Архитектура Аудит Военная наука Иностранные языки Медицина Металлургия Метрология
Образование Политология Производство Психология Стандартизация Технологии


Department of Languages

V. Yermakova

B. Jolamanova

M. Vasquez


For IT students


Almaty 2016





Доктор педагогических наук, профессор, ректор КАЗУМОиМЯ Кунанбаева С.С.

Доктор филологических наук, профессор КБТУ Загидуллин Р.З.

Доктор инженерных наук,

профессор Университета Сулеймана Демиреля Мухамедиев Р.И.

PhD, сениор-лектор МУИТ Хамитов А.Н.

MSc in International Business, ассистент профессор АО «МУИТ» Каржаубаева С.Э.



В.А. Ермакова, Б.Д. Джоламанова, M . Васкес. Terminological practicum for IT students – Алматы , МУИТ , 2016. - 213 с .




Настоящее пособие предназначено для студентов ИТ специальностей, изучающих курс профессионального английского языка в вузах технического профиля с целью расширения терминологического словарного запаса и развития навыков использования английского языка как средства профессионального общения.











©МУИТ, 2016



The manual “Terminological Practicum for IT students” is meant to complement the English for Special Purposes textbooks for the students of Pre-Intermediate - Upper Intermediate levels majoring in IT, taking a course in Professional English. It consists of 2 parts, each containing several thematically organized modules.


Each module in its turn comprises a 40-terms glossary, a set of language and speech activities and a vocabulary test.


The manual is supplemented with attachments (keys and index). It is designed for 90 academic hours.



Module 1. PEOPLE IN IT
Module 3. TEXTING
Module 4. HARDWARE
Module 5. SOFTWARE
Module 8. TRENDS IN IT



