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II. Find English equivalents to the following Russian words and word-combinations. III. Answer the questions on the text. III. Answer the questions on the text.
тело животного, химические составляющие, усвояемость пищи, физические условия, объем воды, сочный фураж, растительные жиры.
III. Answer the questions on the text.
1. What are the row materials for the building up of an animal? 2. What are good results in feeding determined by? 3. What main substances is the animal body built up or? 4. What materials should be included in the animals diet? 5. What do fats contain? 6. What are the principal carbohydrates? 7. What do proteins contain? 8. What elements does ash consist of?
IV. Read the text again. Agree or disagree with the following statements. 1. The animal body is in a constant state of breaking down and building up. 2. The animal body is built up of 2 main substances : water and fats. 3. Fats contain carbon, hydrogen and only a little oxygen. 4. Proteins are necessary to build up muscular tissue. 5. The principal carbohydrates are sugars, starch and cellulose.
V. Complete the sentences with the information from the text. 1. The animal body is in a constant state of… 2. The animal body is built up of 4 main… 3. The amount of water varies… 4. Fats contain carbon… 5. Most common feeds contain…
VI. Make the sentences negative and interrogative.
1. The animal body is built up of 4 main substances. 2. Plant fats are easily changed to animal fats. 3. The principal carbohydrates are sugars, starch and cellulose. 4. They contain only carbon. 5. The amount of ash varies greatly.
VII. Insert correct prepositions where necessary. 1. The row materials … the building up … an animal are the foods consumed. 2. The animal body is built up .. 4 main substances: water, fats, proteins arid ash. 3. The amount … water varies … different foods. 4. Plant fats are easily changed … animal fats. 5. The animal can store them … changing them into fat. 6. Most common feeds contain … 2 … 8 per cent of ash.
VIII. Write information about yourself according to the plan below. ─ I was born in… ─ I studied at… ─ My main subjects at school were … ─ I joined my present company in … ─ I take care of my health…
Thank you. Good luck.
Вариант 4
I. Active vocabulary:
dairy cows ─ молочные коровы beef animals ─ мясные животные to keep in stables ─ держать в стойле the barn ─ сарай dehorning ─ удаление, спиливание рогов the damage ─ повреждение the calf ─ теленок castration ─ кастрация udder ─ вымя shelter ─ укрытие, помещение
Translate the text “Cattle Management” Shelter. ─ Dairy cows require more shelter than beef animals. Cows were found to eat more and give less milk when exposed to severe weather than when kept in stables. Cows exposed to winter rain tend to show a decrease of from 10 to 50 per cent in milk flow, and at least a month will be required for them to return to their normal yield. Stables for cows should be cleaned and disinfected regularly. The stable should be in connection with the barn in which the feeding stuffs are stored. Dehorning. ─ Feeder cattle having horns do not feed out so well as dehorned cattle. Badly bruised carcasses are usually found in transporting horned cattle. Besides the damage done to meat, the hide is often damaged. Generally speaking, the younger cattle are when they are dehorned, the better beef animals they will make. If dehorning is done while the calf is young, the operation will be less severe. Castration. ─ Bull calves can be castrated at any time from a few weeks to 7 months of age. It is better, however, that they should be castrated before they are 4 months old. In any case the operation should not be delayed until 7 months. Treatment of cows before and after calving. ─ As a rule the greatest possible milk yield may be obtained by drying off the cows from 6 to 8 weeks before calving. This may be done by excluding the grain ration, and by milking once a day and later every other day. Attention should be given to the condition of the udder during this period so as to prevent inflammation. Some cows, however, do not require the period of rest before calving. After calving the cow should be kept warm and should not be allowed to drink very cold water. The calf should be allowed to suck the cow for 4 or 5 days, after which he may be separated, from the cow and fed on whole milk, then on skim milk and grain.
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