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Procedure for Taking Oaths
All ISKCON Leaders shall complete the approved ISKCON Oath of Loyalty in the following manner: 1. A signed oath certified by the appropriate legal authority prescribed for giving testimony of a declaration (Notary Public, Judicial Magistrate, Commissioner of Oaths, etc.) in the location shall be deposited with the GBC Society Secretary. This written oath shall be renewed once in five years or whenever there is a change in their position of responsibilities. 2. The GBC's shall make the above oath orally, in a group, before the Deities in Sridhama Mayapur during the course of their annual meetings. 3. Every Temple President, Regional Secretary, Temple Officer, etc. shall take the oath orally before the Deities of the Temple every year. The oath shall be administered by a local GBC Zonal Secretary. (Optionally the oath may be taken at ISKCON Sridhama Mayapur during the Gaura-purnima Festival period). 4. Other leaders not covered above shall also make an annual oral declaration of the oath before an ISKCON Deity administered by the GBC authority or liaison assigned. This resolution shall override and replace all previous legislation on oaths for ISKCON leaders. This doesn't replace the additional oath that ISKCON gurus must also take.(95)
( 1998)
The existing Oath of Loyalty Law is amended to read as follows :
1. The GBC Secretary shall review annually the listing of all GBCs, Temple Managers, Gurus, and Property Trustees and insure that a notarized, signed, ISKCON Oath of Allegiance is on file for that devotee.
2. The Oath of Allegiance and a list of names of those devotees who have not submitted a notarized, signed Oath of Allegiance shall be sent to the GBC and other com.conferences and addresses. They are to return the Oath duly signed and notarized, to the GBC Office in Mayapur prior to ISKCON’s registration date.
3. Failure of ISKCON Leaders to submit a notarized oath in the required time shall earn an automatic censure. Continued failure to comply by the following GBC Meeting shall put the devotee on automatic probation and possible suspension.
4. All ISKCON Leaders and any members present shall orally take the Oath of Allegiance on the IKSCON Registration day before Srila Prabhupada and the Deities as a loving offering to His Divine Grace Srila Prabhupada.
Oath Required for Leadership Eligibility 1. No member of the GBC or any Regional Secretary or Temple President shall be eligible to vote in the GBC meeting or Temple President's meeting respectively unless their oath of allegiance to ISKCON has been duly submitted to the proper GBC authority. Once done, this needs to be renewed as provided for above.(81) 2. The archive and record of all oaths submitted to the GBC shall be maintained by the GBC Society Secretary who shall also annually provide a list to the Executive Committee of ISKCON Leaders for whom Oaths of Loyalty have been received and the list of delinquent Leaders for enforcement.(80) Discipline and Conduct of ISKCON Leaders Definition of Local ISKCON Official (Replacement 2007) The specific titles borne by ISKCON officials may possibly include "President", "Vice-President", "Treasurer", "Temple Management Council Member", "Project Director", “Congregational Preaching Director”, etc. (Sections concerning tenure and discipline of Regional Secretaries, Gurus and GBC members are to be included in different sections.)
Leave of Absence An ISKCON Official may be granted a leave of absence at his/her request for any of the following reasons; 1. Acute and unremitting health problem(s). 2. Compelling personal reasons. The official seeking a leave of absence shall clearly explain in writing to his/her GBC Zonal Secretary(s) or Divisional Council the specific reasons for his/her request. A leave of absence shall not be granted for a period in excess of one year, although it may be extended.
Resignation An ISKCON Official may tender his/her resignation to their GBC Zonal Secretary(s) or Divisional Council at any time. A resignation should be submitted in writing with reasons and an effective date from which the resignation shall stand. Resignations may be partial in nature, wherein only a portion of the responsibilities held is relinquished, such as when an official agrees to the appointment of a co-official to share the duties of office.