Module 1. PEOPLE IN IT

Term Definition Usage
1 Administrator (n) an individual who is responsible for the running of and  day-to-day operation of a project, program, business, organization, etc.   work as/perform the functions of/ take on the responsibilities of/earn one’s living as an ~; occupy/get promoted to/give up/take up the position of an ~; database/system ~; administration (n), administer (v), administrative (adj); administratively; syn. manager
2 Analyst (n) a person engaged in detailed examination of the computer systems and procedures and designing information system solutions to help them operate more efficiently and effectively work as/perform the functions of/take on the responsibilities of/earn one’s living as an ~; occupy/get promoted to/give up/take up the position of an ~; information security/support ~; analysis (n), analyze (v), analytical (adj), analytically (adv)
3 Architect (n) the one who designs and builds computer systems  work as/perform the functions of /take on the responsibilities of/earn one’s living as an ~; occupy/get promoted to/give up/take up the position of an ~; architecture (n): personal computer /modern computer/client-server/64-bit computer ~; architectural (adj): ~ design
4 Back (adj) the side or part of the work that is not normally seen by the customer ~-end programmer/developer; ~ -office employee; ant. front-end; front-office
5 Blogger an individual or a small group regularly updating its weblog (blog for short) run in an informal or conversational style a popular/famous/notorious ~; blog (v); blog (n): make a post on/keep/block a ~; blogging (n)
6 Botmaster (n) an individual who maintains a bot and is responsible for keeping it online, fixing errors, ensuring compliance with the rules of the channel or server it's logged into act as/perform the functions of/take on the responsibilities of a ~
7 Cryptographer (n) the one engaged in protecting sensitive data and making it unreadable for anyone not meant to see the data work as/ take on the responsibilities of/earn one’s living as a ~; occupy/give up /take up the position of a ~; decrypt (v), encrypt (v), cryptography (n), cryptographic (adj)
8 Consumer (n) a person who uses goods and services ~ demand/culture/spending/goods/ protection/products/durables/electronics/market/boom; protect/benefit the ~; consume (v), consumerism (n) syn. end-user
9 Customer (n) a person who buys goods or services from a shop or a business ~ service/support; customize (v), customized (adj), customization (n) syn. client, clientele
10 Designer (n) the one who is responsible for creating solutions that have a high visual impact a graphic ~; design (n): make ~ decisions, computer-aided/creative/ standard ~; designed (adj): a specially ~ feature
11 Developer (n) the one who creates a computer program and brings it into existence program/application/web/back-end/front-end ~; develop (v), development (n), developmental (adj)
12 Engineer (n) a person who designs, builds, or maintains engines, machines, or structures computer software/hardware ~; engineering (n): software/hardware/power ~
13 Expert (n) a person who is very knowledgeable about or skilful in a particular area security ~ ; an ~ in sth; expert (adj): be ~ at sth; ~ evaluation of sth; expertise (n): technical ~; a field of ~; syn. proficiency
14 Follower (n) on social media sites, someone who subscribes to and receives sb’s updates have ~s; become sb’s ~; follow (v), following (adj)
15 Geek (n) a knowledgeable and obsessive enthusiast; an individual who frequently uses the computer in his or her free time rather than participates in any other activities alpha/ugly~; geek (v), geekish (adj); syn. addict Cf. a nerd
16 Freelancer (n) a self-employed person hired to work for different companies on particular assignments earn one’s living as a ~; freelance (n): a ~ programmer,  try one’s hand in ~
17 Lamer (n) (slang) a stupid, inept, or dull person, who does not understand what he or she is doing feel like/be a ~; a bunch of ~s
18 Layman (n) a person without professional or specialized knowledge in a particular subject a ~ in sth; an interested/intelligent ~; syn. amateur; ant. professional
19 Lurker (n) a person who reads the postings in an Internet forum without actively contributing to it be/act as a ~; lurk (v): ~ in a chatroom/on listservs
20 Manager (n) a person responsible for controlling or administering sth a network/product/program ~; (mis)manage (v), (mis)management (n), managerial (adj)
21 Master (n) a person who has complete control of sth Web/bot~ ; gamemaster (gamester) (); ~ of the situation; ant. slave
22  Moderator ( n ) a person who governs, drives, mediates an Internet forum or an online discussion act as/perform the functions of/take on the responsibilities of a ~; (im)moderate (adj); moderation (n); (im)moderately (av)
23 Nerd (n) an individual who is obsessed with science, math, or technology, commonly possessing little or no social skills a computer ~; nerdy (adj), nerdish (adj), nerdishness (n) syn. geek, devotee
24 Netizen (n) a user of the Internet, especially a habitual or keen one privacy-conscious ~s; the new generation of ~s; netizenry (n); netizenship (n); Cf. citizen
25 Newbie (n) an inexperienced newcomer to a particular activity netizen ~s; a ~ on the computer; a ~ to Linux syn. novice
26 Programmer (n) the ones who write codes to create software programs by turning the program designs made by software developers and engineers into instructions that a computer can follow applications/systems/Java/experienced ~; program (v), program (n), (re)programmable (adj); (re)programming (n)
27 Provider (n) (ISP) a company that provides Internet access to users or subscribers of its service a leading/major ~; provide (v): ~ sb with sth; ~ for sth; provision (n); provided that… (conj); syn. supplier
28 Operator (n) the person responsible for the secure and efficient work of computer hardware systems machine/equipment ~; operation (n): be (put) in ~; operate (v): ~ upon sb; operational (adj): ~ expenses; be fully ~
29 Repairer (n) the one who restores sth damaged or faulty to a normal working condition work as/use the services of a ~; repair (n): be in a state of ~; need ~; ~ damage; be beyond ~; syn. fix (up), mend
30 Savvy (adj) shrewd and knowledgeable about sth a computer-~ person; a ~ player; syn. intelligent, canny
31 Scientist (n) one inventing and designing new approaches to the computing technology and finding innovative uses for the existing technology computer/information research ~; science (n); scientific (adj): ~ study/knowledge/community; scientifically (adv); syn. researcher, theorist  
32  Specialist (n) a person highly skilled in a specific and restricted field computer support/network support/multimedia/security ~; specialize (v): ~ in sth, specialty (n), special (adj), specially (adv)
33  Subscriber (n) the one who has arranged for access to an electronic mailing list or an online service ~ to a magazine/service; a new ~; subscribe (v): ~ to sth online; subscription (n; ant. unsubscribe
34 Surfer (n) the one who moves from site to site on the Internet Internet ~; surfing (n), surf (v)
35 Technician (n) a person employed to look after technical equipment, an expert in the practical application of science a software/laboratory/CISCO/skilled ~; technique (n), technology (n), technical (adj); Cf. techie
36 Telecommuter (n) the one working for a company from home, making use of the Internet, email, and the telephone telecommute (v); telecommuting (n): allow for/promote ~
37 Troubleshooter (n) the one analyzing and solving serious problems for a company or other organization, or tracing and correcting faults in an electronic system  helpdesk ~; troubleshooting (v): have a proven track record in ~; preventive maintenance and ~
38 User (n) a person who applies or operates sth, a client, customer, consumer end/power/default ~; ~ manual/account/base/ID/profile /policy; useful (adj), usable (adj), usability (n), user-friendly (adj): ~-interface/device/gadget; user-friendliness (n)
39 Vendor (n) a person or company that provides a service or a product and offers it for sale, especially in the street a street ~; vend (v), vending (adj): ~ machine, vendible (adj); syn. seller
40 Wizard (n) a person who is very skilled in a particular field or activity a computer/financial ~; syn. genius, master, expert


