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Update from 2008, GBC Resoulution 317: Guru Seminar


Whereas there is a need for devotees who serve as initiating spiritual masters to understand clearly their role within the International Society for Krishna Consciousness as well as the need to work cooperatively within the society and the GBC leadership;

Whereas there is a need to build stronger bonds of association among the spiritual masters of ISKCON for their mutual benefit and the benefit of the society;

RESOLVED: That all devotees of ISKCON who, in the future take up service to the society as initiating spiritual masters, must first attend the ISKCON Guru Seminar, prior to initiating disciples.

That seminar shall be offered at least once per year, in Ujjain, India, or another location as determined by the GBC Guru Services Committee.

All devotees currently serving as initiating spiritual masters in ISKCON are strongly recommended to attend this Guru Seminar.

In addition, all initiating spiritual masters, now and in the future, are strongly recommended to attend the four-day Guru Retreat on an annual basis, or at least bi-annually. The Guru Retreat shall be organized by the Guru Services Committee and held in Ujjain, India, or other locations as determined by the committee.


Discretionary Qualifications

These qualifications should be applied when appropriate and as far as possible.

1. Spiritual degrees -- Bhakti Sastri, Bhakti Vaibhava, and Bhaktivedanta (when available) -- shall be a strongly recommended qualification for being granted "no objection" status to serve as a guru in ISKCON.Spiritual degrees--Bhakti Sastri, Bhakti Vaibhava, and Bhaktivedanta (when available)--are a mandatory qualification for being granted "no objection" status to serve as a guru in ISKCON.

2. Should be nothing in his character, conduct, or circumstances to give rise to doubt about his ability to follow the code of conduct for gurus.

3. Should not be involved in any abnormal personal situation. An example of such a situation would be a disrupted or anomalous family life which could distract a guru from his guru duties or otherwise prove a disturbance to him or his followers.

4. Should always be responsible, conscientious, and honorable in ordinary dealings.

1. Spiritual degrees – Bhakti Sastri, Bhakti Vaibhava, and Bhaktivedanta (when available) – shall be a strongly recommended qualification for being granted no objection status to serve as a guru in ISKCON.
2. Should be nothing in his character, conduct, or circumstances to give rise to doubt about his ability to follow the code of conduct for gurus.
3. Should not be involved in any abnormal personal situation. An example of such a situation would be a disrupted or anomalous family life which could distract a guru from his guru duties or otherwise prove a disturbance to him or his followers.
4. Should always be responsible, conscientious, and honorable in ordinary dealings.

Eligibility of Devotee to Be Guru in ISKCON

All Devotee's Initiations From ISKCON Gurus

1. No devotee shall be eligible to become a diksa or siksa-guru in ISKCON unless he has received all of his initiations from ISKCON-approved gurus in good standing.

2. A devotee initiated by a bona fide Gaudiya Vaisnava guru before joining ISKCON may be considered as a special case by the GBC body.

6.3.2     No One Can Give Diksa While Guru is Present

(Amendment 2002)

As taught by Srila Prabhupada, the etiquette of not initiating in the presence of one's diksa-guru will be upheld in ISKCON. However, Srila Prabhupada and historical precedents also teach us that disciples may sometimes initiate in the physical presence of their diksa gurus. If a diksa guru desires for this to happen, he can direct his disciple to go through the normal GBC procedure for initiating.


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