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Listening (1). British tabloids forced to apologise to McCann family (2:45).

Listen to the tape and say whether these statements are TRUE or FALSE. Substantiate your opinion.

1. Four of Britain's top quality newspapers have been forced to print front page apologies. _________________

2. Newspapers, alleged that the parents were involved into the kidnapping of their daughter. _________________

3. The papers refused to pay $1.2 million which the parents required to be contributed to the Find Madeleine fund. _________________
4.The Express and the Daily Star acknowledged that the McCanns were " completely innocent". _______________
5. There was only one article with formal apologies to the family________
6. The search for the missing girl was over as soon as newspapers paid money to settle down the conflict. ______________________



Text Translation

The Times

Большую часть своей истории The Times была самой влиятельной ежедневной газетой Британии. Газета была неотъемлемым чтивом для руководящего класса страны. Газеты была основана в 1785 году Джоном Уолтером. Первое название газеты The Daily Universal Register было изменено на The Times в 1788 году. К середине 19-го века газета получила среди своих читателей название The Thunderer за свои устрашающие передовые статьи. Газета была известна обзором мировых событий (это была первая газета, которая включала в себя международную корреспонденцию). После периода своего упадка, газета выжила под руководством главного редактора Уильяма Хэйли в 1960-70-х гг. Этот период был ознаменован для газеты известным и противоречивым слоганом: Top People Read The Times (Высшее общество читает Таймз). The Times как и ее сестрой The Sunday Times владеет международный магнат прессы Руперт Мердок. Газета печатается в Лондоне и выходит с тиражом около 400 000 – 450 000 копий.


               Text 3 Dowdy German Media Aunt Gets a New Suit

Read the following text. Translate the underlined passage(s) into Russian.

Die Zeit's editor aims to regain the paper's status as a forum for lively intellectual debate

Like so many German institutions, Die Zeit, the esteemed liberal weekly newspaper, has become somewhat flabby and complacent. The " old aunt" is certainly still accorded the begrudging respect typically reserved for an ageing relative. But it is also a touch dowdy, too long-winded and not listened to as much as in the past. According to Roger de Weck, the paper's newish, youngish editor, this is about to change. " The old aunt is getting new clothes, " says Mr de Weck, who was drafted in by Die Zeit's owners, the publicity-shy Hoitzbrinck group.

His task is to oversee the rejuvenation of a paper which is older than the Federal Republic and which in its 1960s and '70s heyday had a profound impact on political debate in the former West Germany.

Mirroring shifts in German society at large, Die Zeit was caught by surprise by the great changes which accompanied the fall of the Berlin Wall, and never quite regained its sense of purpose. The biggest shock for it has been the way Germany's intellectuals have become increasingly marginalised in public debate.

The paper's new clothes went on display last week. A redesign by the American newspaper designer Mario Garcia has given Die Zeit a lighter look, which means an increase in the type size and a lot more white space between the lines.

A table of contents has been added - a welcome addition to a paper renowned for its bulk and its expanses of text. Splashes of red here and there add a flirtatious touch. And the word " knowledge" has replaced " trade" in the paper's sub-title.

This last change might appear rather slight. But it gives an indication of the Swiss-born, 44-year-old Mr. de Weck's more important plans for Die Zeit: the transformation of the paper's editorial content and tone.

Articles will be shortened and the prose made more terse. But at a time when there is more information available than ever before Mr. de Weck reckons marketing expertise and competence is the best way of earning money and getting more readers.

The 450, 000 people who currently buy the paper every Thursday come from Germany's highly-educated classes.

On the commercial side, the paper is the leading carrier of academic recruitment advertisements.

Such company may certainly be civilised. But in recent years the paper has become, as many of Die Zeit's younger journalists admit, and even boring. Mr. de Weck acknowledges this, but says he has started to implement changes to make it a forum for intellectual debate and ideas to reform Germany's ossified institutions.

He has set up a " reform workshop " of journalists drawn from the political, business and " knowledge" departments. Elsewhere, younger journalists have been promoted, with older ones encouraged to try their hands at more regular reporting again. The aim, Mr. de Weck says, is to play a more active role in the parts of society agitating for change in Germany.