1. Computer and information technology occupations. US Bureau of Labour Statistics. [Online]. Available: http://www.bls.gov/ooh/computer-and-information-technology/home.htm [Accessed: 13 Sept. 2015]

2. Browse job profiles. Graduate prospects. [Online]. Available: http://www.prospects.ac.uk/types_of_jobs_information_technology.htm [Accessed: 21 Sept. 2015]

3. Computer dictionary. Computer Hope. [Online]. Available: http://www.computerhope.com/jargon/jd.htm [Accessed: 26 Sept. 2015]

4. Oxford dictionaries. Oxford University press. [Online]. Available: http://www.oxforddictionaries.com/definition/english [Accessed: 26 Sept. 2015]


Activity 1. Give synonyms:

1. geek  
2. administrator  
3. layman  
4. end-user  
5. client  
6. wizard  
7. provider  

Activity 2. Give antonyms:

1. backend  
2. encrypt  
3. layman  
4. newbie  
5. master  
6. vendor  
7. client  

Activity 3. Word family. Fill in the missing words of the same root where possible:

Noun Verb Adjective Adverb

Activity 4. Complete the tables with words that form strong partnerships with the target vocabulary units:

Verb Target vocabulary unit


Adj/N Target vocabulary unit


Adj/N Target vocabulary unit




Adj/N Target vocabulary unit




Activity 5. Match the given terms with their definitions:

1. cryptographer A. an individual who is responsible for the running of and the day-to-day operation of a project, program, a business, organization
2. moderator B. the one who decides upon the look and functioning of program and is responsible for creating solutions that have a high visual impact
3. administrator C. the one engaged in protecting sensitive data and making is unreadable for anyone not meant to see the data
4. telecommuter D. a person who drives or mediates an Internet forum or online discussion
5. designer E. the one working for a company from home, making use of the Internet, email, and the telephone
6. vendor F. the one tracing and correcting faults in an electronic system or analyzing and solving serious problems for a company or other organization
7. troubleshooter G. a person or company that provides a service or a product and offers it for sale, especially in the street

Activity 6. Insert prepositions:

1. He is a newbie __ the computer.

2. Who will take __ the manager responsibilities?

3. He is an expert __ programming.

4. You can’t fix the scanner. It is __ repair.

5. Have you subscribed __ this magazine?

6. He has a proven track-record __ troubleshooting.

7. I took __ the position of an administrator.

Activity 7. State the type of logical relations between the following words:

Concepts Type of logical relations
1. expert - newbie A. general and specific
2. digital technologies – telecommuting B. cause and effect
3. developer – designer C. contrast
4. architect – designer D. method and purpose
5. Internet forum – moderator E. part and whole
6. bug – debugging

F. equivalence

7. wizard – lamer


Activity 8. Decode John Pfeiffer’s saying about computers and people and comment on it:


Activity 9. Explain the difference between the following concepts using the Venn diagram below:

1. front end - back end programmer
2. consumer-customer
3. nerd – geek
4. lurker – follower
5. lamer – newbie
6. freelancer – full-time employee
7. netizen – citizen


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