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Businesstravellers’ problems


Why do we need brands?

For the consumer-in-the-street, brands are the most visible parts of marketing. The brand name means not only the trademark but also, as a rule, the firm itself and its products or services. This name also includes the goodwill which shows additional value of goods and services. Brands are much more than just a product or service – they’re an attitude. Customers trust those trademarks which guarantee them good quality and design, a wide range for choice and good reputation of the products. When the product is promoted different kinds of advertising provide brand awareness, show its core values and create the brand image.

 A brand can be a name, a term or a symbol. It is used to differentiate a product from competitor’s products. The brand guaranteed a certain quality level. Brands should add value to products. It’s a synergy effect where by one plus one equals three. But customers must believe they get extra value for money. Branding means the use of advertising, design and other methods so that people could recognize and remember a particular product.

We need new brands because customers want new brands. They want choice they want a selection of different products. They like to rely on quality levels guaranteed by company. They like to trust products. It makes shopping so much caser for them. Also they like to identify with brands.

2. Characteristics of branded goods. Types of brands

Brand is the name of the product. It can be the name of the manufacturer or the name of supermarket. Historically, most products went unbranded. However, today branding has grown so strong that almost everything is branded. A brand name has become a vital part of product’s identity. A simple word or two comes to represent a wealth of associations. Really successful brands are ones that tap into emotion and that way they can inspire fierce of loyalty.

There are different types of brands. There are the stand alone brands or individual brands, for example Ariel, HaagenDaaz ice-cream or Marlboro cigarettes. They require separate marketing support. There's also the corporate branding, or family brands such as Heinz or Virgin, Marks and Spencer, Levis.

Besides individual and corporative brands, it exist such types of brands as classic brand, luxury brand and brand leader. Classic brand is a famous brand with a long history. Luxury brand is a brand associated with expensive, high quality products. Brand leader is the band with a largest market share.

Brand stretching – is a using a successful brand name to launch a product in a new category. Some brands easily stretch into other kinds of goods and services. Brand stretches best when they come from a high emotional starting point. One of the most successful brand-stretchers is Walt Disney, which has added merchandise shops, books, videos, games and theme parks to its original filmmaking. The move from making children’s cartoons to other products using the same figures appears a natural development.

(так просто для общего развития)Outsourcing and its impact on quality

The word outsourcing entered the business lexicon in 1990s and means transfer of part of the company’s functions to the outside supplier: most often this is transportation and storage of product in the manufacturer-consumer chain.

At present some famous western companies outsource production in Asia. Some common examples of outsourcing include manufacturing of components, computer programming, taxation, administration training, customer service, transportation of goods, privileges and compensations planning, payroll and other human resource functions.


3. Рroblems associated with luxury brands in low-cost countries

The most common reasons why companies decide to outsource include cost reduction and cost savings, the ability to focus its core business, access to more knowledge, talent and experience, and increased profits.

Almost every fashion label outside the top super-luxury brands is either already
manufacturing in Asia or thinking of it. Coach, the US leather goods maker, is a classis example. Over the past five years, it has lifted all its gross margins by manufacturing solely in low-cost markets. In March 2002 it closed its factory in Lares, Puerto Rico, its last company-owned plant, and outsources all its products.
Burberry has many Asian licensing arrangements. In 2000 it decided to renew Sanyo’s Japanese licence for 20 ten years. This means that almost half of Burberry’s sales at retail value will continue to be produced under licence in Asia. At the same time however, Japanese consumers prefer the group’s European-made products.
Sanyo is now creating to this demand for a snob alternative to the Burberry products made in its factories across Asia by opening a flagship store in Tokyo’s Ginza, where it sells Burberry products imported from Europe.
In interviews with the FT, many executives says the top luxury brands will continue to be seen, particularly in Asia, as European. Domenico De Sole of Gucci says “ The Asian Consumer really dos believe – whether it’s true or not – that luxury comes from Europe and must be made there to be the best.’
Serge Weinberg, Chief Executive of Pinault Printemps Redoute, which controls Gucci, says it will not move Gucci’s production of shore. Yet some in the industry recognize that change may be round the corner even for the superluxury brands. Patrizio Bertelli, Chief Executive of Prada, says: ’ The “Made in Italy” label is important but what we are really offering is a style, and style is an expression of culture.’ He therefore recognizes that quality fashion items may not always need to be produced in italy.
Amitava Chattopadhyay, professor of marketing at Insead, the business school, says: ’ A brand is a set of associations in the mind of the consumer and one of these is the country of origin.. For luxury goods, the role of the brand is crucial. To damage it is a cardinal sin and no brand manager will want to get the balance between manufacturing location and the brand image wrong’.






Real leaders: born or made?



The age-old question continues to raise its ugly head: Are leaders born to lead, or are they made? Does Leadership DNA exist? We often point to one person or the other and say, “Now, he’s a leader, ” without giving a lot of thought to how this person became a leader in the first place. Sometimes it is easy to simply conclude that some of us have the leadership gene and some of us do not.


Fear not, there is hope for the rest of us because here is some very good news: Leadership DNA is a myth. There is no such thing as a natural ability to lead that exists within some of us while remaining absent in others. A closer examination of those leaders we often hold in high regard, those we refer to as role models, will reveal one common characteristic among all of them. They all have a burning desire to lead, to be influential, motivational, and take responsibility for themselves and others. But What makes these leaders effective? It is not a natural ability; it is their desire to lead people, combined with a set of learned skills that they apply as leaders.


So, I think It’s a difficult question. But on my mind a leader has to have abilities that can be developed but cannot be cultivated in case of their absence. To confirm my words I can add, that the main traits of leader are: intellect, purposefulness, resolution, charismatic, adventurous, energetic, fairness and risk. Above else good leaders are open-minded. They go up, down, and around their organizations to reach people. They don’t stick to established channels. They’re informal. They’re straight with people. They make a religion out of been accessible. One of the things about leadership is that you cannot be a moderate, balanced, thoughtful, careful articulator of policy. You’ve got to be on the lunatic fringe. I guess that the majority of these qualities cannot be got during a life.





Fair trade is an organized social movement and market-based approach that aims to help producers in developing countries to make better trading conditions and promote sustainability. The movement advocates the payment of a higher price to exporters as well as higher social and environmental standards. It focuses in particular on exports from developing countries to developed countries, most notably handicrafts, coffee, cocoa, sugar, tea, bananas, honey, cotton, wine, fresh fruit, chocolate, flowers, and gold.


