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The Story of Kamoda

Kapinjala said:

1-6. O father, a beautiful lady was formerly weeping at the mouth of the Ganges. From her eyes tears fell into the great water. They sank into the Ganges and became lotuses. (These) flowers were of a divine nature, great, and fragrant. O father, O illustrious one, why did the pure tears fall from her beautiful eyes into the water of the Ganges? A bearded man, having but bones and skin left (on his body) and clothed in a long strip of cloth, collected those fragrant lotuses. Taking those divine (lotuses) of golden colour, he would worship Shiva with them. O you very intelligent one, tell me who that lady is and who that man is. Why does he lament after having worshipped Shiva? If I am dear to you tell all this to me.

Kunjala said:

7. O child, listen. I shall tell you the account of happenings relating to gods. (I shall also tell you) the account of the noble Vishnu that destroys all sins.

8-9. That Vihunda, the well-known son of that very mighty Hunda who was killed by Nahusa in the battle, practised penance, after hearing that his father (i.e. Hunda) along with his ministers and retinue was killed by the brave and mighty Nahusa, Ayu's son.

10-13a. Ready to kill the gods he angrily practised penance. All gods knew the valour of the wicked one which was augmented by means of penance, and knew him to be irresistible in the battle. (They said: ) " Vihunda, the son of Hunda, is out to destroy the three worlds." (Vihunda thought: ) 'I shall wreak revenge for my father and shall kill human beings and gods.' The sinful one, a source of vexation to gods and brahmanas, got ready and started doing harm, and harassed the beings.

13b-15a. Gods scorched by his lustre only and led by Indra, sought the shelter of the noble Vishnu, the god of gods; and they said to the god of gods, the lord of the world, and the holder of a conch, a disc and a mace: " Always protect us from the great fear due to Vihunda." Shri Vishriu said:

15b-19a. May all deities and great gods prosper with great happiness. I shall destroy the most sinful Vihunda, the source of vexation to the gods. Speaking thus to those gods the very glorious Vishnu produced illusion and himself remained in the Nandana (grove). He took up an illusory form of a female endowed with merits. Vishnu's Maya is glorious and deludes the entire universe.

Vishnu's Maya took up a matchless form having a good figure and beauty to kill Vihunda. Kunjala said:

19b-24a. To kill the gods he went up the divine path. Then the lord of the demons saw the Illusion in the Nandana grove. The demon deluded by her with his heart rent by Cupid's arrows did not realise that the excellent woman was of the form of Death and his destruction. Seeing her shining like gold and shining with the wealth of beauty, Vihunda longed for her and he, the sinner, said to that excellent lady: " Who are you? To whom do you belong? O you beautiful lady, O you who torture my heart, give me company. Oyou beautiful lady, by your company protect me, protect me. O you chief of deities, O you illustrious one, I shall give you all that, difficult to be obtained by gods and demons, which you ask for." Maya (Illusion) said:

24b-27a. O demon, if you have a desire to enjoy me, give me a present. Worship Shiva with seven crores of divine, fragrant flowers grown on Kamoda, and difficult to be obtained (even) by gods. O noble one, put around my neck the garland made of those flowers. Give me this present. Then I shall be a very dear wife of you. Vihuntfa said:

27b-31a. O respectable lady, I shall do so. I shall give you the present asked for (by you). Overpowered by love the lord of demons wandered through groves that were auspicious and divine; but he did not find the tree called Kamoda. He himself went everywhere and asked (people) about the tree. Distinguished people told him that there was no tree called Kamoda. Thus asking (people) the wickedsouled one being very much tormented by the arrows of Cupid, went to Shukra, and with his neck bent down through devotion asked him (about the tree). (He said): " Tell me about the charming tree called Kamoda and full of flowers."

Shukra said:

31b-37a. O demon, there is no tree (called) Kamoda. (However) there is a lady (named Kamoda). When delighted by some incident she laughs, then, O demon, from her laughter are produced fragrant, excellent flowers. These divine flowers are of Kamoda. There is no doubt about it. They are charming yellow flowers and have fragrance. Shiva fulfils the great desire of him who worships Shiva even with one flower (of Kamoda). O demon, from her weeping also similar large (but) reddish flowers are undoubtedly produced. O demon, they have no fragrance. One should not touch them. Hearing these words uttered by Shukra, he said: " O you son of Bhrigu, where is that Kamoda? " Shukra said:

37b-41. In the very auspicious Gangadvara, the destroyer of great sins, the city named Kamoda is fashioned by the architect of gods. In that city called Kamoda, lives a lady graced with divine possessions; she also shines with ornaments, and is wellhonoured by all gods. You should go there only, and should worship that excellent celestial nymph. O demon, with some auspicious means, make her laugh. Speaking thus to the demon, that lord of meditating sages, Shukra, possessing great lustre, ceased (speaking), and became engaged in his own work.



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