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This piece of writing essay illustrates an essay organization with comments in the boxes. Pay attention to the organizational parts of the text.



The thesis statement (your general argument) is usually placed at the end of the introduction.    
             Marriage means living together, sharing everything, and having a lot of responsibilities. However, there has been a remarkable increase in divorce in recent years. This makes some people wonder whether family relations will end in the near future. There are some factors which play an important role in the high divorce rate.



Main body


Topic sentences begin each paragraph
Supportive sentences
First of all, there is a higher cost of living today. This leads to some conflicts in family life. Due to difficult life conditions, people are more aggressive towards each other. Couples do not tolerate a few mistakes. In addition, women think that life will be difficult unless they have their economic independence. Nowadays, there are many women working outside their homes and are independent. As a result, some regard divorce as the best way to get this independence. They hope to be free and stand on their own. Women can continue their life without depending upon men.   


Another obvious reason is changing values. The values of society do not remain the same. Members of the family do not want to take responsibility, and moreover, family ties have weakened. The importance of the concept of family has declined. Above all, many causes influence family structure.

Another significant reason is the rising educational level, especially for women. Unquestionably, life-styles change parallel to educational levels. Family members are not enough interested in each other because there are some more interesting areas that they are fond of, such as their own careers, jobs and freedom. This causes lack of communication between family members.

Tabbing each paragraph
It is a fact that some values which are very important while getting married have weakened, too. For example, love can be meaningless for the new generation. That is to say, family ties are weak at the beginning of the marriage. Of course, marriage without strong ties can easily end in divorce.

The conclusion briefly recapitulates the argument and either ends on a memorable thought, closing insight, interesting quotation, lasting image, or call to action.  
Consequently, we must give importance to this problem and its reasons. Politicians must work for higher living conditions, and people must protect their traditional values.


Read the text on different family strengths, decide and then tick the strengths peculiar to your family in the table below.

Steve’s story


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