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Specifically Outlawed Doctrines and Practices    "Zonal-Acarya" System

No guru should declare himself or allow himself to be declared an "acarya" or "present acarya" for ISKCON or for a geographical area of ISKCON. There should be no use of the word "acarya" as a title of office.    "Posthumous tvik" Doctrine

The doctrine that Srila Prabhupada continues to initiate direct diksa disciples after his departure from this world through officiating priests (rtviks) is a dangerous philosophical deviation. It is totally prohibited in ISKCON. No devotee shall participate in such posthumous rtvik initiation ceremonies in any capacity including acting as rtvik, initiate, assistant, organizer, or financier. No ISKCON devotee shall advocate or support its practice. is hereby amended to read as follows : ( 1999 )


“ Ritvikism aka” posthumous ritvik theory, post-samadhi ritvik theory, proxy initiation theory, no change theory, etc.


“The doctrine that Srila Prabhupada desired to continue to act as diksa-guru after his departure from this world and did not desire any of his disciples to give diksa in succession after him is a dangerous philosophical deviation. Ritvikism directly goes against the principle of parampara itself ( of successive diksa and siksa-gurus), which sustains the pure teachings and practices of Krsna consciousness. This principle has been established by Krisna and is upheld by all acaryas. Indeed, it is accepted by all followers of Vedic culture. Ritvikism is thus an extreme deviation. It is utterly erroneous to espouse it, deluding and misguiding to teach it, and blasphemous to attribute it to Srila Prabhupada. No one, who espouses, teaches, supports in any way, or practices ritvikism can be a member in good standing of ISKCON. Enforcement of ISKCON Law regarding Ritvikism


1. The GBC Body unequivocally rejects in principle any proposals that Ritvikism be in some manner or another accommodated or tolerated within       ISKCON.


2. The GBC Body hereby makes known its strong determination to enforce ISKCON Law in the matter of Ritvikism and it enjoins upon all its members and other official bodies, officers, and other authorities in ISKCON such as Regional Governing Boards, Regional Secretaries, GBC Ministers, Sannyasis, Initiating Gurus, Temple presidents, and Temple Officers, the responsibility to take every appropriate action, according to ISKCON Law to enforce the prohibition against Ritvikism in ISKCON.


3. A.The GBC Body declares that to espouse or preach Ritvikism includes the following censurable offenses under the provisions of ISKCON Law : (


1. Conscious and serious philosophical deviation from Srila Prabhupada’s preachings and

2. Wilful violation of GBC Body resolutions.


 B. Further the GBC Body hereby rules that in relation to the espousal of Ritvikism these offenses are of a sufficiently serious nature as to warrant immediate imposition of the penalty of probation, including, its attendant program for rectification.

C. Further, the GBC Body hereby empowers the Executive Committee for the year 1999-2000 to place any ISKCON member who espouses Ritvikism on probation, and in consultation with that member’s immediate local authority, or local GBC Member, to establish a specific program of rectification as provided in ISKCON Law which can include


Disciplinary or remedial transfer to another location;

Reformatory change of service,

Prohibited for visiting or living in a specified temple or community,

Specific spiritual remedial programs

A divestiture of certain actions for the period of probation,

Reasonable and just reformatory programs.



Worship and Etiquette

Ceremonies      Guru-puja

The disciples of ISKCON gurus other than Srila Prabhupada may offer guru-puja to their gurus outside the temple room. The temple should provide facility for these disciples' worship.


“Guru Puja” shall be amended to read as follows : ( 1999 )


“Worship of Founder-Acarya and other Gurus in ISKCON


“ As it is enjoined in scripture that a devotee must honour his spiritual master, ISKCON members shall be trained to place their faith, trust, allegience first and foremost in the Founder-acarya who is the pre-eminent siksa guru for every member of ISKCON. Srila Prabhupada is to be worshipped through his words, his murti, his picture, and his devotees. Disciples of ISKCON diksa-gurus, other than Srila Prabhupada, may worship their gurus according to the guidelines of ISKCON Laws and in keeping with the spirit of the abovementioned standards for guru worship in ISKCON.      Vyasa-puja

Vyasa-puja for ISKCON gurus other than Srila Prabhupada should only be observed on one day a year coinciding with the birthday of the guru. This celebration may be held in the temple room. Vyasa-puja shall be amended to read as follows: ( 1999 )

