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Chapter III - LIFE-SAVING APPLIANCES ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 4 из 4
The general principal governing the provision of lifeboats, life-rafts and buoyant apparatus in a ship is that they shall be readily available in case of emergency. No type of buoyant apparatus shall be approved unless it satisfies the following conditions: a) it shall be of such size and strength that it can be thrown from the place where it is stowed into the water without being damaged; b) it shall not exceed 180 kg in weight; c) it shall be of approved material and construction; d) it shall be effective and stable when floating either way up. To be readily available the lifeboats, life-rafts and buoyant apparatus shall comply with the following conditions: a) they shall be capable of being put into the water safely and rapidly even under unfavourable conditions of trim and of 15 degree of list; b) it shall be possible to effect embarkation into the life boats and life rafts rapidly and in good order; c) the arrangement of each lifeboat, life raft and article of buoyant apparatus shall be such that it will not interfere with the operation of other boats, life rafts and buoyant apparatus. All the life-saving appliances shall be kept in working order and available for immediate use before the ship leaves port and at all times during the voyage. The principal requirements for inflatable life-rafts are considered to be the following: a) Every inflatable life raft shall be so constructed that, when fully inflated and floating with the cover uppermost, it shall be stable in seaway. b) The life-raft shall be so constructed that if it is dropped into the water from a height of 18 metres (60 feet) neither the life raft nor its equipment will be damaged. c) The construction of the life raft shall include a cover which shall automatically be set in place when the life raft is inflated. d) The life raft shall be fitted at each opening with efficient means to enable persons in the water to climb on board. e) The floor of the life-raft shall be waterproof and shall be capable of being sufficiently insulated against cold. While rigid life rafts are subjected to meet some other requirements: a) Every rigid life raft shall be so constructed that if it is dropped into the water from its stowed position neither the life raft nor its equipment will be damaged. b) The life raft shall be fitted with a cover or equivalent arrangements of highly visible co lour which shall be capable of protecting the occupants against injury from exposure which ever way up the life raft is floating, c) The equipment of the life-raft shall be so stowed as to be readily available whichever way up the life raft is floating. d) The life rafts must at all times be effective and stable when floating either way up. e) The life raft shall be fitted at each opening with efficient means to enable persons in the water to climb on board. f) A buoyant light of the electric battery type shall be attached to the life-raft. g) Life rafts shall be so stowed as to float free in the event of the ship sinking. It should be mentioned about the equipment of every life raft: one buoyant rescue quoit (кольцо), attached to at least 30 metres of buoyant line, one knife and one bailer (for not more than 12 persons), two sponges, two sea-anchors, two paddles, one repair outfit, one pump, 3 tin-openers, one approved first-aid outfit in a waterproof case, one rustproof graduated drinking vessel, one water-proof electric torch suitable for signalling in the Morse Code, one signalling whistle, two parachute distress signals of an approved type, one set of fishing tackle, a food ration for each person, watertight receptacles containing 1, 5 litres of fresh water for each person, instruction on how to survive in the life-raft. Suitable arrangements shall be made for embarkation into the life-boats, which shall include: a) a ladder at each set of davits to afford access to the lifeboats; b) means for illuminating the lifeboats and their launching gear during preparation for and the process of launching; c) arrangements for warning the passengers and crew that the ship is about to be abandoned. Ships shall carry for every person on board a life-jacket of an approved type. Such a life-jacket shall comply with the following requirements: a) it shall be constructed with proper materials; b) it shall be capable of lifting the face of an exhausted or unconscious person out of the water and holding it above the water; c) it shall not be affected by oil or oil products; d) it shall be of a highly visible colour; e) it shall be fitted with an approved whistle; f) life-jackets shall be so placed as to be readily accessible and their position shall be plainly indicated. A life buoy shall satisfy the following requirements: a) it shall be of solid cork or any other equivalent material. b) it shall be capable of supporting in fresh water for 24 hours at least 14, 5 kg. of iron; c) it shall not be affected by oil or oil products; d) it shall be of a highly visible colour; e) it shall be marked in block letters with the name and port of registry of the ship in which it is carried; f) it should be provided with self-igniting light 'which cannot be extinguished by water. At least 8 life buoys shall be carried on a cargo ship. The muster list shall show the duties assigned to the different members of the crew in connection with: a) the closing of the watertight doors, valves and different closing mechanisms; b) the equipping of the lifeboats and the other life-saving appliances; c) the launching of the lifeboat; 81 d) the general preparation of the other life-saving appliances, e) the muster of the passengers; g) the extinction of fire, having regard to the ship's fire control plans. In cargo ships, a muster of the crew for boat drill and fire drill shall take place of not more than one month. On the occasion of the monthly muster in cargo ships the boat's equipment shall be examined to ensure that it is complete. A report of the examination of the boat's equipment on cargo ships shall be entered in the log book. Different groups of lifeboats shall be used in turn at successive boat drills and every life boats shall be swung out and, if practicable and reasonable lowered at least once every four months. Exercise 8. Answer the following questions: 1. What fire-fighting equipment or life raft equipment should cargo ships be fitted with? 2. What are the basic principles of fire protection requirements? 3. What are basic requirements for rigid and inflatable life rafts? 4. What requirements shall an approved life-jacket and a life buoy comply with? 5. How shall boat drills take place and what should be carried out during Practice Musters and drills? 6. What duties of the members of the crew are enumerated in the Muster list? 7. What arrangements shall be made for embarkation into the life boats and life rafts? 8. What conditions shall the life boats and life rafts comply with? 9. What does the normal equipment of every life raft consist of? 10. How cargo tank protection shall be achieved on big tankers?
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