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Grammar Revision: Phrasal Verbs


Exercise 8. Match the phrasal verb in A with its definition in B. Translate the phrase verb and fill in the gaps in the sentences with the correct form of the phrasal verb.

bring up to return to your usual state of health, happiness, etc. after an illness, a shock, the end of a relationship, etc.: He was disappointed at not getting the job, but he’ll ______ it.
come across to become an adult: Their children have all __________ and left home now.
come up with to be thinking with pleasure about sth that is going to happen (because you expect to enjoy it): We’re really _________________ seeing you again.
drop in to look or behave like an older member of your family, especially your mother or father: Your daughter doesn’t ___________ you at all.
eat out to fail to support or help, disappoint: I need you to be on time. Don't _____ me ______ this time.
fill in to search for, try to find: What are you _____________?
find out to complete a form, etc. by writing information on it: Please ___________ the form with your name, address, and phone number.
get along/on with arrange, found or organise sth (a meeting, a company): I’ve _____________ a meeting for Friday.
get over switch off: Please _________ the television _____ before you go to bed.
give up to continue doing sth: I did not want to talk to her but she ___________ asking me questions.
grow up to continue without changing; to continue speaking, after a short pause: She hesitated for a moment and then __________.
go on to have a meal in a restaurant, etc. rather than at home: I don't feel like cooking. Let's __________ tonight.
hold on to train the body by physical exercise: I ___________ regularly to keep fit.
keep on to get some information about sth/sb by asking, reading, etc.: Can you __________ what time the meeting starts?
let down come without an appointment: I might __________ for tea some time this week.
look for to have a friendly relationship with sb: She and her sister have never really ______________.
look forward to to accept sb/sth that is annoying or unpleasant without complaining: I don’t know how she _________ his behaviour.
look up to become used up; be exhausted: Our supplies finally ___________.
put up with to find or produce an answer, etc.: She ____________ a new idea.
run out of switch on: It's too dark in here. Let's ______ the lights ______.
set up to care for a child, teaching him or her how to behave: They were ___________ to respect authority.
take after used to tell sb to wait or stop: Please ________ while I transfer you to the Sales Department.
turn off to stop doing or having sth or stop trying: She didn’t _____________ work when she had the baby.
turn on search and find information in a reference book or database: ______ this word _____ in a dictionary.
work out to meet or find sb/sth by chance: She _____________ some old photographs in a drawer.



Guided practice: Three Aspects of Culture



Exercise 1. Read and listen to Part 2 of the series about culture using the link: http://www.bbc.co.uk/worldservice/learningenglish/webcast/tae_whoonearth_archive.shtml Answer the questions:


1. What is culture? Give a broad definition.

2. What three groups does culture consist of?

3. What are the visible products of culture?

4. What is considered to be disrespectful in Jamaica?

5. What definition does Edward T. Hall give to culture?

6. Why do we find it difficult to say what culture is?

7. What did a person from Pakistan find out when he came to England?

8. How do Japan and Korea differ in non-verbal behaviour?

9. How do you acquire your culture? In what way is learning another culture different?

10. Is culture homogenous?


Exercise 2. Are the following statements are true or false? Correct the false ones.

1. It is easy to define what culture is.

2. Culture can be divided into three groups: products, ideas and behaviours.

3. Language, gesture and communication are the visible products of a culture.

4. Habits, routines, social etiquette could come under the heading of behaviour.

5. In the third group there are things that make up our world view.

6. A North American anthropologist defined the word “culture” forty years ago.

7. We are not free because our behaviour is controlled by our culture.

8. Learning about another culture is as complicated as learning another language.

Exercise 3. Read the text again and write down the key words and phrases to summarise the following points:

1. The first aspect of culture.

2. The second aspect of culture.

3. The third aspect of culture.




Exercise 4. In the text find two sentences that could be an INTRODUCTION and a CONCLUSION to the question about the three aspects of culture. Write a short essay under the headline: Three Aspects of Culture (150-180 words)




Exercise 5. Match the words with their definitions.

expatriate to have an effect on sth
flexibility to watch sb/sth carefully, especially to learn more about them
impact all the workers employed in an organisation
insight like sb/sth, but not exactly the same
observe better in quality than sb/sth else
similar the ability to adapt to new conditions or situations
staff to achieve sth that you have been trying to do or get; to be successful
succeed a person living in a country that is not their own
superior beliefs about what is right and wrong and what is important in life
values an understanding of sth



Exercise 6. Fill in the gaps with the words from the box.

 embarrassing  beliefs  require  visible  conscious  behaviour  homogenous  assumption  to acquire


1. A lot of people make the __________ that poverty only exists in the Third World.

2. Can TV violence cause aggressive __________ ?

3. There is a __________ change in attitudes to working women.

4. People tend to get angry if anyone challenges their religious __________.

5. I look on it as an opportunity __________ fresh skills.

6. The firm wanted to avoid any __________ questions about its finances.

7. I was __________ of the fact that I had to make a good impression.

8. It is wrong to see people from Pakistan or India as being one __________ group.

9. Something as simple as a greeting can __________ quite different forms of non-verbal communication in different societies.




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