“ ISKCON members shall celebrate Srila Prabhupada’s vyasa-puja ceremony as the pre-eminent vyasa

puja ceremony in ISKCON. All ISKCON members are requested to write an annual vyasa-puja offering

to Srila Prabhupada. Vyasa-puja for ISKCON gurus other than Srila Prabhupada. Should only beobserved

 on one day a year. His celebration may be held in the temple room. ISKCON members conducting vyasa-

puja ceremonies for ISKCON siksa and diksa gurus shall observe them in a modest way, significantly less

elaborate in duration and cost,thanSrila Prabhupada.’s vyasa-puja. In general, devotees shall observe

these vyasa-pujacelebrations in their own locales. In ISKCON, only Srila Prabhupada’s vyasa-puja

books shall be published. Standards of Guru Worship in ISKCON  ( 1999 )

a) ISKCON  devotees shall instruct new members to take shelter of Srila Prabhupada and receive guidance, training and assistance from those who are practically and directly instructing them in Krsna consciousness. ISKCON members shall not compel or coarse new members to accept any particular siksa or diksa-guru or to take diksa initiation at any particular point in time. New members shall chose when and from whom they wish to request initiation, however, for a minimum of six months of strict sadhana, they must focus their attention on Srila Prabhupada as founder-acarya and their siksa-guru. After having established a solid relation ship with His Divine Graces’ vani, they may accept an ISKCON guru and after a subsequent minimum of six months, accept Vaisnava-diksa.


b) After chanting the pranama-mantra of their diksa ( or siksa) guru, all grand disciples and future generations should chant at least the first of Srila Prabhupada’s pranama-mantra wwhile offering obeisances as a means of respecting the Founder-acarya.


c) In order to offer appropriate respect to Srila Prabhupada as Founder-acarya and pre-eminent spiritual master of ISKCON, it is considered an essential devotional practice for all ISKCON devotees, to observe or perform Srila Prabhupada’s guru-puja daily, either in an ISKCON temple, or if not possible, in one’s home.


d) With an aim to focus more fully on Srila Prabhupada and every devotee’s special relationship with him, and to correct any imbalance in application between the respect offered to siksa-gurus, diksa-gurus and other senior vaisnavas, contributing to a devotee’s spiritual progress, an ISKCON siksa or diksa guru may accept public guru-puja ( arati and / or foot-bathing ) in person once a year on ISKCON property as Vyasa-puja.


e) Events welcoming Vaisnavas, including siksa and diksa gurus to ISKCON temples should be modest (for example, limited to presentation of garland(s) and accompanying kirtana. )


f) ISKCON Leaders shall teach that Srila Prabhupada’s books and teachings are the foundation of the spiritual lives of all ISKCON members. Therefore, all ISKCON members shall consider it their compulsory duty to study Srila Prabhupada’s books. Hearing from other devotee’s books and teachings is secondary and supplemental and should not be done at the expense of hearing regularly from Srila Prabhupada.


g) Temple Presidents and Project Leaders are fully responsible for engaging the devotees in their charge. Gurus must first consult with a Temple President before talking to his disciples about changing their service.


h) Gurus shall minimize the number of devotees engaged in their personal service and in their travelling entourage. Gurus shall not personally engage single members of the opposite sex or married members of the opposite sex without their spouse, in direct personal service and should never be alone or in a solitary place with them as ordained by sastra.


i) Guru-daksina and other donations offered to siksa and diksa gurus are the property of ISKCON.


j) At the time of diksa initiation, all disciples will be further instructed by their initiating guru that Srila Prabhupada is their pre-eminent siksa guru as ISKCON’s Founder-acaraya, ever present in his books and teachings. Thus they have a recognized siksa link to Srila Prabhupada.       .Times for Guru Worship ( 2000 )

All festivals, events, commemorative occasions, etc. that are in honour of present ISKCON gurus and that are observed in the main worship area of ISKCON institutions, are to be held at times other than those normally set aside for regular worship, such as the morning program and the Sunday feast. Restricted Titles

A guru cannot not use or allow his disciples to apply to him the honorific title "His Divine Grace" or the honorifics ending in "-pada" in written public documents or in open public forum. However, such titles may be used in communications among disciples or from disciples to their guru.



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