On the commercial side, the goal is to boost the circulation of Die Zeit to 470, 000 by the end of the year. Currently, it has a turnover of DM 150m (£ 50m) and makes a small (undisclosed) profit.

While the political, business and social establishment is still inert, Mr. de Weck senses that particularly among the young there is hunger for reform and change.

" There is actually a lot happening on the ground, but it is being held up by ageing institutions. We want to put ourselves at the forefront of reform. "

Die Zeit is a good testing ground for Mr. de Weсk's thesis. In the German newspaper world Die Zeit is known as the place where journalists only ever leave feet first. Many of the staff who helped establish Die Zeit's reputation when both the paper and the country at large faced material hardship unimaginable in affluent Germany today are still on board.

But such age also brings with it experience and respect. One of the journalists most identified with the paper for the last 40 years is Countess Marion Donhoff. The octogenarian scion of an east Prussian aristocratic family, she is one of Germany's best known thinker-scribes and a familiar face on the international policy wonk circuit. Her colleague on the editorial board, Helmut Schmidt, the former chancellor, brings the clout of statesmanship.

The challenge facing Mr de Weck over the next few months is to retain such gravity while ushering in a much needed breath of fresh air. Like the society it claims to mirror, Die Zeit will need to show it has embraced change and embarked on a new and exciting course, and persuade readers that the changes unveiled this week are not a case of too little too late.


1. Give equivalents of the following:

Редакционная коллегия; приносить незначительную прибыль; тираж; еженедельная газета; редактор; маркетинговая экспертиза; оглавление; канцлер; оборот; содержание; объявление о вакансии; уважаемое издание; создать репутацию; попробовать себя в чем-то; отражать события; вносить изменения; быть готовым к чему-либо; расцвет; подзаголовок; оказывать влияние на; быть в первых рядах; журналисты; обновление газеты; жажда реформ; чувство собственного предназначения; статья; форум для дискуссий; претендовать; поле для испытаний; увеличить тираж; размер шрифта

2. Find as many synonyms as you can:

to boost circulation; to mirror; an esteemed newspaper; hunger for reform; to be about to do smth.; to implement changes; to establish reputation; a scribe; rejuvenation of a newspaper; to be at the forefront of reforms; to have impact on; profound impact; to embark on

3. Translate into English:

1. Расцвет этого издания пришелся на середину 90х; тогда его читали чуть ли не в каждой семье. 2. Не думаю, что вам удастся купить это пособие, его тираж слишком мал и его практически невозможно найти. 3. Сегодня телевидение и электронные СМИ имеют больше влияния на общественное мнение, нежели радиовещание и печатные издания. 4. Считается, что стремление к новым реформам более свойственно молодым политикам. 6. Политика нашей редакционной коллегии состоит в том, чтобы наша газета стала форумом для обмена мнениями и идеями по самому широкому кругу вопросов. 7. Этот раздел уже устарел, ему необходимо существенное обновление. 8. После понижения по службе, ему пришлось опять заняться подготовкой обычных репортажей.

Complete the sentences.

(a) own, owner, ownership                                 

l. Rupert Murdoch is the largest single newspaper_____________.      

2. Until 1986 a private family____________the Daily Telegraph.

3. After various changes in the ___________the newspaper Today was sold to Rupert Murdoch.

4. There are a number of newspapers in the country_________by individuals.

5. ___________of the press in Britain is in the hands of individuals or a few large publishing groups.

(b) (un) cover, coverage, cover (up)                     

1. It is difficult for the media__________the growing number of crises throughout the world.

2. The issue_____________needs serious consideration.

3. Much of the Times’ prestige rests on its excellent in-depth__________ of national and international issues and political events.

4. Most readers were attracted by the colourful____________of the book.

5. Our readership prefers intelligent___________without bias.    

6. By investigative journalism newspapers can______________hidden facts that need, in their view, to be made public.

(c) advertise, advertisement, advertising, advertiser, commercials

1.Some reporters try___________other people's damaging personal secrets to sell them to tabloids.                     

2. At present__________run for two and a half minutes.   

3. Most__________revenue is generated in peak time from 6 to 11 pm.

4. Why not a paper without __________? E.W. Scripps started any of them but the Industrial revolution and a mass consumption society forced___________into his papers.