Key principles

Fairtrade is an alternative approach to conventional trade and is based on a partnership between producers and consumers. Fairtrade offers producers a better deal and improved terms of trade. This allows them the opportunity to improve their lives and plan for their future. Fairtrade offers consumers a powerful way to reduce poverty through their every day shopping.

Тhe minimum price paid to Fairtrade producers is determined by the Fairtrade standards. It applies to most Fairtrade certified products. This price ensures that producers can cover their average costs of sustainable production. It acts as a safety net for farmers at times when world markets fall below a sustainable level. Without this, farmers are completely at the mercy of the market.

When the market price is higher than the Fairtrade minimum, the buyer must pay the higher price. Producers and traders can also negotiate higher prices on the basis of quality and other attributes.

Fairtrade standards exist for food products ranging from tea and coffee to fresh fruits and nuts. There are also standards for non-food products such as flowers and plants, sports balls and seed cotton.



Consumers have been shown to be content paying higher prices for Fairtrade products, in the belief that this helps the very poor.] The main ethical criticism of Fairtrade is that this premium over non-Fairtrade products does not reach the producers and is instead collected by businesses, employees of co-operatives or used for unnecessary expenses. Furthermore, research has cited the implementation of certain Fairtrade standards as a cause for greater inequalities in markets where these rigid rules are inappropriate for the specific market.[35]


Little money reaches the Third World. The Fairtrade Foundation does not monitor how much extra retailers charge for Fairtrade goods, so it is rarely possible to determine how much extra is charged or how much reaches the producers, in spite of the Unfair Trading legislation.

One British café chain was passing on less than one percent of the extra charged to the exporting cooperative; consumers paid much more for Fairtrade, and only 11.5% reached the exporter. US Fairtrade coffee getting $5 per pound extra at retail, of which the exporter would have received only 2%. It was calculated that in the UK only 1.6% to 18% of the extra charged for one product line reached the farmer. All these studies assume that the importers paid the full Fairtrade price, which is not necessarily the case



The whole " fair trade" concept is a complete lie. It is, in fact, a way for western companies to buy organic and cheap products that brings them huge profits. I understand they idea of a profitable, but getting great stuff for almost no money at all and disguising your 100% materialistic approach in a " fair trade" concept is repulsive.


In Russia:

Fair trade as social movement in Russia is almost non-existent and consists, on the one hand, of few separate active workers and small groups, and on the other is presented by some manufacturers (for example Clipper, Qi-Teas )

I had never seen any fair trade labels on any locally produced item bought in Russia.



o much of doing business involves bargaining that it's a shame so few people have a natural aptitude for it. Still, there's hope for the rest of us, especially if we learn from those who have mastered the art of negotiation. In 7 Secrets of Great Entrepreneurial Masters, business coach Allen Fishman offers these techniques he has learned from decades of working with top entrepreneurs and applied in his own negotiations:

1. Provide information to build trust
Tell your negotiating partner something meaningful he didn't already know. When Fishman's team conducted due diligence on one potential acquisition, it uncovered serious problems unknown to the current owner. Fishman revealed the problems to the owner and urged him to fix them even if the deal fell through. The owner's suspicion dissipated and they got down to serious talks.

2. Find the final decision-maker
Your first meeting might be with a subordinate who was sent to handle the early stages of bargaining yet acts as if she has the full power to negotiate a deal. If you ask her directly whether she has the authority to finalize the transaction in all respects, you'll likely get an honest answer, but she might not volunteer this fact. If you assume she's the final decision-maker, you might make all your concessions to her and have no ammunition left to offer the person with the power.

3. Keep it impersonal
Focus on the action you wish to achieve, not on whether you like your negotiating partner. Although he may have needs that conflict with yours, treat him as a person playing a role, not an enemy.

4. Use questions to pry open undisclosed information
If you ask a series of fact-gathering questions about the potential agreement, you might uncover a deal changer or breaker. Often you'll learn something your opponent wasn't hiding but simply hadn't thought about. Fishman once asked the owner of a real-estate property he wanted to buy whether the owner had any tax needs the deal's structure could help address. The potential seller had never thought of this possibility, so hadn't brought it up. But once Fishman heard the owner's tax concerns, he called a top tax attorney who found a way to address them. That paved the way to a deal.

5. React to body language
Many people reveal non-verbally that they're not as adamant about a negotiating point as they claim. When Fishman was negotiating a strategic alliance, he understood that his opponent's pursed lips meant that even though she was apparently rejecting a term he saw as essential to the deal she didn't in fact have her heart set on turning down the alliance. Without registering any emotion, he reworded the question slightly to change a minor factor in his proposed terms. She agreed without hesitation.

6. Laugh off intimidation tactics
In one negotiation Fishman witnessed, a six-foot-three man who towered nine inches over his negotiating partner moved in nearly nose-to-nose to put himself in the power position. But the shorter man didn't get rattled or angry. Instead, he smiled sweetly and said, " Jim, you're invading my space. If you want to get anywhere with our discussion, you'll have to back off."

7. Be the one with superior " butt power"
Many negotiations are won because the losing side lacks the patience to sit in endless meetings. Your own sense of urgency to conclude a deal can be your worst enemy, and an opponent who senses this might try to pressure you into a hasty deal by setting an arbitrary deadline. Ask yourself whether there's a logical reason for the deadline to exist. Some of the best deals are made long after a " final" deadline has expired.



Every day new and new companies appear in the world. If you have decided to create a business with the revenues of 1 million $ a month you need money. And the main question is where can you get it for company`s development.

And I`d like to tell you about one of the main part of economy, about investment. But to understand it clearly, we need to know its classification.

First of all, investing activity is an investments and taking practical actions to make it profit. Investments have many classifications: facility, by maturity, the form of ownership and so on. But I`d like to present you the main purpose of investing. They distinguish:

· Directed

· Portfolio

· Real

· Non-financial

· Smart investments

Directed are investments funds in the material production in order to participate in enterprise management. These types provide possession of a controlling stake.

Portfolio investment is a passive ownership of securities, such as company bonds and shares and doesn`t provide for investor participation on the part of the company`s management.

What about real investments or, in other words, capital investments – a cash funds of capital goods – machinery, buildings and land.

Non-financial associated with investments in the investment project – a legally valid rights, licenses, know-how and so on.

And the last one associated with the training of specialists, conducting courses and many others.

