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The Present Indefinite Tense

Affirmative Interrogative Negative
There is a computer center at the University. Is there a computer center at the University? There is no computer center at the University.
There are computer centers at the University. Are there computer centers at the University? There are no computer centers at the University.

The Past Indefinite Tense

Affirmative Interrogative Negative
There was a computer center at the University. Was there a computer center at the University? There was no computer center at the University.
There were computer centers at the University. Were there computer centers at the University? There were no computer centers at the University.

Indefinite Pronouns


Pronouns People Things Places
some деякий будь-який, декілька somebody someone хтось, будь-хто something що-небудь somewhere де-небудь  
any деякий, будь-який, декілька anybody anyone будь-який хтось anything все будь-що anywhere скрізь всюди  
no ніякий nobody no one ніхто nothing ніщо нічого nowhere ніде

Illustrative Examples

There is a post-graduate course at the University.

There are student hostels at the University.

Is there a post-graduate course at the University?

Yes, there is. No, there is not.

There is no post-graduate course at the University.

There are not many student hostels at the University.

Is there a post-graduate course or a designing bureau at the University?

What is there at the University?

There is a post-graduate course at the University.

How many student hostels are there at the University?

There are three student hostels at the University.

There is somebody in the laboratory.

Is there anybody in the laboratory?

There is nobody in the laboratory.

There is not anybody in the laboratory.



Unit 3 Topic: University Language: 1. Construction there + be                2. Indefinite Pronouns Text: Our University
 I I. Language

Exercise 1. Study the vocabulary

to be founded – бути заснованим

competition – конкурс

to enter – поступати

to do one’s best – робити все можливе

to be enrolled – бути зарахованим

faculty – факультет

full-time form of education – денна форма навчання

correspondent form of education – заочна форма навчання

Faculty of Retraining and Advanced Training – факультет перепідготовки та підвищення кваліфікації

as well as – так же як

common - спільні

specialized academic Council for defending theses – спеціалізована вчена Рада з захисту дисертацій

rigional division – регіональний підрозділ

teaching staff – педагогічний склад

student’s body – кількість студентів

assistant professor – доцент

under supervision – під керівництвом

to carry on reseach work – вести наукову роботу

practical application – практичне застосування

scientific society – наукове товариство

to have at one’s disposal – мати в распорядженні

shop – майстерня

equipment – обладнення

machine-tool - верстак

up-to-date devices – сучасні прилади

department – кафедра

hostel – гуртожиток

to provide - забеспечувати

term – семестр

credit – залік

grant – стипендія

to attend – відвідувати

yearly project – курсова робота

Bachelor degree – ступінь бакалавра

Master degree – ступінь магістра

post-graduate course – аспірантура

out-of-class activity – позакласна діяльність

amateur group – самодіяльність


III. Grammar


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