите реплику , наиболее соответствующую ситуации общения
Father: “I see you have a problem with a software task. Do we have to buy a computer for your home work?”
Son: “_________________”+: Sure, if only we can afford that.

S: Заполните пропуск
Hostess: Thank you for coming.
Guest: ________________+: Thank you for inviting us, it was a lovely evening.

S: Выберите реплику , наиболее соответствующую ситуации общения
John: “I have been waiting for you for two hours!”
Ann: “_______________”+: Sorry. It was wrong of me.

S: Выберите реплику, наиболее соответствующую ситуации общения
Ann: “I go shopping. Do you want to come with me?
Helen: “_______________”+: I’m afraid, I can’t. My parents are waiting for me.

S: Выберите реплику , наиболее соответствующую ситуации общения
Guest: “___________________”
Hostess: “Oh, I’m glad you enjoyed it.”+: The meal was absolutely delicious.

S: Выберите реплику , наиболее соответствующую ситуации общения
Mother: “_______________”
Daughter: “Thank you!”+: Have a nice weekend!

S: Выберите реплику , наиболее соответствующую ситуации общения
Daughter: “_____________________”
Mother: “You’d better return home now.”+: It looks like raining. I don’t know what to do.

Раздел 16 Профессиональная сфера .

S: Shop assistant: “Can I help you?”
Customer: “____________________”+: No, it’s all right, thanks, I’m just looking.

S: Secretary: “How was a trip?”
Employee: “____________________”+: Everything was fine but a bit tiring.

S: Manager: “____________________”
Secretary: “They’ve forgotten to send a price list with the catalogue.”+: What’s wrong with a price list?

S: Your business partner: ‘I’d like you to meet Mr. White.’
You: “_______________”+: Glad to meet you, Mr. White.

S: Employee 1: “Now, what we really need is a nice long holiday- both of us.”
Employee 2: “_______________”+: Please stop saying that! You know why we can’t leave our jobs at the moment.

S: Выберите реплику , наиболее соответствующую ситуации общения
Employee: “Are there any vacancies in our department?”
Manager: “____________________”+: I’m afraid, I don’t know. Please, ask somebody from the Personnel.

S: Выберите реплику , наиболее соответствующую ситуации общения
Interviewer: “Do you mind if I ask how old you are?”
Applicant: “____________________”-+ Actually, I’d rather not say. But put it this way, I’m about 40.

S: Выберите реплику , наиболее соответствующую ситуации общения
Boss: “All the workers of our plant are on strike!”
Secretary: “_______________”+: I can’t believe it!

S: Выберите реплику , наиболее соответствующую ситуации общения
Employee 1: “Now, what we really need is a nice long holiday- both of us.”
Employee 2: “_______”+: Please stop saying that! You know why we can’t leave our jobs at the moment.

S: Выберите реплику , наиболее соответствующую ситуации общения
Journalist: “____________________”
Head of a firm: “As a manager of the environmental business unit, he is responsible for a team of eight.”

+: How many are there in his team?

S: Выберите реплику, наиболее соответствующую ситуации общения
Consultant: “Why did you leave your last job?”
John: “____________________”+: I wanted to earn more money.

S: Выберите реплику , наиболее соответствующую ситуации общения
Interviewer: “Do you mind if I ask how old you are?”
Applicant: “____________________”+: Actually, I’d rather not say. But put it this way, I’m about 40.

S: Выберите реплику , наиболее соответствующую ситуации общения
Caller: “I’d like to speak to Mr Granger, please.”
Operator: “_______________”+: Hold the line, please. Trying to connect you.

S: Выберите реплику, наиболее соответствующую ситуации общения
Clerk: “How do you want your cash?”
Customer: “_______________”+: In tens and twenties, please


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