As a rule, depositors invest in high-return business or contribute to the near gain in overall sales. Making decisions investors trust the view of their business – analytics team which calculates if the investor gets profit or puts his investment in risk. Unfortunately, we often can see and hear histories about unsuccessful investing. Let`s see factors affecting investment decisions.

Firstly, the mail criterion for investment is investor confidence in the profitability of the project. It`s very important for a depositor to know that his investment will not only return, but also generate income!

Secondly, a substantial investment criterion is the possibility to «exit» of the investor. Because everybody knows about such definitions like risk and liquidity of company. Here we have in mind the possibility of an investor to sell his shares of the capital by the end of the period of investment.

The third criterion is a cycle of the company`s development. Majority of investor are prefer to finance project that is in stage of rise, because it`s not profitable to invest stagnation or downturn company.

Try to meet the investor in all of these factors, then the probability of investment will significantly increase your project and your company will never be liquid.



The profit for any enterprise is the difference between revenues and expenditures for the period. Our company is engaged in consulting projects and almost all of our projects are reduced to a simple problem - increasing the profits of the enterprise. Whether the problem is to increase revenue, which - in order to ultimately increase the profits of the enterprise. Whether it is the task of optimizing the operation of the company, business processes, reduce costs - also for the fact that to increase the profits of the enterprise.

Factors affecting the increase in profits

The main factors affecting the decrease in revenue, are: The absence of a clear strategy for the enterprise; Not aligned business processes; Blurring of responsibility and authority; Lack of motivation; Lack of planning; The lack of timely accounting transparency.

Increase profits by reducing costs

The most obvious way to increase profits which seek refuge managers are reducing costs, wages, population, etc. We believe that this is premature, if not defined strategy and vision of the future of the enterprise. If your strategy was listed turnover increase by 2-3 times in the near future, it is likely that the fixed costs rise, the number of staff also need a little more. Therefore, to reduce the staff may be premature, it may be necessary just to send it to the solution of the required tasks, motivate you in the right amounts. As fixed costs it makes sense to establish a clear record and normalize them.

Methods and ways to increase profits

First, in life there are always companies that congestion in one area then another, then the suffering acceptance of orders, the supply, production, and so it is important to solve problems in the first place on the narrow stretch of limiting the growth in sales volumes. If you sell everything you produce, decide the question of how to produce more if it is impossible to optimize production, then you need to find additional production or suppliers, etc. Second, identify the strengths and strengthen their businesses, so that would be your strengths are - the undisputed competitive advantage and feature of your business.Third, to increase profits, it is necessary to solve the basic questions that should have been done a long time, but for some reason they were deposited.

Determinants of success of a project to increase profits

The determining factor in the success of the project to increase profits, a strong desire to grow leaders and get great results, ready for the upcoming leadership changes, willingness to change if necessary, personnel, etc. Intention of management to increase profits should be unconditional. If the owner or manager decides to move to a new level, and for this it is necessary to change the enterprise business processes, the format operation, organizational structure, then the management decision shall not affect the desire or the desire of employees to change their preferred habitat.


The problem of good`s quality isn`t new, because every day we have a possibility to see bad-quality goods in markets. And today I`d like to tell you about quality in various aspects.

First of all, quality is the elimination of variation or conformity to specification things should turn out as they were designed and intended to be.

For assessment of level of quality are used a system of characteristic of high-quality goods. Of course, its different for every type of production, but universal partly and the most important are technical indicators:

1. Indicators of use (functional requirements). Characterize the ability of products to effectively perform its function. They can be divided into the following groups:

· performance requirements. Indicators include the necessary power, capacity, speed and other developed that characterize the function performed;

· efficiency requirements. Characterize the degree of efficiency of use of the product as intended, such as energy performance (efficiency losses), kinematic (movement accuracy), power (the stability of the load), etc.;

· design requirements. Characterize the advantages of the chosen design, such as weight and dimensions;

2. Reliability. Consist of a combination of the following properties:

· durability;

· maintainability;

· persistence;

3. Performance ergonomics. Characterize the properties of the social product as part of the man-machine systems: the preservation of human health through the increased ease of use (conformity of anthropometric, psychosocial, psychological, psycho-physiological and hygienic measures), the full development of human personality;

4. The safety record. Characterize the possible exception of accidents during normal and unskilled work, with random acts of man and the impact of the environment, emergency and extreme situations, as well as in the manufacture of products (on a standard, and especially dangerous work). Types of safety: chemicals, radiation, mechanical, electrical, magnetic, electromagnetic, thermal, sanitary, fire;

5. Indicators of environmental performance. Characterize the fitness of the product to coexist with nature and habitat of living organisms, to share with them the energy (for example, the impact of heat into the surrounding space), a substance (eg, food contamination environment deterioration, leakage of lubricating oils) and signals (eg, izdavanie whistle, noise);

6. Indicators of aesthetics. Characterize the expression of beauty in external images of the product: the expressiveness of information, rational form, perfection of execution, the stability of the presentation, the integrity of the species;

7. Indicators of utilization. Describe ways to eliminate the product at the end of its operation during the removal and proper disposal;

8. Design and technology indicators. Characterize the effectiveness of technical solutions. Includes the following indicators:

· levels of standardization and continuity;

· indicators of adaptability. Characterize the possibility of producing goods (manufacturing and assembly with the specified quality level) with the lowest production costs in the shortest possible time;

· Indicators of transportability. Characterize the properties of the product at minimal cost to move it in space (within the production facilities, from the producer to the seller and, further, to the consumer), for example, the average batch discharge from the car, the maximum capacity utilization of the vehicle;

· performance persistence. Characterize the ability of the product does not depend (to be protected) from the adverse effects of the environment (climate, accidental or intentional).

It`s understandable that things are better made today than 20 years ago, and even small manufacturing companies apply for the certification of the certification of the international organization of standardization.

ISO 9000 is a series of international standards that that describe the requirements for management system of quality.

A series of ISO was developed by the Technical Committee 176 of the International Organization for Standardization (ISO).

A series of ISO 9000 was revised several times:

1. the first version was prepared in 1987

2. the second was released in 1994

3. the third was developed in 2000. Version 1994 has been radically revised

4. the fourth version of the standards published in 2005

Output of the fifth version of standards planned for 2012.

ISO 9000 adopted by more than 190 countries around the world as a national.

Certificate of compliance with ISO 9000 requires companies:

1. operating in such markets or with such customers that require such a certificate;

2. working in the sectors of the economy, public or corporate controlled so that the Certificate of ISO 9000 is required.

