Архитектура Аудит Военная наука Иностранные языки Медицина Металлургия Метрология
Образование Политология Производство Психология Стандартизация Технологии

Where does the capital of the USA belong to?

A) The District of Columbia;

B) The State of Alaska;

C) The State of Maryland;

D) The State of Pennsylvania;

E) The State of Georgia.

Вопрос 6 95

The nickname for the American Government is …

A) Union Jack;

B) Uncle Sam;

C) Uncle Sir;

D) A.G;

E) UK.

Вопрос 6 96

What is the lowest spot in the USA?

A) Death Valley;

B) Hollywood;

C) Yellowstone;

D) Rhode Park;

E) Charleston.

Вопрос 6 97

What is the capital of Massachusetts?

A) Houston;

B) Atlanta;

C) Boston;

D) Dallas;

E) Chicago.

Вопрос 6 98

What is the c apital of the state of Washington?

A) Denver;

B) Columbus;

C) Olympia;

D) Salt Lake City;

E) Carson City.

Вопрос 6 99

Salt Lake City is the capital of …

A) Utah;

B) Virginia;

C) Colorado;

D) Nevada;

E) Idaho.

Вопрос 7 00

What is the most profitable deal in the history of America?

A) The purchase of the Island of Manhattan for $24;

B) The purchase of Alaska from Russia;

C) The choice of bald eagle as a national symbol;

D) The establishment of the corporation with China;

E) The establishment of the corporation with Russia.

Вопрос 7 01

What is the highest spot in the USA?

A) Mt. McKinley;

B) Mt. Rushmore;

C) Death Valley;

D) Honolulu;

E) The Appalachian.

Вопрос 7 02    

Astana is situated on the bank of the river ….

A) Irtysh;

B) Ishim;

C) Syrdarija;

D) Tobyl;

E) Tenteksu.

Вопрос 7 03

Pavlodar is situated on the bank of the river …

A) Irtysh;

B) Ishim;

C) Syrdarija;

D) Tobyl;

E) Tenteksu.

Вопрос 7 04

What countries does Kazakhstan border on?

A) Russia, China, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan;

B) Russia, China, Georgia, Mongolia;

C) Russia, China, Pakistan, Turkmenistan;

D) Russia, China, Pakistan, Mongolia;

E) Kyrgyzstan, Ukraine, Turkmenistan;

Вопрос 7 05

When is the Independence Day of Kazakhstan?

A) September 5;

B) August 30;

C) February 14;

D) Nauryz 22;

E) December 16.

Вопрос 7 06

What chambers does Kazakhstani Parliament consist of?

A) The Senate and the House of Representatives;

B) The House of Lords and the House of Commons;

C) The Senate and the Mazhilis;

D) The House of Lords and the House of Representatives;

E) The House of Lords and the Mazhilis.

Вопрос 7 07

What is the capital of Kazakhstan?

A) Astana;

B) Almaty;

C) Kyzylorda;

D) Taldykorgan;

E) Tashkent.

Вопрос 7 08

When did Kazakhstan become independent?

A) 1992;

B) 1997;

C) 1991;

D) 1917;

E) 2000.

Вопрос 7 09

Who wrote “The Path of Abai”?

A) Abai Kunanbaev;

B) Mukhtar Auezov;

C) Mukhtar Maghauin;

D) Sultanmakhmut Toraighyrov;

E) Mukhtar Shakhanov.

Вопрос 7 10

What part of Kazakhstan is densely populated?

A) The south part;

B) The north part;

C) The west part;

D) The north-west part;

E) The east part.

Вопрос 711

The Tobol river flows through the territory of …

A) South Kazakhstan;

B) West Kazakhstan;

C) North Kazakhstan;

D) Saryarka;

E) Zhetisu.

Вопрос 7 12

When was the Constitution of Kazakhstan adopted?

A) August 30, 1991;

B) August 30, 1995;

C) September 5, 2000;

D) September 5, 1995;

E) January 13, 1993.

Вопрос 7 13

When was Pavlodar founded?

A) 1900;

B) 1720;

C) 1820;

D) 1880;

E) 1770;

Вопрос 7 14

The monument of miners is the symbol of...

A) Astana;

B) Ekibastuz;

C) Temirtau;

D) Karagandy;

E) Atyrau.

Вопрос 7 15

What is the national currency of Kazakhstan?

A) Tenge;

B) Rouble;

C) Dollar;

D) Pound;

E) Euro.

Вопрос 7 16

How many zones is Kazakhstan divided into according to climatic and economic conditions?

A) 5;

B) 4;

C) 3;

D) 2;

E) 8.

Вопрос 7 17

The territory of the RK is...

A) 2.7 mln. square km.;

B) 3 mln. square km.;

C) 3.7 mln. square km.;

D) 1 mln. square km.;

E) 1.7 mln. square km.

Вопрос 7 18

What part of the RK is the granary of the country?

A) Northern Kazakhstan;

B) Eastern Kazakhstan;

C) Central Kazakhstan;

D) Western Kazakhstan;

E) Southern Kazakhstan.

Вопрос 7 19

What year does the history of Akmolinsk start from?

A) 1830;

B) 1930;

C) 1800;

D) 1730;

E) 1700.

Вопрос 7 20

When was the capital transferred from Almaty to Akmola?

A) 1997;

B) 1991;

C) 2000;

D) 1999;

E) 1995.

Вопрос 7 21

When did Akmola get a new symbolic name – Astana?

A) 1992;

B) 1998;

C) 1997;

D) 2000;

E) 2005.

Вопрос 7 22

Who are the famous painters of Kazakhstan?

A) A.Galymbaeva, A.Kasteev;

B) R.Rymbaeva, B.Tolegenova;

C) K.Satpaev, A.Margulan;

D) S.Toraighyrov, Sh.Kudaiberdiev;

E) M. Auezov, M.Maghauin;

Вопрос 7 23

How is the milk of the camel called?

A) Kymyz;

B) Shubat;

C) Milk;

D) Airan;

E) Kurt.

Вопрос 7 24

What was K.Satpaev?

A) A scientist;

B) A painter;

C) A chemist;

D) Doctor of Philosophy;

E) A writer.

Вопрос 7 25


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