Архитектура Аудит Военная наука Иностранные языки Медицина Металлургия Метрология
Образование Политология Производство Психология Стандартизация Технологии

Mark each statement T for True or F for False.

My                  My family’s

Opinion          opinion

_______         _________ 1. I clearly say what I mean

_______         _________ 2. I am an attentive and sympathetic listener

_______         _________ 3. When I don’t understand something I ask


_______         _________ 4. I let other people finish talking before I speak

_______         _________ 5. I am straightforward and forthright in

                                                 expressing my thoughts and feelings to others    

_______         _________ 6. I rarely use sarcasm and insults

_______         _________ 7. I willingly listen to the ideas and feelings of


_______         _________ 8. When stating an opinion, I use words like “I

                                          think” and “It seems to me”

_______         _________ 9. I seldom get angry or hostile when someone

                                          disagrees with me

_______         _________ 10. I am sensitive to nonverbal signals, like tone of

                                              voice and body language


The more “trues” you have, the more skillful you are as a communicator. What can you learn from this? Write a paragraph following the paragraph plan below. Use the following words to link ideas in the paragraph.



Linking words
1. What skillful communicator you are.


For example

In other words


In addition





In spite of


In conclusion




2. What aspects of communication you need to work on.
3. What family’s pieces of advice on how to improve  them you’ll follow.
4. What steps you should take.

All about us

Put an "S" for strength beside the qualities you feel your group has achieved and a "G" beside those qualities which are an area of potential growth. If the characteristic does not apply to your group or is not an important characteristic, put an "NA" for not applicable.

This will help you to identify those areas you would like to work on together to improve and those areas of strength which will serve as the foundation for your growth and positive change.

_______We allow time for communication (conversations, discussions).

_______We have positive communication.

_______We listen to each other.

_______We see things from each other’s point of view.

_______We avoid criticizing, judging or acting superior.

_______We are honest and truthful and kind.

_______We deal with disagreements promptly.

_______We deal with conflict issues one at a time.

_______We are specific when dealing with conflict issues.

_______We seek compromise or consensus in resolving conflict.

_______We avoid actions and words that would be emotionally devastating to      

          each other.

_______We seek to understand and accept differences.

_______Give an overall rating (S or G) of positive communication in your                   


Analyze the results you’ve got. Write three sentences describing how your group communicates.

Our group communicates in these ways:

1. ________________________________________________________________


2. ________________________________________________________________


3. ________________________________________________________________


Do you know your family history?


Strong families have a sense of family HISTORY. They have a need for connection to the past. Knowing family history provides ROOTS and a sense of belonging. Recognizing the diversity of past generations can help family members appreciate their own uniqueness at the same time they celebrate their similarities. The past influences the present. Understanding and appreciating family history keeps families connected from one generation to the next.

Family history can be promoted by:

· telling favourite family stories

· relating important family events

· tracing family members who have moved away or are deceased

· attending family gatherings and reunions

· communicating regularly

· sharing family history with younger family members

· keeping family traditions alive

· remembering and celebrating family birthdays, anniversaries, weddings and graduations.

It is never too late to begin to learn about your family history. Family history is important because it:

· develops a sense of stability and self-esteem

· provides a support system

· helps to understand inherited traits

· identifies health or medical risks

· provides a family legacy.


Introduction Paragraph 1 set the scene (name, place, time, reason) Main Body Paragraph 2 preparations Paragraph 3 description of the actual event/activities Conclusion Paragraph 4 feelings, comments, final thoughts  
  Briefly introduce the event, stating the place, the time and the reason. e.g. On a sunny summer day in … there was a really memorable occasion. My family had (cooked, celebrated, bought, did)…   Give more detailed information concerning the preparations and the description of the event in the main body. e.g. Weeks before the occasion …            Finish by describing people’s feelings or commenting on the event. e.g. The entire event was a huge success and everyone agreed that it was a lot of fun.
Older relatives love to share their memories. Listening to them helps us to understand our own family history. Write a short story describing a significant event in your family. Arrange your piece of writing in the following way.






All about us

Totem Poles are symbols represent the character of each group member. Each group member chooses an animal, insect, or character to represent him or herself. Each should think about their totem and why it is meaningful to them. What marks and symbols would stand for your group? Collect things you think stand for your group. Use photos, postcards, drawings, or anything else you choose. You can even include symbols of your pet. Arrange things on the totem pole.







Look at the six statements for this task. You will hear the text about one more family strength – commitment. If you think it’s correct, put a tick in the box under A for YES. I f you think it’s nor correct, put a tick in the box under B for NO.

                                                                                                  A  B 

                                                                                            YES NO   

· Strong families are committed to helping                             

and promoting the happiness of each other.                         □  □     

· One way to build family commitment is

to practice parties.                                                                □  □     

· Commitment also comes from an active

involvement in decision-making.                                                     □ □                                                

· Traditions can build a feeling of stability

 and safety for family members and are

important in making a family bond.                                     □  □     

· Each person has an opportunity to share what

she/he thinks is important.                                                    □  □     

· Because these traditions have meanings

that are special to the family, they create

 feelings of warmth, closeness, and specialness.                   □  □     




Commitment is a positive quality that constantly appears in strong families. They share the kinds of experiences that make the family more attractive than other groups. Strong families are committed to helping and promoting the happiness of each other.

Commitment also comes from an active involvement in setting family goals. Each person has a chance to share what she/he thinks is important.

One way to build family commitment is to practice family traditions. A family tradition is any activity or event that occurs regularly and holds special meaning for that family. The tradition may be as simple as stories, Saturday morning pancakes or an annual big vacation. Because these traditions have meanings that are special to the family, they create feelings of warmth, closeness, and specialness. Traditions can build a feeling of stability and safety for family members and are important in making a family bond – bedtime routines, weekend meals, summer vacations, birthdays, and holiday celebrations.


Put an "S" for strength beside the qualities you feel your family has achieved and a "G" beside those qualities which are an area of potential growth. If the characteristic does not apply to your family or is not an important characteristic, put an "NA" for not applicable.


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