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Two-Party System of Politics

A political party is an organization made up of citizens who usually have similar ideas on public issues and who work to put their ideas into effect through government action. To achieve their purposes, political parties try to get the voters to elect to public office those whom the party favors. Parties also work hard to get laws passed that they favor.

Political parties offer a practical way for large numbers of people with similar ideas to get things done. Political parties are concerned with practical politics. This means that the parties are concerned with what actions governments should take.

In the United States, political parties are voluntary. All citizens are free to join the party of their choice. Or they may decide not to join any party. Americans who join a political party usually do so because they agree with most of that party’s ideas. Of course, not all members of a political party agree on every issue. If members are in serious disagreement with a party on important issues, they are free to leave the party. They may then join another party or decide not to belong to any party at all.

As members of a political party, Americans can join with other citizens in trying to put their party’s ideas to work in the local, state, and national governments. Political parties play a large role in helping the American people govern themselves.

Ever since then, these two political parties have had almost equal strength. This two-party system, as Americans call it, has worked remarkably well. When one party fails to please a majority of voters, there is another strong party ready to take over. The newly elected party often tries different programs and policies in dealing with the nation’s problems.

If Americans had more than two strong political parties, all of about equal strength, no one party would be able to win a majority of votes. In order to run the government, then, two or more of the political parties would have to work out a compromise and agree to work together. This agreement between two or more political parties to work together to run the government is called a coalition.

Coalition governments, however, have certain disadvantages. Often the political parties disagree, and the coalition breaks apart. This makes the government and the nation weak. Several European nations have this multi-party system. Some nations, such as Italy, have had great difficulty in governing themselves because of the many small political parties. However, in the Netherlands and other nations this system has worked well.

Besides the two strong political parties in the United States, there are also a number of minor political parties. In national elections, there are always several candidates who have been nominated by these minor political parties. Minor parties are usually called third parties. At certain times in American history, they have had great influence.


Exercise 2. Decide whether the following statements are true or false.

1. To be a member of a political party person must be over 21 and must believe in god.

2. Third parties cannot influence on political situation in the USA.

3. If members are in serious disagreement with a party on important issues, they must agree with the majority.

4. All political parties have equal programs.

5. In the United States, political parties are compulsory.

Exercise 3. Answer the following questions.

1. What is a political party?

2. What do the political parties do to achieve their purposes?

3. Who can join a political party?

4. What are the main political parties in the USA?

5. What disadvantages do coalition governments have?


Exercise 4. Make your own questions to the text.



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