Архитектура Аудит Военная наука Иностранные языки Медицина Металлургия Метрология Образование Политология Производство Психология Стандартизация Технологии |
ISKCON Central Secretariat Definition The ISKCON central secretariat shall facilitate the management of ISKCON. The ICS (ISKCON Central Secretariat) is organized and managed by the Finance and Management Minister. Duties 1. Create and maintain a database of information of all temples in the World and Minister's areas of responsibility. 2. Develop and implement a practical system of reporting by consulting Ministers, GBC's and Temple Presidents as to what they require, desire and are capable of providing. As far as possible, implementation shall be done through "regional' Committees (Regional, National, Zonal or Continental as the case may be). 3. Develop a database that may contain statistical information of: a. Temple Finances (assets & liabilities, Annual income & expenses) b. Temples/Managers Contacts (addresses, phone/fax, etc.) c. Details of owned properties d. Complete data on all transactions with Temple buildings. e. Progress towards fulfilling mission statements. f. Annual reports for all Ministries. g. Devotee bio-data. h. And any other information deemed useful 4. Present reports shall in a format useful for the individual Ministers, GBC Zonal Secretaries, Committees, and ISKCON Leaders. 5. Provide global status reports on ISKCON international projects. Areas which are declared as a security risk for reporting purposes may not have to report. This arrangement can be made between the local GBC and the Secretariat.(96) Full-time Secretariat Office ( 2000 ) 1. A full-time Secretariat Office shall be established in Mayapur. 2. The office shall work directly under the Executive Committee which shall take necessary steps towards organizational improvement. ISKCON Foundation Training Centers The ISKCON Foundation is blessed and encouraged to establish ISKCON Training Centers in different continents and shall be responsible for their direction and proper management under the guidance of the Management and Finance Ministry. They shall also arrange the required operating expenses by setting up ISKCON Foundation chapters in the local areas and engaging interested congregational members, who will be nominated by the local Temple Presidents and Zonal GBCs and will serve under their direction. They shall work in close continuous cooperation with the respective local temples to assist the GBC Ministers and GBC Zonal Secretaries in their work of training ISKCON temple and congregational devotees by: 1. organizing seminars and courses in all Ministry areas 2. providing materials and resources for training 3. providing ongoing consultation and advice 4. employing/engaging full/part-time or volunteer staff trained by GBC Ministers and Zonal Secretaries to do the above 5. gather data and information and communicate such with the appropriate entities. Ministry of Fund Development and Life Patron Membership Duties and Purposes 1. To develop a worldwide congregation of devotees from the Indian community. 2. To inspire those devotees to regularly engage their body, mind, and wealth in the service of Lord Krsna. 3. To educate the leaders and other devotees of ISKCON to see the Indian community as our best ally and to develop training programs in how the community should be cultivated. 4. To create facilities for Indian community members to take on major responsibilities within ISKCON. 5. To provide programs to inspire the youth of the Indian community to become Krsna Conscious. 6. To encourage within ISKCON the development of purely vaisnava cultural presentations which will attract non-resident Indians by filling the cultural vacuum they experience. 7. To inspire those born in India to take up the order of Lord Caitanya to preach the message of Lord Krsna all over the world. 8. To establish and supervise administrative offices all over the world for the coordination of services for ISKCON Life Members. 9. To establish and implement international standards for ISKCON Life Membership. 10. To re-establish the International Life Membership Newsletter. (91) |
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