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Вставьте в предложения из текста пропущенные слова.

1. ... of early roads have been found which antedate recorded history. 2. The Romans bound their empire together with an extensive system of roads radiating in many ... from Rome. 3. First a trench was excavated to such a ... that the finished surface would be at ground level. 4. Both in France and in England the problem was chiefly to produce a road ... usable under all conditions of weather. 5. The Philadelphia-Candcaster Turnpike was a ... road 62 miles long, surfaced to a width of 24ft with hand-broken stone and gravel. 6. The United States turned to the countries of Europe for information of seeking knowledge on ... methods.


Найдите 16 слов из текста .

w m o r t a r c v
d i s c o v e r y
e x a t a z t e c
s e y a b e a t l
e d e r i p m e a
r o a d a m p l y
t r e n c h e l e
u k h t p e d o r
e k i p n r u t l


Заполните таблицу, используя информацию из текста « E arly roads» (упр. 10).

  Дата   Страна Особенности дорожного  строительства Дополнительная информация (имена, события)

14. Прочитайте текст о дорожной экономике и ответьте на вопросы.


What is the role of roads in society?

What economical benefit can they bring?

What aspects constitute highway construction cost?


Highways are constructed because they provide benefits to society as a whole or as individuals. Good transportation facilities raise the level of the entire economy by providing for ready transportation of goods; they are of assistance in problems of national defense; they make easier the provision of community services like police and fire protection, medical care, schooling, and delivery of the mails; they open added opportunities for recreation and travel.

Highways benefit the landowner because ready access makes his property more valuable. They benefit the motor-vehicle user through reduced cost of vehicle operation, savings in time, reduction in accidents, and increased comfort and ease of driving. On the other hand, road improvements take money that might be used for other productive purposes by individuals or by government. They can be justified only if the benefits exceed the costs entailed in providing them, including some allowance for return on the money invested.

The total cost of motor transportation is the essential consideration in long-term planning for highways. For many years attention was focused largely on the relative economy of various types of road surfacing, and later on the costs of motor-vehicle operation. The direction in highway economics includes the following: cost of motor-vehicle operation; cost of motor-fuel consumed, oil consumption, tire costs, vehicle repair and maintenance, depreciation, stopping and starting an automobile costs, accidents costs.

Расскажите о своей специальности (highway engineering, highway economy).


Прочитайте и выучите .

clearance – габарит   

truss bridge – мост со сквозными фермами

reinforced concrete – железобетон

approach – подъезд к мосту

arch bridge – арочный мост 

rigid–frame bridge – однопролетный мост с жестким каркасом

beam bridge – балочный мост

truss bridge – мост с фермами

arched cantilever bridge – арочный консольный мост

concrete slab bridge – бетонный мост

leaf bridge – разводной мост

lattice bridge – решетчатый мост

suspension bridge – висячий мост

right-angle bridge – прямоугольный мост

curvature – кривизна дороги

pier – бык (промежуточная опора моста)

abutment – опора, береговой устой моста

waterway – фарватер, водный путь

arched cantilever bridge – арочный консольный мост

floor beam – поперечная балка мостового настила

concrete slab bridge – мост с проезжей частью из железобетонных плит

double-deck bridge – двухъярусный мост

stone masonry bridge – каменный мост

parkway – парковая дорога

span – пролет моста

open-deck bridge – мост с ездой поверху и понизу


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