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A Simple Example: Linear Regression
1 x2
Σ a0 Σ y1
which can be abbreviated by yQ Mp = d. (17.51)
Error Norms e = d − d pre = d − Mp est. (17.52) In order to minimize the error vector we need a suitable measure. We may use norms, which we discussed when using inner product vector 462 17 Regularization and Modeling
spaces in Section 2.3.1. Generally, the Ln norm of the Q-dimensional vector e is defi ned as
q=1 . (17.53) A special case is the L∞ norm
The L2 norm is more commonly used; it is the root of the sum of the squared deviations of the error vector elements 1/2 Q
q=1 . (17.55) Higher norms rate higher deviations with a more signifi cant weighting. The statistics of the data points determines which norm is to be taken. If the measured data points yq have a normal density (Section 3.4.2), the L2 norm must be used [124].
Least Squares Solution The overdetermined linear inverse problem is solved with a minimum L2 norm of the error vector by
This solution can be made plausible by the following sequence of oper- ations:
M T Mp est 1 1 .
(17.57) p est = . M T M Σ − M T d provided that the inverse of M T M exists.
Geometric Illustration Before we study methods for solving huge linear equation systems, it is helpful to illustrate linear equation systems geometrically. The P model parameters p span a P" =dimensional vector space. This space can be regarded as the space of all possible solutions of an inverse problem with P model parameters. Now, we ask ourselves what it means to have 17.6 Discrete Inverse Problems† 463
a b Figure 17.7: Geometric illustration of the solution of a linear equation system with three unknowns using the Hough transform: a exact soluble equation sys- tem; b overdetermined equation system with a non-unique solution.
one data point dq. According to Eq. (17.51), one data point results in one linear equation involving all model parameters M
mqp' pp' = dq or g q p = dq. (17.58) k=p'
464 17 Regularization and Modeling
linear equation systems and separate the solvable from the unsolvable parameter combinations. An overdetermined linear equation system that has no unique solu- tion is not just a mathematical curiosity. It is rather a common problem in image processing. We have encountered it already, for example in motion determination with the aperture problem (Section 14.3.2).
17.6.5 Derivation of the Least Squares Solution‡
q'=1 p'=1 p''=1 Factorizing the sum and interchanging the two summations yields
.. pp' pp''. mq'p' mq'p'' p'=1p''=1 q'=1 ˛ A¸ r
− 2. pp'. mq ' p ' dq'
(17.59) p'=1 q'=1
+ dq' dq'. q'=1 We fi nd a minimum for this expression by computing the partial derivatives with respect to the parameters pk that are to be optimized. Only the expressions A and B in Eq. (17.59) depend on pk: ∂ A ∂ pk = P P Q . . .δ k− p'' pp' + δ k− p' pp'' Σ . mq'p' mq'p'' p'=1p''=1 P Q q'=1 P Q = . pp'. mq'p' mq'k +. pp''. mq'kmq'p'' p'=1 P q'=1 Q p''=1 q'=1 = 2. mp'. mq'p' mq'k,
∂ B p'=1 q'=1
∂ p = 2 mq'kdq'. q'=1 We add both derivatives and set them equal to zero: ∂ e ⊗ 2 P Q Q ⊗ 2 = 2. pp'. mq'kmq'p' − 2. mq'kdq' = 0. ∂ pk p'=1 q'=1 q'=1 17.6 Discrete Inverse Problems† 465 In order to express the sums as matrix-matrix and matrix-vector multiplications, we substitute the matrix M at two places by its transpose M T :
p'=1 kq q'=1 kq q'=1 and fi nally obtain the matrix equation M T M p est = M T d . (17.60)
P ˛ × ¸ Qr Q˛ × ¸ Pr ˛ P¸ r P ˛ × ¸ Qr ˛ Q¸ r P˛ × ¸ P r ˛ P¸ r
p est =. M T M Σ − M T d. (17.61) The matrix ( M T M )− 1 M T is known as the generalized inverse M − g of M.
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