Архитектура Аудит Военная наука Иностранные языки Медицина Металлургия Метрология
Образование Политология Производство Психология Стандартизация Технологии

Nomination of Thesis Title and Supervisor form

                                                             To the Head of Department

APPLICATION                                 PhD, Associate professor

_ _._ _.20_ _                                       ____________________



Proposed Thesis Title:




Name of Thesis Supervisor, if applicable:



(prospective supervisor’s name, academic degree, academic title)


Master Student                ________________ Na Li




Agreed                 ________________ A.D. Sidorov

                                       (signature)               PhD, AP                                                                                      (date)



Sample of Individual Plan of Master Student Work




Approved by
Rector of BSEU




_ _._ _.20_ _


Of master student work



Name, Surname                   Dmitry Petrov

Major                                         International Economics and Trade Policy


Department                              World Economy

Form of training                       Full-time


Date of admission                      01.11.2012

Date of graduation                   31.03.2014

MINSK 2012



Content of the work Form of control (exam, credit) Due date Mark on the execution (by examinations and credits indicate the date and grade)
1. Mastering curriculum courses and preparation for exams and credits      
1.1 Intercultural Business Communication  credit 25.01.2013  Passed
1.2 International Competition and Competitiveness  credit 04.02.2013  Passed
1.3 International Microeconomics  exam 11.02.2013  9 (nine)
1.4 International Macroeconomics  exam 15.02.2013 10 (ten)
1.5 International Finance and Capital Markets  exam 19.02.2013  9 (nine)
1.6 International Trade Theory and Policy  exam 23.02.2013  9 (nine)
1.7 Trade Negotiations and Dispute Settlement  credit 27.04.2013  Passed
1.8 Trade in Services  credit 03.06.2013  Passed
1.9 Trade in Goods  credit 07.06.2013  Passed
2. Work on a master’s thesis   Literature selection Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Master thesis         06.2013 09.2013 11.2013 12.2013 01.2014    
3. Other types of work (internship, publications, participation in R& D, conferences, seminars)   1. publication of scientific articles 2. participation in conferences 3. participation in seminars   09.2013-02.2014  
4. Writing a report on the preparation of the execution of master plan      
4.1 for the 1st semester for full-time (1 year for part-time studies) )      
4.2 for the 2nd semester for full-time (2 years for part-time studies)        

Master program student                                    _ _._ _.20_ _

Supervisor                                                          _ _._ _.20_ _

Head of the Department                                     _ _._ _.20_ _

Master’s thesis title The Strategic Trade Policies: Commercial Disputes on the World Information Market


Recommended for approval at the meeting of the Department of World Economy



Minutes of _ _._ _.20_ _ №_______



Supervisor ___Serova Kseniya Valentinovna_________________________

(full name, academic degree, academic title)    
Ph.D. in Economics, Associate Professor, Department of World Economy ______________________________________________________________________


Head of Department        _________________ _______________

(signature )                       (full name)

                                                            _ _._ _.20_ _

Master’s thesis title and supervisor approved by order of _ _._ _.20_ _№      


Methodologist                   _____________                                         

(signature )                       (full name)

                        _ _._ _.20_ _




A detailed plan of the master thesis stating the goal of the research section title and terms of their performance

The goal of the research: The paper aims to illustrate how strategic trade policy is used by analyzing the concrete situations in the world information market and focusing on the case of the international commercial disputes. The are considered: the dimensions in the definition of strategic trade policy and its types; the features of strategic trade policy and the presence of commercial disputes in strategic trade policy; the position of the WTO regarding the strategic trade policy; the key points in the development of the world information market and major players in it; the factors that made it possible to use strategic trade policy in the world information market; the implementation of the strategic trade policy by the market actors; the disputes that have arisen from the use of strategic trade policy, and the ways they are resolved; the settlement of commercial disputes in legal framework with economic consequents.

Keywords: strategic trade policy, world information market, disputes, commercial disputes, oligopoly, monopoly, subsidies, multilateral system, countervailing measures, WTO, law, legal aspects, dispute settlement, dispute settlement system, economic effects, strategy.

Detailed plan:


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