And in conclusion I`d like to say that good`s quality is the biggest problem in Russia. We have been trying to join the WTO for 18 years, because there is no effective certification of products, to my mind. I don`t know how and when our government will think about changing of a system, but not only dream of it will the best by itself. I think we need more strict low of production. First of all, don`t give licenses and insurances to irresponsible entrepreneurs for money and may be it will be better in Russia.



Concept of quality - historical background

The concept of quality as we think of it now first emerged out of the Industrial Revolution. Previously goods had been made from start to finish by the same person or team of people, with handcrafting and tweaking the product to meet 'quality criteria'. Mass production brought huge teams of people together to work on specific stages of production where one person would not necessarily complete a product from start to finish. In the late 19th century pioneers such as Frederick Winslow Taylor and Henry Ford recognized the limitations of the methods being used in mass production at the time and the subsequent varying quality of output. Birland established Quality Departments to oversee the quality of production and rectifying of errors, and Ford emphasized standardization of design and component standards to ensure a standard product was produced. Management of quality was the responsibility of the Quality department and was implemented by Inspection of product output to 'catch' defects.

Application of statistical control came later as a result of World War production methods, and were advanced by the work done of W. Edwards Deming, a statistician, after whom the Deming Prize for quality is named. Joseph M. Juran focused more on managing for quality. The first edition of Juran's Quality Control Handbook was published in 1951. He also developed the " Juran's trilogy, " an approach to cross-functional management that is composed of three managerial processes: quality planning, quality control and quality improvement. These functions all play a vital role when evaluating quality.

Quality, as a profession and the managerial process associated with the quality function, was introduced during the second-half of the 20th century, and has evolved since then. Over this period, few other disciplines have seen as many changes as the quality profession.

The quality profession grew from simple control, to engineering, to systems engineering. Quality control activities were predominant in the 1940s, 1950s, and 1960s. The 1970s were an era of quality engineering and the 1990s saw quality systems as an emerging field. Like medicine, accounting, and engineering, quality has achieved status as a recognized profession.



An organisation’s achieving profitability by satisfying employees, customers and society as a result of

active participation of the employees and continious improvement in all processes.




· Hotelowners

· Employees

· Guests

· Society


Expectations of Hotel owners


1. High profit

2. High quality service

3. Guest loyalty

4. Continuity

5. Governmentpolicies


Expectations of Employees’


1. Continuity

2. Suitable salary policies

3. On time payment

4. Socialrightsandopportunities


Expectations of Guests’


1. High quality goods & services

(cleanings, food& beverages, entertainment,

sports, security, technical equipment …)

2. Continuity

3. Improvement

4. Involvement

5. Whatever they have in their dreams


Expectations of Society


1. Contribution to the economy

2. Creating Employment Opportunities

3. Cultural Enrichment

4. Continuity


Everyone concentrates on continuity.


Conditions for obtaining continuity ( sustainability )


_ Government policies

_ Existence of vision in the organisations

_ Quality & system perspective of the


_ Opportunities for training & development

_ Planning The Sources

_ Correct sales policies

_ Employment of the suitable personnel


Government Policies


_ A consistent policy for tourism. ( publicity, marketing, municipalities, infrastructure)

_ Following the changes

_ Supporting innovation

_ To internalize the modern

approaches for management

_ Creating an atmosphere for

continuous improvement


Vision in the Organisations


_ Following the changes

_ Supporting innovation

_ To internalize the modern

approaches for management

_ Creating an atmosphere for

continuous improvement


Quality & System Perspective

of the Organisations


_ A planned work arrangement

_ Proactive approach

_ Obtaining of healthy communication between different types of processes

_ A shared common sensitivity

_ A system that is independent of the persons, yet including the persons.

_ Ability of following the results for the relevant planned activities



Training, Development and Selection of Personnel


_ Difficulty of finding qualified personnel

_ Difficulty of finding managers open to improvement

_ Difficulty of creating the time, man and money sources for training

_ The place of training conscious in the culture of the organisation

_ Seasonal changes for personnel turnover and its reflection on the service quality

_ Communication problems of the people from different cultural and educational level as of being at the same management situation


Correct Sales Policies


_ Adaptation to the market conditions effected by repeating crisis.

_ Cooperating with the suitable markets.

_ Negative effects of the rate changes over the budget limitations, caused by the market competitions

(consultancy, training programs)


Advantages – Disadvantages for TQM


_ There is always “ something ” to be done to overcome crisis that arise continiously

_ We are selling a dream, expectations of the guests are unlimited

_ We are always face to face with the guest

_ We are naturally guest-focused.

_ A labor-based work branch

_ Circulation of staff

_ Long working hours that are exhausting


Main targets of quality management in hotel industry


_ A leader that supports participation

_ Correct sales policies

_ Targets that are monitored

_ Making changes

Unconditional guest satisfaction

_ Weekly evaluations and improvements

_ Continious trainings

_ Conscious of system

_ Audits

_ Conscious of Quality



_ Quality Management System

_ Food Safety Management System

_ Occupational Health & Safety Management System

_ Environmental Management System

_ Customer Satisfaction & Complaint Management System


Quality Management System


_ Defining the quality policy.

_ Creating a documentation and registration system.

_ Evaluating functional units as processes. Performance criterias and targets are set and monitored.

Holding questionnaires for the Guests, Employees, Travel Agencies, Suppliers and cross functional one for department heads.

_ Making internal and external audits. (for 5 systems )

_ Following corrective and preventive actions (for 5 systems)

_ Following nonconforming products & service (for 5 systems)

_ Training plans (basic trainings for 5 systems, personel development, communications, internal trainings

for departments, on the job trainings)


Food Safety Management System


_ Defining Prerequisite programs.

_ Making risk analysis, HACCP plans

_ Setting critical control points

_ Microbiologically analysis of the food they produce, including water.

_ Directing & following the allergic guests

_ Monthly (or more often) informing audits by an independent company for food safety.

_ Having daily food engineers’ audits

_ Planning basic hygiene trainings and on job trainings.


Occupational Health & Safety Management System


_ Applying the legal conditions.

_ Setting the risks and planned the actions.

_ Setting the rules for working areas and putting warnings.

_ Following the state of health of the employees by company doctor.

_ Making routine health controls for our employees, even not asked legally. (eye)

_ Health & Safety Committee consists of volunteer personnels of different departments who are

reporting in written.

_ Registry industrial accident, occupational disease, doctor examines and incidents


Environmental Management System

_ Applying the legal conditions.

_ Setting the risks and planning the actions.Keeping the use of natural sources under control.

