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III. Comprehension checking. 3.1. Answer the following questions. 3.1. Answer the following questions

3.1. Answer the following questions:

1. Do you live in a house or in a block of flats?

2. Which floor is your flat on?

3. Is your flat well-planned? Is it comfortable?

4. How many rooms are there in your flat?

5. Where do you usually have your meals?

6. Is there much furniture in your flat? Do you change it round from time to time?

7. What is there in your room?

8. Are there any pictures on the walls of your flat?

19. What colour are the walls in your room?

10. What is your kitchen like?

11. How often do you redecorate the rooms?

12.Do you consider your dwelling to be cosy and stylish?

3.2. Decide whether these statements are true, false or information is not available:

1. The narrator’ family lives in a new cottage.

2. The largest room is the living room . 

3. There are a lot of flowers in the living room.

4. The wallpapers in the parents’ room are light brown. 

5. There is a balcony in the narrator’s room.

6. The kitchen is small.

7. There are a lot of home appliances in the kitchen.

8. The family meets friends in the kitchen.

9. The family has got a cat.

10. The family often redecorates the flat.


3.3. Complete the sentences. Use:

Picturesque place, overnight, lovely view, fond of, window-sill, round, spacious, dining group, colourful


1. It’s situated in a very …

2. At other times we welcome guests there and they can even stay …

3. . There is also a balcony where we can enjoy … a of the river.

4. My mother is… flowers which she keeps on the ….

5. . From time to time I change it …

6. Our kitchen is … and light with a stylish … . 

7. We have a lot of exotic and … fish.

IV. Grammar in Focus

4.1. Translate the sentences with the Simple Passive. Give the negative and question forms:

A) 1. The flat is usually decorated by balloons for my birthday party. 2. Various types of dwelling are sold in our city. 3. Many houses are built by the workers every year. 4. This ancient castle is situated in the center of the town. 5. My room is redecorated every five years.

B) 1. This small cottage was bought by their friends. 2. The windows were broken last night. 3. The mansion was sold two weeks ago. 4. The armchairs were taken away by Ann and Tom. 5. The old house was repaired by new owners last year.

C) 1. Тhese houses will be built next year. 2. The water supply will be cut off in May. 3. This room will be cleaned in two hours. 5. The block of flat will be repaired in autumn.

4.2.*Put the sentences into the Passive:

1. This factory produces fashionable furniture every year.

2. They informed me about the sale of this flat.       

3. She will sell her nice house in a week.

4. The young specialist got the nice apartment from the company last year.

5. They usually rent a nice cottage in the country.

6. Our neighbours don’t keep any pets in the flat.

7. Helen polished the furniture two days ago.

8. Our friends will buy a new flat next summer.

9. Max and Kate often decorate the room with flowers.

10. My sister didn’t water the flowers yesterday.

4.3. Correct the mistakes using Present, Past or Future Simple Passive:

1. This house built 200 years ago.

2. The room cleans twice a week.

3. These pictures painted by friend of mine.

4. A garage is a place where cars repair.

5. This nice apartment will buy by our neighbours.

6. Somebody broke into our bungalow, but nothing stolen.

7. When sold this new cottage?

8. How often this house redecorates?

9. The new furniture will bring next week.

10. How these windows broke?

V. Speaking

5.1. Read the short dialogues and try to dramatize them:

1) M: I hear you are moving into a new flat, aren’t you?

N: Why, surely. We’ve got a new four-room flat not far from the railway station.

M: Is there any new district in that area?

N: Yes, come and see how we’ve settled. Will you?

M: Certainly, I will, with pleasure.


2) A: Where do you live, Ann?

B: In a flat, near my office.

A: How big is it?

B: Not very big. It’s a two-room flat.

A: And a kitchen and a bathroom?

B: Yes, of course.

A: And what about the rooms? Are they big?

B:  The living-room is, but the bedroom is a bit small. But it’s OK.

A: Is it expensive?

B: No, it's quite cheap, really.

A: And are you happy there?

B: Yes, I am, but it isn’t perfect, you know.

A: Oh, what’s wrong with it then?

B: Well, there’s a lot of traffic to the street outside, so it’s a bit noisy.

A: Is that all?

B: No, it’s also a bit cold there, the heating isn’t very good.

A: Where would you really like to live?

B: I’d like to have a small cottage near the sea with an orange tree in the garden.

A: Oh, dear, what a sweet dream.


3) D: There you are at last. The flat is in a mess and nobody is going to help me.

P: Oh, I’m very sorry, Mum. What can I start with?

D: Take the vacuum cleaner and clean all the carpets at first. Then wipe the dust off every surface in the rooms. Don’t forget to wet the duster.

P: Well, what about the furniture? Shall I polish it?

D: Of course, my dear. And I’m tidying up the kitchen. Come on.

5.2. Make up your own dialogues using the models from the
task 5.1.

5.3*. Tell about your flat.

VI. Listening

6.1. Listen to the text Apartments for Rent on http://www.esl-lab.com


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