Архитектура Аудит Военная наука Иностранные языки Медицина Металлургия Метрология
Образование Политология Производство Психология Стандартизация Технологии

For tasks 20 - 30 fill in the correct propositions and the verbs in brackets into the correct form of the verb.


Shortly before ________20(to retire) from the stage, Macready sold all his costumes, theatrical jewelry, wigs, even his make-up box, glad to be rid 21 ___


anything that ________22 (to remind) him in retirement 23___ his past career. Yet there was one article he could not bring himself ________24 (to sell). He took it home wrapped around 25____ a piece of sacking, silently __________ 26(to curse) his weakness in being unable to part 27____ it. Once home, he put it in a cupboard, then locked the door. The thing he couldn’t make himself ________28(to part) 29_______ was the suit of armour he used __________30 (to wear) when acting his favourite part, Macbeth.



                                       Task 4

For tasks 31 - 40 write a word beginning with S which is opposite in meaning to each of the following words.


31) generous         -   s_____________________

32) meaningless      -   s_____________________

33) believing         -  s_____________________

34) complicated    -  s_____________________

35) doubtful          -  s______________________

36)  careful             -  s______________________

37)  wakefulness    -  s_____________________

38) rough               - s______________________

 39) objective         - s______________________

 40) laugh                - s_____________________




                                          Task 5

For tasks 41 - 47 to the following list of the words find synonyms from the box.


aberration      ingenuous           induce       occur unbeliever      bulky                  ingenious


               41) unsophisticated - ______________________    

               42) happen              - _______________________  

               43) persuade           - _______________________   

               44) eccentricity       - ________________________ 

               45) clever                 -  _______________________   

               46)  infidel               -  _______________________             

               47) large                - _______________________   


                               Task 6

For questions 48 - 55 choose the correct word or verb form in each sentence below.

48) They (rose / raised) their glasses and drank to the happy couple.

49) The table has been carelessly (lain / laid).

50) Liverpool (lies / lays) on the north bank of the River Mersey.

51) It was (sensible / sensitive) of her to postpone the trip.

52) She became (conscious / conscientious) of danger.

53) Ann looked (strange /strangely) at her partner and left without saying a word.

54) Ben looked (awkward / awkwardly) in their company.

55) The journey was (exhausting / exhausted).

  Maximum is 55


Use of English



                                          Answer Sheet








          Participant's ID number




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                                              YOU CAN USE THE OPPOSITE SIDE           




Эксперт №           __________________________


ID Участника К1 К2 К3 К4 К5 Сумма баллов


Maximum is 20




Карточка участника

Student 1

Task 1

(Monologue; Time: 1,5 - 2 minutes)


In a minute you will have to speak about friendship . What is your idea of a real friend?


Task 2

(Dialogue; Time: 3 - 5 minutes)


Imagine that you and your partner are going abroad.

Discuss with your partner the role of travelling in our life. Your role is to be against travelling. You consider it a waste of time and money. You can know a lot about other countries watching TV programmes and reading. Give arguments and examples in support of your opinion. You may or may not come to an agreement with your partner. Remember it is a discussion and not a monologue .



Your answers will be recorded.




Карточка участника


Student 2

Task 1

(Monologue; Time: 1,5 - 2 minutes)

In a minute you will have to speak about our Planet. Do you agree that the Earth is our home and it is necessary to take care of it?

Task 2


(Dialogue; Time: 3 - 5 minutes)


Imagine that you and your partner are going abroad.

Discuss with your partner the role of travelling in our life. Your role is to be in favour of travelling. You insist that while travelling we receive a second education. Give arguments and examples in support of your opinion. You may or may not come to an agreement with your partner. Remember it is a discussion and not a monologue .



Your answers will be recorded.







Карточка члена жюри


В конкурсе устной речи участвуют 2 члена жюри и 2 участника олимпиады.

Все инструкции участникам конкурса устной речи даются на английском языке.

Преподаватели – члены жюри приглашают к своему столу пару участников.

Пары составляются методом случайной подборки.

Члены жюри начинают вести беседу и задают каждому участнику 2- 3 вопроса для того, чтобы снять напряжение, расположить их к беседе и подготовить к выполнению устного задания олимпиады.

Время, отводимое на данный этап задания – разминку, 1 – 2 минуты.




Примерный перечень вопросов:

How are you?

What do you think about the weather?

How long have you been learning English?

What other foreign languages do you know?

What do you usually do in your spare time?



Внимание! Не допускаются вопросы, которые направлены на выяснение фамилии участника, номера школы, в которой учится участник, и т.д.




Задание 1

Карточка № 1:


In a minute you will have to speak about friendship . What is your idea of a real friend?


Члены жюри могут дополнительно задать участнику, получившему карточку №1, вопросы по ходу своего ответа:

Do you have many friends?

Do you support each other?

Can we do without friendship?


Карточка № 2:

In a minute you will have to speak about our Planet. Do you agree that the Earth is our home and it is necessary to take care of it?



Члены жюри могут дополнительно задать участнику, получившему карточку №2, вопросы по ходу своего ответа:

Why do people have to protect their Planet?

Is it really in danger?

What can be done about it?


                                       Задание 2



                                   Карточка № 1



Imagine that you and your partner are going abroad.

Discuss with your partner the role of travelling in our life. Your role is to be against travelling. You consider it a waste of time and money. You can know a lot about other countries watching TV programmes and reading. Give arguments and examples in support of your opinion. You may or may not come to an agreement with your partner. Remember it is a discussion and not a monologue .



Карточка № 2:

Imagine that you and your partner are going abroad.

Discuss with your partner the role of travelling in our life. Your role is to be in favour of travelling. You insist that while travelling we receive a second education. Give arguments and examples in support of your opinion. You may or may not come to an agreement with your partner. Remember it is a discussion and not a monologue .



Участникам диалога следует помнить, что это обсуждение, а не монолог. Они должны давать возможность друг другу обмениваться своими мнениями. Свои доводы и мысли им следует подкреплять аргументами и примерами.


Время, отводимое на этот вид задания для каждого выступающего 1,5 - 2,5 минуты, всего не более 5 минут на обоих участников.



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