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Образование Политология Производство Психология Стандартизация Технологии


1. Read and memorize:

citizen           гражданин

term of office срок полномочий

assist             помогать

foreign affairs внешняя политика

sign               подписывать

in the name of от имени

diplomat        дипломат

consent          согласие

advice           совет

duty              обязанности

indefinite       неопределенный

rank              занимать более высокое положение

prestige          престиж

seniority       превосходство в положении

maintain        сохранять

negotiate        обсуждать условия

2. Remember the pronunciation of the following words:


Armed Forces





3. Read and translate the text:

President of the USA is the head of the State and the Government, he is also the Commander-in-Chief of the US Armed Forces. President must be a natural born citizen of the USA, at least 35 years old, and for at least 14 years a resident of the USA. The term of office begins on January 20.

President is assisted by Vice-President and the Cabinet. The President and Vice-President are elected for a term of four years and can be re-elected for another term, but no longer than that.

President conducts foreign affairs, signs treaties in the name of the USA, appoints diplomats, Cabinet members, federal judges with the consent and advice of the Senate. Vice-President presides over the Senate, his other duties are indefinite. He takes the President's office if the President can not finish his term.

US President is assisted in Administration by a Cabinet of 12 members. Cabinet secretaries correspond to European ministers. They are heads of different departments. President appoints them for indefinite time. Cabinet officials serve during his term. When the President's service ends, the new President can appoint new chiefs of executive departments. Among the most important departments one should mention the Department of State which ranks ahead of other Departments in prestige and seniority. The political power of the Secretary of State has the duty of trying to maintain peace and negotiate economic and political treaties.

4. Answer the following questions:

1. Who is the head of the State and Government?

2. Who helps the President?

3. What are the duties of the President?

4. For which term of office is the President elected?

5. What are the duties of the Vice-President?

6. When does the Vice-President take the President's office?

7. How many members does the Cabinet consist of?

8. How long do the Cabinet officials serve?

5. Prove that the following sentences are right:

Use the expressions:

It is quite right ... , Exactly so … , If I am not mistaken ...

1. President is the head of the Government.

2. President must be a resident of the USA.

3. President appoints Cabinet members.

4. Vice-President is elected for a term of four years.

5. Vice-President presides over the Senate.

6. Vice-President can take the President's office.

7. The Cabinet consists of 12 members.

8. The new President appoints the new Cabinet officials.

6. Finish the following sentences:

1. President must be ...

2. President is assisted by ...

3. President conducts ...

4. Vice-President presides over ...

5. The Cabinet consists of ...

6. Cabinet secretaries correspond to ...

7. When the President's service ends ...

7. Ask your fellow students what new information he got heaving read the text. Use the formulas:

Can you tell me ... ,

Could you speak about ... ,

What information have you got about ....

8. Retell the text. Use the following phrases:

To begin with, I'll consider ... ,

First I'll describe ... ,

Now I'll pass to ... ,

I'd like to draw your attention to ... ,

From this it is follows that ... ,

Finally ... , To conclude ....


1. Read and memorize:

dominate - возвышаться

wing - крыло

contain - содержать в себе

inauguration - инаугурация

dedicate - посвящать

law - закон

sign - подписывать

accomplishment - достижение

temple - храм

brood - размышлять

surround - окружать

inscribe - писать

colossal - громадный

vast - обширный

wind - обвивать

hollow - пустотелый

shaft - столб

tomb - могила

seize - захватить

site - участок

2. Read and translate the text:

Washington is the capital of the United States of America.

When George Washington became the first president he chose the place for the new capital, which was named after him.

Washington is situated in an independent area on the east coast of the Potomac River, named District of Columbia after Christopher Columbus and it was planned by a French artist and architect who had fought in the Revolutionary War, Pierre L'Enfant.

Washington has been described as the most beautiful capital city in the world and the most beautiful American city. As the matter of fact it has nothing characteristically American in it, as its conception is purely French. It has long wide avenues, gardens, beautiful parts and no skyscrapers at all. Many tourists come to Washington every summer to see the nation's capital and get .acquainted with some of its sights.

The Capitol.

The Capitol is the seat of the US Congress. Building of the Capitol was begun in 1793. In 1800 the building was partly finished, and Congress removed from Philadelphia.

The Capitol Building dominates all Washington. The Capitol consists of a central building and two wings. The north wing contains the Senate Chamber, and the south wing - the House of Representatives.

Both chambers of the Congress are open to public. They have visitors galleries, there is a special gallery for foreign diplomats. Special places are set aside for press, radio and TV representatives.

Inauguration of presidents and vice-presidents are held in front of the Capitol.

Jefferson Memorial.

Jefferson Memorial is dedicated to Thomas Jefferson, third president, author of the nation's Declaration of Independence. On the walls of the memorial are passages of his writings: "... laws and institutions must go hand in hand with the progress of the human mind..."

Jefferson died on July 4, 1826, the fiftieth anniversary of the signing of the Declaration of Independence. Among his many accomplishments, he wished to be remembered most of all as the author of this document and as a founding father of the University of Virginia.

Lincoln Memorial.

Lincoln Memorial, designed by Henry Bacon, is of white marble, built like a Greek temple. It was set high on the edge of the Potomac River. Lincoln often came to its banks to brood upon the outcome of the union. The 36 columns surrounding the walls represent the 36 States in the Union at the time of Lincoln's death. The words of two of Lincoln's major speeches are inscribed on the inside walls of the memorial.

The memorial chamber contains a colossal statue of Lincoln. It is seated in the center, facing the Capitol. The figure, 19 feet tall, was designed by David French.

Washington Monument.

The 555-foot Washington Monument is the tallest stone structure in the world. An elevator carries the visitor to the top where he can enjoy the vast panorama of the city. Or he can walk the 898 steps which wind round in the hollow shaft.


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