_ _ Giving trainings on environment.

_ Setting apart our waste as organics, glass, metal, plastic, paper, vegetable oil and hazardeous waste.

_ Noise, emission of chimneys, emissions of vehicles, grounding, pressure of compressors, discharge of sewing works should be measured and followed. (common with OHSAS )

_ Having Environment Committee which consists of volunteer personnels of different departments


Customer Satisfaction & Complaint Management System

_ Making basic system trainings and communication trainings on “ Changing the Complaints to Satisfaction ”for the personnels of different departments

_ “Your criticism is a gift for us! ” should be your slogan

_ Personnel with these special rosettes have mission of accepting complaints and passing them to Guest Relations.

_ Following complaints, suggestions and demands previously, registering them

_ Setting performance periods. ( Day& night )

1. Time between accepting the complaint and informing Guest


2. Time between Guest Relations’ being informed and passing

the complaint to relevant department

3. Time for the solution of the department

4. Time for Guest Relations’ returning to the guest.


TQM is a set of management practices throughout the organization, geared to ensure the organization consistently meets or exceeds customer requirements. TQM places strong focus on process measurement and controls as means of continuous improvement.

Before reading more about TQM, it might be helpful to quickly review the major forms of quality management in an organization. These are briefly described at the top of the Quality Management topic.

7 Important Principles of Total Quality Management

© Copyright Quin Harris

Total Quality Management (TQM) is an approach that organizations use to improve their internal processes and increase customer satisfaction. When it is properly implemented, this style of management can lead to decreased costs related to corrective or preventative maintenance, better overall performance, and an increased number of happy and loyal customers.

However, TQM is not something that happens overnight. While there are a number of software solutions that will help organizations quickly start to implement a quality management system, there are some underlying philosophies that the company must integrate throughout every department of the company and at every level of management. Whatever other resources you use, you should adopt these seven important principles of Total Quality Management as a foundation for all your activities.

Quality must be measurable

A quality management system is only effective when you can quantify the results. You need to see how the process is implemented and if it is having the desired effect. This will help you set your goals for the future and ensure that every department is working toward the same result.


Bureaucratic Structures

Bureaucratic structures maintain strict hierarchies when it comes to people management. There are three types of bureaucratic structures:

Pre-bureaucratic structures

This type of organizations lacks the standards. Usually this type of structures can be observed in small scale, start-up companies. Usually the structure is centralized and there is only one key decision maker.

The communication is done in one-on-one conversations. This type of structures is quite helpful for small organizations due to the fact that the founder has the full control over all the decisions and operations.

Bureaucratic structures

These structures have a certain degree of standardization. When the organizations grow complex and large, bureaucratic structures are required for management. These structures are quite suitable for tall organizations.

Post-bureaucratic structures

The organizations that follow post- bureaucratic structures still inherit the strict hierarchies, but open to more modern ideas and methodologies. They follow techniques such as total quality management (TQM), culture management etc.


Functional Structure

The organization is divided into segments based on the functions when managing. This allows the organization to enhance the efficiencies of these functional groups. As an example, take a software company.

Software engineers will only staff the entire software development department. This way, management of this functional group becomes easy and effective.

Functional structures appear to be successful in large organization that produces high volumes of products at low costs. The low cost can be achieved by such companies due to the efficiencies within functional groups.

In addition to such advantages, there can be disadvantage from an organizational perspective if the communication between the functional groups is not effective. In this case, organization may find it difficult to achieve some organizational objectives at the end.

Divisional Structure

These types of organizations divide the functional areas of the organization to divisions. Each division is quipped with its own resources in order to function independently. There can be many bases to define divisions.

divisions can be defined based on the geographical basis, products / services basis, or any other measurement.

 As an example, take a company such as General Electrics. It can have microwave division, turbine division, etc., and these divisions have their own marketing teams, finance teams etc. In that sense, each division can be considered as a micro-company with the main organization.

Matrix Structure

When it comes to matrix structure, the organization places the employees based on the function and the product.

 The matrix structure gives the best of the both worlds of functional and divisional structures.

In this type of an organization, the company uses teams to complete tasks. The teams are formed based on the functions they belong to (ex: software engineers) and product they involved in (ex: Project A).

 This way, there are many teams in this organization such as software engineers of project A, software engineers of project B, QA engineers of project A, etc.



Every organization needs a structure in order to operate systematically. The organizational structures can be used by any organization if the structure fits into the nature and the maturity of the organization.

 In most cases, organizations evolve through structures when they progress through and enhance their processes and manpower. One company may start as a pre-bureaucratic company and may evolve up to a matrix organization.


Tendency, however

Theoretically, the staff’s directors are loyal to the flexible schedule, but in practice they are not delighted with the wish of the employee to plan working day at his will.

On the one hand, development of the new electronic technologies, computers with Internet access, multifunctional phones and faxes make the work at home the reality of modern time.On the other hand, the situation to jacks choose working hours by themselves is inconvenient and unusual for employers.

The progress is unstoppable. Flexible schedule is becoming customary practice in developed countries, but Russia is behind in this aspect. During last 10-15 years good form among Russian executives is to stay day and night (spend all their time) in the offices.


There are three kinds of flexible operating schedule: individual, by turns and free.


Schedule in turns

More and more executives want to work in turns. The advantage of this kind of flexible schedule is that workers may exchange the turns due to private conditions.


Free schedule

This is a dream for individualists and creative persons. Free schedule is a imprescriptible attribute for a long raw of professions such as journalists, copywriters, designers, artists, coaches and event-managers.


Pros and Cons?


Here are the reasons why chiefs do not like flexible operating schedule.

First of all, it does not suit to the workers who have no inner discipline. Such kind of employees can achieve their aims only under chief’s control otherwise they prefer to attend to their own business rather than cope with problems of the company. Moreover, there are some difficulties in the sphere of coordination among executives to work in different time.

From the point of view of employers the main advantage of flexible operating schedule is the opportunity to cope with difficult job in convenience time for concrete executive ( it is very important in cases to be needed both creativity and highest possible professional efficiency).

Although, flexible operating schedule has not become very popular in Russia, lots of companies suggest that it is a good motivator. It is useful in companies where the considerable part of work is done individually without cooperation with other workers. Working in such way requires high level of self-orzanisation and skill to authorize the trust.


No matter the size of your company, having a team of motivated, hard-working employees is crucial to your business success. When people lose their motivation, however, their job performance suffers -- they become less productive, less creative, less of an asset to the company. The bottom line: You pay a heavy price when employees have motivation issues.

