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Zhukov, Sergey Viktorovich

(b Zhytomyr, Ukraine, 30 Aug 1951). Russian composer. He studied with Chulaki at the Moscow Conservatory and completed a postgraduate course in 1980, when he was accepted into the Composers' Union. His artistic diversity manifests itself through the range of stylistic, linguistic and temporal sources he draws on in works which span the widest of genres. His ballet Solyaris, based on the science fiction novella by Stanisław Lem, employs an orchestra amplified by an expanded percussion section and synthesizer in a counterpoint of earthly and cosmic references; likewise, Zhrebiy Nemezidï (‘The Destiny of Nemesis’) is notable for its singular combination of dancing clarinettist, ballerina and tape. His compositional style ranges from the folkloristic and tonal to one which employs aleatory, constructivist, minimalist, serialist and sonoristic methods. He has also drawn on Baroque models in works such as the Pesni proshchaniya (‘Songs of Farewell’) for soprano, flute, viola da gamba and harpsichord. In his setting of texts he stresses psychological subtext and is drawn towards metaphor, while in spiritual terms he is attracted to Daoism, anthroposophy and mysticism. Since the mid-1980s the religious aspect of his work has been embodied in his use of znamennïy and Gregorian chant. His works have been heard at festivals in Belgium, the Czech Republic, Russia and the USA. He has carried out research on the creative process, musical semantics and the organ in Russia.


(selective list)

Stage: Solyaris (ballet, 2, after S. Lem), 1988–1990, Dnepropetrovsk, Theatre of Opera and Ballet, 1990; Zhrebiy Nemezidï [The Destiny of Nemesis] (choreog. composition), dancing clarinettist, ballerina, tape/synth, 1992; Bessonnitsa [Insomnia] (ballet, after Pushkin), 1999, Moscow, Bol'shoy Theatre, 1999
Choral: Dramaticheskiy triptikh (V. Mayakovsky), solo vv, chorus, orch, 1973; Mgnoveniya, begushchiye chredoy [Moments Running by Turns] (orat, I. Bunin), nar, solo vv, children's chorus, women's chorus, orch, 1986–7; Blagoslovi, dushe moya, Gospoda [Praise the Lord, O My Soul], 1992; Molitva pokayaniya prepodobnogo Serafima Sarovskogo [The Prayer of Repentance of the Most Holy Serafim Sarovsky], 1994; Otkroveniye Ioanna Bogoslova [The Revelation of Ioann Bogoslov], 1995; Blazhenï [They are Blessed] (Bible: The Sermon on the Mount), 1996
Orch: Poėma, vn, orch, 1976; Khoreograficheskiye kartinï [Choreographic Pictures] [after N.V. Gogol': Viy], 1984; Sym., 1985; Perc Conc., 1990; Kontsert-partes, str, 1992; Kontsert-misteriya [Conc.-Mystery], vn, vc, pf, orch, 1993–4; Conc., cl, hpd, orch, 1996–7; Conc. grosso, vn, vc, pf, str, 1997; Difiramb na temu Perotina [A Dithyramb on a Theme by Perotin], 1997
Chbr and solo inst: Listki iz al'boma: tsikl graficheskikh igr [Pages from an Album: a Cycle of Graphic Games], pf, 1976–98; Sonata-capriccio, vc, 1980; Partita, vn, 1983; Prelomlennïye zvuki [Refracted Sounds], wind qnt, 1984; Peysazh [Landscape], cl, 1988; Pf Sonata, 1988; Lik i preobrazheniye [The Image and Transfiguration], org, 1991; Transformï zamknutogo prostranstva [Transformations of an Enclosed Space], fl, 1995; Vision, vn, vc, pf, 1997 [after Gogol': Viy]
Other vocal: Chyornïye klavishi [The Black Keys] (suite, Ė. Meželaitis), 1973; Vocal Qts (V. Mayakovsky), 1974; Spivanochki [Little Songs] (chbr cant., trad. Ukrainian texts), 2 S, inst ens, 1975; Na beregu [On the Shore] (8 novellas, A. Tarkovsky), S, nar, str qnt, kbd insts, tape, 1977; Ėkho (3 poems, A.S. Pushkin), S, pf trio, 1979; Monologi (cant., M. Tsvetayeva), S, str orch, perc, 1981; Chbr Cant. (T. Shevchenko), S, str orch, 1982; Pesni proshchaniya [Songs of Farewell] (Y.K. Leopold), S, fl, va da gamba/vc, hpd/pf, 1992; Sadovnik i smert' [The Gardener and Death] (P.N. van Eyck), C/Ct, vc, perc, 1993


M. Lobanova: ‘Novïye imena: Sergey Zhukov’ [New names: Zhukov], Muzïka v SSSR (1987), nos.1–3

Ye. Dolinskaya: ‘Razmïshleniya posle prem'yeri: balet “Solyaris”’ [Reflections after a première: the ballet ‘Solyaris’], MAk (1992), no.1, pp.37–9

S. Berinsky and S. Zhukov: ‘Svoboda dukha: svoboda tvorchestva’ [Freedom of spirit is the freedom to create], MAk (1992), no.1

I. Romashchuk: ‘Sergey Zhukov: plyus kompozitor na teatre’ [Zhukov: plus the composer for the theatre], Muzïkal'naya zhizn' (1997), no.5, pp.17–18



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