5. The primary challenge a daily newspaper publisher faces is the cost of producing his paper that goes on every day regardless of how much or how little__________each issue carries.

 6. The goal of ___________is to get their message into every household of the area as cheaply as possible. 

Text Translation

The Observer

The Observer – это самая старая британская воскресная газета, основанная в 1791 году. После 1814 года она была первой газетой в мире, которая использовала иллюстрации. Газета разделена на три части ( The Observer, Observer Business и Observer review), плюс цветной журнал, который прилагается к газете. У газеты сложилась репутация серьезной газеты с ответственными репортерами, дельными комментариями и обзором литературы, а основными ее читателями являются представители образованного среднего класса. Газета издается в Лондоне, тиражом около 550 000 копий.


The Guardian

Британская ежедневная газета была основана в Манчестере в 1821 году, и первым ее названием было The Manchester Guardian. В 1959 году газета была переименована в The Guardian, а с 1961 году стала издаваться в Лондоне, также как и в Манчестере. Эта качественная газета является собственностью целого траста, а не отдельного собственника, и поэтому имеет репутацию независимой газеты. The Guardian отличается своими отличными политическими комментариями, обзорами, а также женской страничкой. Газета ориентирована на “левых” в политических взглядах и читается преимущественно представителями либерально настроенного среднего класса. Тираж этой газеты- более 400 000 копий.

                              Text 4 The American Press

Read the following text. Translate the underlined passage(s) into Russian.


Most daily papers in the USA are of the “quality” rather than “the popular” variety. Among the 20 newspapers with the largest circulation only two or three regularly feature crime, sex and scandal.

It is often said that there is no national press in the United States as there is in Great Britain, for instance. In one sense this is true. There are no official or government-owned newspapers in the USA. There is no state censorship, that is, courts or judges cannot stop a story from being published or printed. Most daily newspapers are distributed locally or regionally.

However, the influence of a few large metropolitan newspapers, most notably the New York Times and the Washington Post, has increased so that these papers come close to constituting a national press. Both papers syndicate their staff-written stories to regional newspapers all over the country.

The Wall Street Journal was the country's first national daily and is the largest. It specializes in economic and financial issues.

The New York Times is a journal with  a relatively long and respected history. It is read by about one million people in the US and is ranked as 'the world's top daily’. USA Today was launched only recently, in 1982. This paper claims over five and a half million readers.

Two other newspapers also representing American journalism in the areas of national and international news and mentioned among papers of international excellence are the Christian Science Monitor and the International Herald Tribune. The former is smaller in size and readership than the other papers. The latter is partly owned by the New York Company and the Washington Post Company. About 40 % of its articles come directly from those two American papers, and its main office is in Paris. Printed simultaneously in ten major cities in the world, it calls itself 'The Global Newspaper'. It offers political and financial news about many countries, especially the United States, Western Europe, and the Far East.

Most American newspapers rely heavily on wire copy from the two world's largest news agencies, the Associated Press (AP) and the United Press International (UPI). Neither of them is owned, controlled or run by the government. They have thousands of subscribers - newspapers, radio and television stations and other agencies, which pay to receive and use the news and photographs in more than 100 countries in the world.

The trend toward concentration of ownership is defended on the ground that large-scale organizations can provide the funds, knowhow, and management to keep a newspaper profitable and competitive.

The American press, especially in recent decades, has insisted on objectivity and detachment in news reports. Opinion is excluded from news columns and is presented on separate editorial pages, which feature unsigned editorials and include opinions signed by readers, contributors, and syndicated columnists. Government and media often engage in confrontations when reporters disclose classified information or pursue investigative reporting to uncover injustices and corruption within American institutions. As far as the readership level is concerned there has been a considerable decline. Newspapers have had to cope with competition from radio, television and the Internet. Nowadays, it is they which provide Americans with news.


1. Give equivalents of the following:

освещать события, распространять газеты, представлять собой национальную прессу, специализироваться по экономическим и финансовым проблемам, первый и последний (из перечисленных), печатать одновременно в нескольких крупных городах, в основном полагаться на, предоставлять / оказывать финансовую помощь, поддерживать газету в прибыльном и конкурентоспособном состоянии, конфликтовать, вскрывать факты несправедливости и коррупции, значительный спад, справляться с конкуренцией, обеспечивать новостями.


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