We present 10 simple ways to ensure your team is enthused, productive, and ready to give their all.

1. Build a Foundation

It's important to build a solid foundation for your employees so they feel invested in the company.

Tell them about the history of the business and your vision for the future. Ask them about their expectations and career goals, as well as how you can help them feel like part of the team. When any new employee starts, make sure they receive a thorough welcome orientation.

2. Create a Positive Environment

Promote an office atmosphere that makes all employees feel worthwhile and important. Don't play favorites with your staff. Keep office doors open, and let folks know they can always approach you with questions or concerns. After all, a happy office is a productive office.

3. Put People on the Right Path

Most employees are looking for advancement opportunities within their own company. Work with each of them to develop a career growth plan that takes into consideration both their current skills and their future goals. If employees become excited about what's down the road, they will become more engaged in their present work.

4. Educate the Masses

Help employees improve their professional skills by providing on-the-job training or in-house career development. Allow them to attend workshops and seminars related to the industry. Encourage them to attend adult education classes paid for by the company. Employees will feel you are investing in them, and this will translate into improved job performance.

5. Don't Forget the Fun

Once in a while, you have put work aside and do something nice for the people who work for you.

Treat the office to a pizza lunch or take everyone to the movies. Reward employees with an unexpected day off or by closing the office early on a random Friday afternoon. These little diversions can go a long way toward improving productivity.

6. Acknowledge Contributions

You can make a huge difference in employee morale by simply taking the time to recognize each employee's contributions and accomplishments, large or small. Don't take it for granted that your workers know they've done well -- be generous with praise.

7. Provide Incentives

Offer people incentives to perform well, either with something small like a gift certificate or something more substantial such as a performance-based bonus or salary increase.

Also, give out " Employee of the Month" awards. Such tokens of appreciation will go far in motivating employees.

8. Honor Your Promises

Getting people to give their all requires following through on promises. If you tell an employee that they will be considered for a bonus if numbers improve or productivity increases, you'd better put your money where your mouth is. Failure to follow through on promises will result in a loss of trust -- not only that person's trust, but the trust of every employee who hears the story.

9. Provide Career Coaching

Help employees reach the next level professionally by providing on-site coaching. Bring in professionals to provide one-on-one counseling, which can help people learn how to overcome personal or professional obstacles on their career paths.

10. Match Tasks to Talents

You can improve employee motivation by improving employee confidence. Assign individuals with tasks you know they will enjoy or will be particularly good at. An employee who is successful at one thing will have the self-confidence to tackle other projects with renewed energy and excitement.


How to improve work efficiency

 5-year work less than people who will complain that the regular work of the task, do not have the time to learn. Is not it time? If you ask the staff for five years of work, they always say, is to work, if work more on so quickly, less so on slowly, where things do not, let's say that leadership. Let us put aside the old staff here, management problems, but from the staff of the old and new dialogue, we can see the obvious, said the new staff did not have time to study, because the efficiency is not high.  In the end those factors that lead to a new low efficiency of the staff, did not have time to do the same? According to the large number of new staff performance, mainly in the following areas. Not enough work skills the new human workplace, as a result of the work of the unfamiliar, even in a period of time to fully grasp the skill level of the work, because of the needs of the job, the other had to re-learn other skills. A few years’ time, due to the uncertainty of future development, and look forward to more Xuediandongxi to enhance their abilities, but also hope that more Xuediandongxi to determine their own career-oriented. This is a direct result of a new staff of the new field of on-the-job skills of the unskilled, naturally led to the slow pace of work, not the performance. The work of the skills shortage, a new humanity, should be established at an early stage of their career-oriented, to a certain number of their ability to increase rapidly, making their own practice in the area of capacity to the maximum in order to save time. The concept of time is not strong. The new workplace humanity, the universality of the concept is not much time left. To see things done on their own working hours there is no specific arrangements, their time is not clear how the loss is in the end, they do not understand the time is reasonable. An account to get the task of leadership is not clear how long they can do, not in the subconscious of the concept of mandatory. The concept of time is not strong, should be from 2 to proceed with regard to deal with.       

1, understand their allocation of time to find out the reasons for the waste, analysis of how to solve this problem a waste of time;

2, to establish and strengthen the concept of time, the use of the records of daily schedule of work, time to make it clear that this hour I do? Lack of coordinating the work of this capability, with a new job in human's in direct proportion to the length of time. This lack of ability to make reasonable arrangements for the new humanity cannot own, cannot be in accordance with the priorities, rational organization of work, often leading to a mission not completed because supervisors urged the other tasks, but quickly backed down from its original mandate to complete the boss Urgent tasks, such as the supervisor of the emergency task completed, their first task to do it because for a long time and had to be re-thinking clean-up resulted in a waste of time. For coordinating the work capacity, need to be addressed in the following areas.  

1, the first time has been identified by the task list, and in accordance with the established arrangements for the other time interval efforts;

  2, and gradually develop their own ability to schedule, according to their own preferences, will be the task in an appropriate time frame;

   3, similar to the work schedule to minimize subjective thinking on the change;

   4, the work should not be too over the row, has always been to retain a certain degree of flexibility in their own time. Lack of ability to break down tasks

   Some of the complexity of the work of the players for many years, will close this complex work of dismantling and gradually classification to be completed in all. However, a new humanity does not have the ability to break down tasks, which led to a lack of ideas cannot gain the upper hand, YueXiangyue complicated, not very good system for completing the work.

  The mission's ability to break down less, this time to retain the human need for a new project management concept, both big and small things small, are in accordance with the project to deal with the case, the issue caught on the break down by category, step by step to the completion of their work to form their own Ability to break down tasks.      

 In fact, they have the capacity; a new human mankind has entered the ranks of the elderly. At this point, if you asked him, he would like to answer the above as a matter of time.






Adopt a Sense of Urgency

 Once you make the decision to fill a position, be committed, make your hiring decisions quickly. Meet your goal of hiring the " best candidate" in the shortest amount of time. Indecision and time delays may send a message to the candidate about the company's lack of focus. Streamline the hiring process. The greater the talent of the candidate, the shorter the time he/she will be available and the better the " recruiting" you will have to do to gain their respect. The time involved in interviewing, evaluating, and hiring can be greatly reduced by having all participants in the process present for each step, ready to participate, and ready to make decisions.  This will eliminate third and fourth interviews.