Disciplining Authority There should ideally be no change of Presidents or ISKCON Leaders. If there are any difficulties there should first be an attempt to resolve it by careful mediation. An ISKCON Official may be disciplined by any of the following; · A two-thirds majority of a Regional Governing Body or Divisional or National Council. · Three GBCs, which must include the GBC(s) of that area, or · A majority vote of the GBC Body Depending on the severity of any improper activity, corrective steps may consist of informal discussions, written warnings or censures, or formal disciplinary measures such as placing the offending official on probation, suspension of the official's authority, or removal of the official from the position. The reason(s) for and the process and standards of rectification, if any, must be given in writing to the official under discipline. The disciplining body or persons must ensure that the details are entered into the relevant resolutions of the disciplining body. In the case of three GBC’s, the details shall be recorded by the GBC Secretariat. Reasons for Discipline
An ISKCON Official may be disciplined for the following indiscretions; Misconduct and Indiscipline 1. Willful violation of GBC resolutions. 2. Vilification of ISKCON or the GBC Body. 3. Misconduct in office (physical assault except in self-defense, improper relationships with opposite sex, improper sexual behavior, abusive behavior to devotees, improper dealings with external society, and so on.) 4. Habitually or knowingly making false charges and accusations or other consistent vaisnava-aparadhas. 5. Serious interference in the guru and disciple relationship. 6. Duplicitous or untruthful dealings (giving false promises to devotees, lying to spiritual authorities, and other serious prevarication). Improper Discharge and Neglect of Duty, Misuse of Funds and Gross Mismanagement. 1. Consistent unexcused absences at Divisional Council meetings. 2. Consistent failure to submit prescribed monthly reports. 3. Consistent interference in the guru-disciple relationship or consistent disregard of the devotees’ requirement to accept a spiritual master and serve him. 4. Consistent or serious economic mismanagement of such a nature that it endangers the temple or preaching mission. 5. Serious degradation of temple standards (deity worship, cleanliness and kitchen standards, devotee morale, preaching, temple economy, etc.) 6. Failing to make all necessary and prudent arrangements to defend their corporations and properties from legal liabilities. Spiritual Discrepancy 1. Failure to follow strictly the rules and regulations as described in Srila Prabhupada’s books. 2. Philosophical deviation. 3. Consistently irregular attendance at the temple morning program without bona fide cause. 4. Failure to follow any of the four regulative principles or to regularly chant sixteen rounds of japa. Censure
Censure is to be understood as a reprimand aimed at reformation of an official and prevention of further offending acts. It is the warning voice of pending probation or removal. When ordering the censure, the disciplining authority must clearly spell out in writing to the disciplined official the specific actions that were irresponsible, inappropriate, or in violation of ISKCON law and why they were judged so. Probation
Probation is an opportunity for disciplined officials to redress themselves and regain their status as ISKCON Officials in good standing. When ordering the probation, the disciplining authority must clearly spell out in writing to the disciplined official: · the specific actions that were irresponsible, inappropriate, or in violation of ISKCON law and why they were judged so · the specific program of rectification · the specific curtailment of powers, if any · the specific prerequisites for restoration, if any · the time period of the probation, which shall be no longer than six months. After the period of probation, the disciplining authority must decide as per one of the following: · that the official is rectified and that any restrictions imposed for the term of probation are rescinded; or · that further probation under the same or modified conditions is required to complete the rectification process; or · that the official has not been rectified and that the official be removed from the position. Suspension
In the case where there is substantial reason to believe that an ISKCON official has acted irresponsibly, inappropriately, or in violation of ISKCON law to the extent that continuation of the official in the particular position will be injurious to the properties, good name, physical assets or other resources of the society, then an official should be suspended from that position. Suspension is to separate the official from their office so that a thorough investigation of allegations may be conducted and the suitability of the official to continue in their position is determined. The disciplining body must conduct an immediate investigation so as to minimize disruption at the respective ISKCON centre or project. After completion of the investigation, the body shall make a determination as to the truth of the allegations and the future course of action. They may order as per one of the following: · the suspension shall be revoked and the official shall be restored to the original position; or · there shall be a probationary period with a program of rectification as described under probation above, with or without restoration of authority during the period of probation; or · it is not expected that the official can be rectified within a reasonable period of time and he or she shall be permanently removed from the position. If an ISKCON official is under suspension he may not vote as a member of any ISKCON management body. Removal
Under normal circumstances, an ISKCON Official will be removed from his/her position only after being put on probation and consequently unable to rectify his/her situation. However, in urgent situations, an ISKCON Official may be removed in case of the following; · Any violation of either ISKCON, local or national laws which endangers ISKCON’s stability and security locally, nationally or internationally and which cannot wait for the usual process of probation and removal. · Severe spiritual, philosophical or moral deviation. · Rebellion against the authority of Srila Prabhupada, the GBC Body or other regional, national or local ISKCON authorities. · Incompetent management over an extended period of time, giving rise to an emergency situation. Appeals
If an ISKCON Official is disciplined by three GBCs or a National or Divisional Council, he/she shall have the right of appeal to the Regional Governing Body (if one exists in the area) or the GBC Body (if there is no Regional Governing Body in the area). If he/she is disciplined by a Regional Governing Body, he/she shall have the right of appeal to the GBC Body. Any disciplinary action taken against an ISKCON Official by any of the above-mentioned entities shall stand unless and until it is overruled by a higher body.
Removal (Amendment 2006) Under normal circumstances, an ISKCON Leader will be removed from his position only after being suspended and unable to rectify his situation. There should ideally be no change of Presidents or ISKCON Leaders. If there are any difficulties they should be resolved by careful mediation. However, in urgent situations, an ISKCON Leader may be removed by
The reasons for any disciplinary action must be given in writing to the disciplined leader by the disciplining body or persons, who may define a situation as urgent when it involves any of the following:
Appeal If an ISKCON Leader is disciplined by a National or Divisional Council, he shall have the right of appeal to the Regional Governing Body (if one exists in the area) or the GBC Body (if there is no Regional Governing Body in the area). If he is disciplined by three GBC’s or a Regional Governing Body he shall have the right of appeal to the GBC Body. Any disciplinary action taken against an ISKCON Leader by any of the above-mentioned entities shall stand unless and until it is overruled by a higher body.
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