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Образование Политология Производство Психология Стандартизация Технологии

III. Answer the questions on the text.


1. What does animal husbandry comprise?

2. What is cattle breeding aimed at?

3. What is the main problem in cattle-breeding?

4. Where are flocks grazing?

5. What is derived from pork?

6. Pig has a small stomach, doesn’t it?

7. What does poultry-farming deal with?


VI. Read the text again. Agree or disagree with the following statements.


1. Animal husbandry comprises only sheep-rearing.

2. The farm rearing many heifers and calves is a rich farm.

3. Mangle, alfalfa, clover are special crops for feeding cattle.

4. Flocks can not graze on dry grazing land.

5. Poultry-farming deals with breeding of hog-growing.


V. Complete the sentences with the information from the text.


1. Animal husbandry comprises…

2. The main problem in cattle-breeding is…

3. Big meat-packing plants are engaged in…

4. Sheep are mainly breed for…

5. Hog-breeding gives various foodstuffs derived from…

6. Poultry-farming deals with…


VI. Make the sentences negative and interrogative.


1. Animal husbandry comprises cattle breeding.

2. Special crops are grown for feeding cattle.

3. Sheep are mainly bread for their wool and mutton.

4. Flocks are grazing on well established pasturages.

5. Pig has a small stomach.


VII. Insert correct prepositions where necessary.


1. Cattle breeding … a scientific scale is not only aimed… improving the breed.

2. The main problem … cattle breeding is to choose the necessary feeds.

3. Special crops are grown … feeding cattle.

4. Poultry is bred … the meat, feathers and eggs.

5. We can also speak … the wool-mutton breed.


VIII. Write information about yourself according to the plan below.


─ Place of birth:

─ Place of education:

─ Main subject at school:

─ Date of finishing education:

─ First job:

─ Starting date of first job:

─ Date of starting present job:


Thank you. Good luck.


Вариант 2


I. Active vocabulary:

process of reproduction ─ процесс воспроизводства

sexual reproduction ─ половое размножение

male ─ мужская особь, самец

female ─ женская особь, самка

to produce ─ производить

this is true ─ это относится

gestation period ─ время созревания

offspring ─ приплод, потомок

sow ─ свинья

ewe ─ овца


Translate the text “How Animals Reproduce”


In higher animals the process of reproduction is known as sexual reproduction. In the reproduction of higher animals there are two parents ─ male and female. The female produces the egg or egg cells (ova ) and the male produces the sperms or sperm cells. We know all higher animals to develop from on ovum produced by the female (mother) and fertilized by the male (father ). This is true of chickens,  calves, lambs, pigs, and other such animals.

Gestation period. - The period of development from the time the egg is fertilized until the animal is born is known as the gestation period. Large species of animals have long gestation periods; small species of animals have short gestation periods. Thus, the gestation period of rabbits is 30 days, cats - 60, dogs - 61, sows - 114, ewe -150, cows - 283.                          ' •

Number of young produced. - The cow ordinary produces one offspring each year. In some cases twins occur or even triplets; however, twins are exception rather than the rule. In cattle, twins are born about once in every eight births.

Sows may produce two litters a year, and they usually have from six to twelve pigs each litter. Sometimes sows have even as many as nineteen pigs in a litter.

Ewes ordinary produce lambs only once a year. They usually raise one lamb than raise a larger number.


II. Find English equivalents to the following Russian words and word-combinations:

высшие животные, известно, женская особь производит, это относится, период созревания, большие особи, количество приплода, тройня, двойня, два приплода (опороса) в год.


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