 Cost/Benefit Analysis

 The main reason companies miss hiring their best candidate is that they misjudge the pay rate, benefits, perks, etc., necessary for the best quality candidate to accept the position. Good people are an investment not an expense. Extend your best offer the first time--don't play games. Keep abreast of changing salary scales and price your jobs competitively. Make sure you know the market's going rate. Listen to the candidates concerns and produce an offer, which is realistic. Add 10-15% to their present salary plus the cost of living to ensure you DO NOT LOSE TOP QUALITY CANDIDATES OVER SMALL DETAILS.

 Advice to Employers: Timing is Everything

 Corporate America's traditional interviewing, evaluating, and hiring processes are causing companies to " let the good one's get away." The following guidelines have been established to help hiring managers get qualified candidates before their competitors do. Companies should:

1) Conduct telephone interviews within two to three days of becoming aware of a qualified candidate to establish interest on both sides.

2) Arrange the first face to face interview within a week.

3) Extend your best offer within 48 hours of the final interview.

Today's Candidate

 Today's market is candidate-driven and critical-skills-driven! The Hiring Manager's responsibility is to " sell" the quality, financial stability, and advancement opportunities of your company to the candidates. The limited resource you are competing for is the best-qualified candidate.

The Bottom Line

 Slow response time is causing many companies to lose their most valuable resource, personnel. Companies are allowing top candidates to go to competitors, leaving positions unfilled which can costs millions of dollars of lost revenues! Why? The # 1 reason that companies' openings go unfilled is that companies move too slowly to interview or extend an offer. Companies that move quickly to hire gain a huge competitive advantage. They get top talent and maintain full staffing levels.

Get The Best Help Available

 Most companies use professional recruiters from time to time. Instead of working with dozens of recruiters, create a " preferred list" of a few recruiters or one recruiter based on their performance and attention to your needs. This will save you time and money and maximize your results. Include a recruiter in your company's hiring team. A recruiter will help you structure and extend a job offer to the candidate. A good recruiter will possess the skills to help you structure a winning offer and help the candidate accept it. REMEMBER THAT YOU GET WHAT YOU PAY FOR.


How to retain and motivate high-calibre staff? Empowerment and self-development

People can change place of work because of different reasons, for example it can be ambition of empowerment or inability to realize skills, if a person wants to change abiding-place, or something. It’s obvious that employee stays where there are more benefits for him. Benefits may be different for every worker – for someone the most important thing in his work is stability, for another one is pleasure of working.

To “shake” valuable employees, you can transfer them to other departments and order difficult tasks in unfamiliar areas. Also, almost everyone will be interested in international missions and internships, flexible systems of incentives. I can continue, but first of all you have to ask employee about his wishes and desires, and act, according to responses. Making worker loyal to your company is a permanent process of making him motivated and interested in job, almost from the first step in his career ladder. And when employee announces his desire to leave, it’s vital to keep yourself in the hands, not to make employee feeling guilty or something. You have to act like psychotherapist and discuss with him the problem and the ways of its solving.

So, the main conclusion of the text below, if you want to retain high-calibre staff you have to give them a challenge of the job, so they can realize all their skills and learn something new and needful.



Ethics and morality are classified as philosophical rather than economic terms. However attempts to reconcile the moral and ethnic criteria to business practices are constantly being made. And these two sides of a coin are interesting for my and today I will talk about business morality, ethics and responsibility.

Firstly let`s see basic «for» and «against» in ethical business behavior. Employees should follow the code of good practice in the first place. Under this code they should not use work facilities for private purposes as well, that is to ring in sick, when they are quite well. It is unethical to accept praise for someone else`s work and fake extended lunch breaks. Of course, they must not claim extra expenses, benefiting from their professional duties. In a nutshell, they should be disciplined and honest.

Under the code of business ethics managers should consider all employees as the most valuable assets of the company. They should not get rid of anybody giving a good reference to that person, because everybody they employ is very important. And nobody should be employed without the correct paper work. It is absolutely impossible that any employee could come under pressure from a manager to do anything against the code of ethics.

What about the business responsibility, there are some principles:

1. companies have an obligation not only to shareholders but also by all those involved in the business. business value to society lies in the fact that the business provides the material well-being and employment, plus provides high quality products at affordable prices. companies to play a role in improving the living conditions of their.

2. companies established in foreign countries for the production and trade should contribute to social progress in these countries, providing an efficient operational activities and helping to improve the welfare of the inhabitants of these countries.

3. sincerity, benevolence, honesty and ability to keep the communication enhances the reputation of the company, every businessman has to understand it.

4. businessman must respect the laws.

5. companies should not engage in activities such as bribery, money laundering, they must fight these phenomena.



Economics suggests that business and production do not go hand in hand with environmental and societal ethics, due to the two being mutually exclusive events. Why it is so, can form a subject matter of a thesis so will not be a debate matter for this particular article. This article though, discusses the various ethical issues in the business that affect all business workplaces, whether they are local or international. Let us have a look at the ethical issues in business, that are listed below in random order of importance. In business ethics, there is hardly a proper line which can be held on to like the bible, for ethics often sacrifices profits and the idea is to find the optimal balance between the two, so that the business conscience is clear and the profits are reasonable.

What is Business Ethics?
Business ethics is a behavior that all businesses stick to. Also known as corporate ethics or professional ethics, it incorporates moral guidelines as also the problems a business entity frequently faces. The term 'business ethics' became popular in the U.S. in the early 1970s. The Society for Business Ethics, a global institute that deals with business ethics and application of moral principles was formed in 1980. Businesses started specifying their ethical principles from the late 1980s, perhaps to stay away from scandals in businesses.

In a Free, Unregulated Self-Ethics Model
If business ethics and values are left to the self of business houses and entrepreneurs, society may have many dead weight losses to bear. A few producers can collectively skimp on supply to increase market prices, a few strong buyers may collectively reduce demand till prices fall and a single entity can capture the entire supply chain and refuse its services to the free market and reserve them for the best price. To top it, the labor market can unite and ask for unreasonable increases in wages and the public transport unions can stand up for price hikes. Who decides whether all this is reasonable and hence ethical, or unreasonable and thus unethical? Who says that an earner who earns lower than the minimum wages is entitled to a wage increase even by somewhat unethical measures that require some employer arm-twisting? Who decides that a person who already earns millions in profits is not entitled to reducing worker wages to earn higher margins because it is unethical? See what I mean, ethics changes depending on which side you view them from. What may be absolutely right for you may be a gross injustice for me. So, if the market is left to its own individual mechanics, the most important ethical issue of all will be that all those in strong positions will always be the ones manipulating the weaker ones. This is where business ethics comes in as a self-regulatory mechanism on the stronger players in the economy. Let us now move on to certain routine ethical issues in business that almost every business has to face.

