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Main stages of recruitment process

Employer advertises a vacancy or new post – sometimes both inside and outside the company. When replying to an advertisement, candidates often fill in an application form and write a CV. Then, after they have received all the applications, they shortlist the candidates, choosing those who appear to meet their criteria. Next, they will assemble an interview panel and call the best candidates to an interview. Sometimes candidates will take a psychometric test before the interview to assess their mental ability and reasoning skills. Some employers choose to check references at this stage to avoid delays later, while others wait until after the interview when they have chosen one of the candidates. Provided panel are happy, the employer will make a job offer and the successful candidate starts work. Often they attend induction sessions or are given a mentor who helps to train new staff. These days it is normal for successful candidates to have to work a probationary period in a company. This is usually 3 or 6 months, after that they are offered a permanent post.

Internal recruitment would be looking to fill a job opening with an employee already in your organization, for example promoting someone from within your ranks from another division. External recruiting entails trying to fill a position with a person who does not currently work for your organization.

Internal recruiting means that the person chosen for the position is selected from the current employees of the company. This is either by promotion or the transfer. Promotion means that an employee receives a job with more responsibility and authority than his present job. The employee usually expects to receive the increase in salary along with the new position. Transfer refers to a job or department change for a worker. A transfer without promotion is a lateral transfer. It may involve different working conditions or different hours.

Typically an internal recruitment process is applied in larger, very stable and developed organizations. Not only do these larger organizations have their own pool of qualified candidates, this strategy utilizes internal promotions as a recruitment and retention tool. It is an attempt to create employee loyalty and commitment as well as long term job satisfaction. It is also a succession management tool. At the same time, the internal recruitment strategy is less costly than an external process. As well, the candidates are well known to the organization and therefore orientation requirements are much less.

However, it is essential that the internal recruitment process be well managed. Job analysis and skills required must be assessed and clearly stated to candidates. Candidates also need to be informed of the overall process and the timeframe. They need to be informed of the job requirements, the selection criteria and, most importantly, internal candidates need to be treated with respect. If a candidate is not going to move forward to the next step, he/she needs to be informed in person and provided a rationale for their lack of success. At the same time, the recruiter needs to think about how to keep this person motivated and committed to the organization. If they are not treated with respect, you can be assured that this employee will leave within six months.

So when is an external recruitment or executive search strategy more appropriate? Most organizations select an external strategy when they are aware there is a shortage of good internal candidates or when sincere objectivity is required. In situations where a new direction or vision has been developed, an external search process also allows an organization to bring in new people with fresh ideas and/or target a candidate who has the skills to take the vision and make it happen. In many cases, organizations will utilize the services of an executive search professional when they do not have the time or resources to conduct the search themselves.

At the same time, applying an external search process is essentially a marketing strategy. In other words, the organization is promoting itself and their employment opportunities. This can increase the organization’s reputation as an employer, resulting in more highly qualified candidates applying for open positions. It also allows the organization to target potential candidates who may not be looking for another job opportunity at that moment.

An external search process must also be well managed, transparent and fair. Again, external candidates must be treated with respect and provided the same opportunity as an internal candidate. The search professional needs to spend a good deal of time to deeply understand the organization and the role the new incumbent will play. This includes understanding not only the technical skills of the job role but also the personality and behavioural characteristics required to succeed in the job. Once this is complete, the recruiter works closely with the client to develop an effective search strategy and the methodology for making the final selection.

External search consultants typically have access to more candidates and have a candidate research capability that most organizations do not. This allows consultants to identify candidates who would not normally be looking for a new opportunity, tap them on the shoulder and make them aware of what the organization has to offer. External executive search professionals also have more capability to conduct a broad national search. With our world becoming a global marketplace, this is becoming more and more important.

Headhunting refers to the approach of finding and attracting the best experienced person with the required skill set. Headhunting involves convincing the person to join your organization.It is a process where the recruiters identify and aprroach SPECIFIC individuals for a job. This is usually only done at mid and top level management. The recruiter will not place advertisements etc, but will identify a specific person for the job, and make him an offer.




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