Industry Wide Ethical Issues
Following is a list of industry wide ethical issues in businesses. The problem with these ethical issues is that they are not only routine and frequent, but they are also more widespread, i.e. throughout the whole industry rather than being confined to a particular business.

Bribing powerful officials in order to get bids and tenders accepted and bribing competitor employees to get informational leaks is a serious ethical issue in business. In fact, it is a crime that is legally punishable in most countries today.
Labor related issues like gender discrimination at workplace, employee harassment, minority community participation, working conditions and child labor are also some general ethical issues in business.
Business practices like sourcing of materials, quality of inputs in production, compromising on certain aspects like product quality, safety, etc. and deception in packaging, quantity or size also fall in the purview of business ethics.


Why do we need brands?

For the consumer-in-the-street, brands are the most visible parts of marketing. The brand name means not only the trademark but also, as a rule, the firm itself and its products or services. This name also includes the goodwill which shows additional value of goods and services. Brands are much more than just a product or service – they’re an attitude. Customers trust those trademarks which guarantee them good quality and design, a wide range for choice and good reputation of the products. When the product is promoted different kinds of advertising provide brand awareness, show its core values and create the brand image.

 A brand can be a name, a term or a symbol. It is used to differentiate a product from competitor’s products. The brand guaranteed a certain quality level. Brands should add value to products. It’s a synergy effect where by one plus one equals three. But customers must believe they get extra value for money. Branding means the use of advertising, design and other methods so that people could recognize and remember a particular product.

We need new brands because customers want new brands. They want choice they want a selection of different products. They like to rely on quality levels guaranteed by company. They like to trust products. It makes shopping so much caser for them. Also they like to identify with brands.

2. Characteristics of branded goods. Types of brands

Brand is the name of the product. It can be the name of the manufacturer or the name of supermarket. Historically, most products went unbranded. However, today branding has grown so strong that almost everything is branded. A brand name has become a vital part of product’s identity. A simple word or two comes to represent a wealth of associations. Really successful brands are ones that tap into emotion and that way they can inspire fierce of loyalty.

There are different types of brands. There are the stand alone brands or individual brands, for example Ariel, HaagenDaaz ice-cream or Marlboro cigarettes. They require separate marketing support. There's also the corporate branding, or family brands such as Heinz or Virgin, Marks and Spencer, Levis.

Besides individual and corporative brands, it exist such types of brands as classic brand, luxury brand and brand leader. Classic brand is a famous brand with a long history. Luxury brand is a brand associated with expensive, high quality products. Brand leader is the band with a largest market share.

Brand stretching – is a using a successful brand name to launch a product in a new category. Some brands easily stretch into other kinds of goods and services. Brand stretches best when they come from a high emotional starting point. One of the most successful brand-stretchers is Walt Disney, which has added merchandise shops, books, videos, games and theme parks to its original filmmaking. The move from making children’s cartoons to other products using the same figures appears a natural development.

(так просто для общего развития)Outsourcing and its impact on quality

The word outsourcing entered the business lexicon in 1990s and means transfer of part of the company’s functions to the outside supplier: most often this is transportation and storage of product in the manufacturer-consumer chain.

At present some famous western companies outsource production in Asia. Some common examples of outsourcing include manufacturing of components, computer programming, taxation, administration training, customer service, transportation of goods, privileges and compensations planning, payroll and other human resource functions.


3. Рroblems associated with luxury brands in low-cost countries

The most common reasons why companies decide to outsource include cost reduction and cost savings, the ability to focus its core business, access to more knowledge, talent and experience, and increased profits.

Almost every fashion label outside the top super-luxury brands is either already
manufacturing in Asia or thinking of it. Coach, the US leather goods maker, is a classis example. Over the past five years, it has lifted all its gross margins by manufacturing solely in low-cost markets. In March 2002 it closed its factory in Lares, Puerto Rico, its last company-owned plant, and outsources all its products.
Burberry has many Asian licensing arrangements. In 2000 it decided to renew Sanyo’s Japanese licence for 20 ten years. This means that almost half of Burberry’s sales at retail value will continue to be produced under licence in Asia. At the same time however, Japanese consumers prefer the group’s European-made products.
Sanyo is now creating to this demand for a snob alternative to the Burberry products made in its factories across Asia by opening a flagship store in Tokyo’s Ginza, where it sells Burberry products imported from Europe.
In interviews with the FT, many executives says the top luxury brands will continue to be seen, particularly in Asia, as European. Domenico De Sole of Gucci says “ The Asian Consumer really dos believe – whether it’s true or not – that luxury comes from Europe and must be made there to be the best.’
Serge Weinberg, Chief Executive of Pinault Printemps Redoute, which controls Gucci, says it will not move Gucci’s production of shore. Yet some in the industry recognize that change may be round the corner even for the superluxury brands. Patrizio Bertelli, Chief Executive of Prada, says: ’ The “Made in Italy” label is important but what we are really offering is a style, and style is an expression of culture.’ He therefore recognizes that quality fashion items may not always need to be produced in italy.
Amitava Chattopadhyay, professor of marketing at Insead, the business school, says: ’ A brand is a set of associations in the mind of the consumer and one of these is the country of origin.. For luxury goods, the role of the brand is crucial. To damage it is a cardinal sin and no brand manager will want to get the balance between manufacturing location and the brand image wrong’.



Businesstravellers’ problems

Business meetings will always be necessary because people prefer to meet face-to-face. So they have to travel a lot.

Travelling by plane is one of the most popular way to get from one place to other one. First of all, it’s the fastest and the most comfortable way to travel, second of all, it’s safer than other kinds of transport. But even when you travel by plane you can face some problems.

At the airports there are often long queues at check-in. many people have a lot of luggage so you, probably, can’t find luggage trolleys. And finally some of flights can be delayed or canceled because of bad weather or other reasons. Besides, air companies often overbook seats and people should take the next flight because their flight is full.

When you fly, you can see that there’re too many seats on most planes, so there’s not enough leg room. Also you can get poorqualityfood and drink on airlines.

After landing you can have some problems again. For example, your luggage can be lost or delayed. Another big problem for people is jet-lag.

In any case, each of the kinds of transport has advantages and disadvantages and planes aren’t exceptions.


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