Архитектура Аудит Военная наука Иностранные языки Медицина Металлургия Метрология
Образование Политология Производство Психология Стандартизация Технологии

Name three places in English speaking countries you would like to live in and say three reasons that make you want to live there.

5.4*. Role-play the following situation:

1. A professor asks his student why he prefers the USA to the UK
for travelling.

2. American and Russian students exchange opinions about their countries.

3. Imagine you are talking to a British or American friend over the Internet. What questions about his or her country and people’s lifestyles would you ask?

4. At a tourist agency you ask advice and recommendations about vi-siting the places of interest in Washington.

5.5*. Use the Internet to search for information about the USA. Make a five-minute presentation. Use tips given in the appendix 1. Topics to be discussed:

1. The nature of the USA.

2. Washington is the capital of the USA.

3. The biggest cities of the USA.

4. The state structure of the USA.

5. The presidents of the country.

6. The USA as an industrial and agricultural country.

7. American traditions and customs.

8. American holidays.

9. The places of interest in New York.

10. The states of the USA.


6.1. Listen to the text New York Travel on http://www.esl-lab.com

Do the tasks given to this text.


1.* Fill in the table about English speaking countries:


All about the country The UK The USA Canada The Commonwealth of Australia New Zealand
Geographical position          
Big cities          
Official languages          
Nature (mountains, rivers, lakes etc)          
Places of interest.          
Political system          
Main political parties          


2* . Translate into English :

1. Читая книгу, он обычно делает заметки (make notes).

2. Прочитав текст, мы обсудим его.

3. Отвечая на вопросы, он сделал несколько ошибок.

4. Ответив на вопросы преподавателя, мы начали переводить новый текст.

5. Являясь хорошим проводником электричества, медь широко

используется в промышленности.

6. Увидев зеленый свет, мы перешли (cross) улицу.

7. Покупая газету, он потерял деньги.

8. Купив газету, он пошел к метро.


3. Write all forms of Participle of the following words and choose suitable nouns:

e.g. to break –broking, being broken , broken, having broken, having been broken: a broken cup, a having broken glass, a door being broken, etc.

To receive, to write, to lock, to discuss, to publish, to hide, to build, to lose, to choose, to open, to close, to invite, to want, to bring, to stop, to return, to finish, to repeat, to steal, to kill, to marry, to leave, to need, to hurt, to bring, to forget, to translate.

A letter, a package, a question, a message, a certificate, a job, a newspaper, a document, a driving license, a magazine, a door, a window,

a house, a matter, an idea, a book, a text, an exercise, a man, a woman,

a wife, a husband, a child, a person, a colleague, a specialist, a guest, a car, a leg, a song, a picture, a statue, a present, a souvenir, an animal, an address.




1. State the function of the verb «be»:


1. International language is not the phenomenon of our age only.

2. Were there a lot of tourists in the hotel?

3. She will be translating a scientific article at this time tomorrow.

4. Previously the reason for learning any foreign language was not well defined.

5. They were on holiday in Spain last summer.

6. We are to meet our friends at the station at 10 am.

7. Will you be at the university tomorrow?

8. The new educational programs are developed by the experts every year.

9. French was an official language of Russia in the 19th century.

10. What issues were being discussed when we came?

a) смысловой глагол «быть, являться, находиться»;

b) вспомогательный глагол; 

c) глагол-связка;

d) эквивалент модального глагола must;

e) элемент конструкции «есть, имеется, существует».


2. State the function of the verb «have»:


1. As for me I have an average family.

2. Our teacher has a lot of English books and magazines at home.

3. The words have been simplified over the centuries.

4. Have you ever been to Great Britain?

5. Many people have to learn foreign languages to travel abroad.

a) смысловой глагол «иметь»;

b) вспомогательный глагол; 

c) эквивалент модального глагола must.


3. Choose the appropriate form of Participle:


1. The new method of learning English ….. by our teacher at the lessons is very useful.   

a) using b) having used c) being used

2. While …… an article my brother learnt a lot of new words.

a) translating      b) being translated       c) translated

3. ...... through the papers they left the office.

a) looked   b) having been looked c)    having looked

4. Have you received a letter…… from Washington?

a) sent   b) sending    c) being sent

5. … in Germany this book was sold very quickly in Europe.

a) Published b) having published c) Having been published

4. Choose the appropriate translation of the words in italics:


1. The workers were installing the new apparatus and devices from 3 till 5 yesterday.

2. While installing the new apparatus and devices the workers found a lot of defects.

3. The new apparatus and devices being installed by the workers were ordered in Germany.

4. They spoke about the apparatus and devices installed.

5. Having installed the new apparatus and devices the workers started testing it.

6. The workers installing the new apparatus and devices are the high qualified specialists.

7. The workers installed the new apparatus and devices last week.

8. Having been installed at this company the new apparatus and devices the quality of the products started to increase.

9. Installing the new apparatus and devices the workers used the special machinery.

10. The new apparatus and devices were being installed by the workers from 3 till 5 yesterday.


a) установив

b) установленные

c) устанавливали

d) устанавливающие

e) установили

f) после того как установили

g) которые устанавливают

h) при установке

i) устанавливались

j) устанавливая


5. State the function of the Participle:


1. While doing this work he got new data.

2. I cannot forget the story told by him.

3. The experts were discussing the new educational law from March till May.

4. Being a good engineer he managed to do this work in a short time.

5. Having completed all our preparations we started a new series of experiments.

6. Have you looked through the journals sent to us from abroad?

7. What are you discussing now?

8. The conference taking place at the University is devoted to problems of nuclear physics.

9. If done properly the work will give good results.

10. Having been trained by a good teacher, he could easily pass all the exams.


a) обстоятельство

b) часть сказуемого

c) определение


6. Find 3 sentences with the absolute participial construction and translate them into Russian:


1. Having made a report Peter left the room.

2. Many Russian writers were born in Orel, the most outstanding being Ivan Turgenev.

3. When writing a telegram we should use as few words as possible.

4. The work having been done, they went home.

5. The examination was over, most students getting good marks.



1. State the function of the verb «be»:


1. The USA is the federal republic.

2. There are hundred participants at the international linguistic conference.

3. Arabic is spoken in the Middle East.

4. The teacher was examining the students from 10 to 12 am.

5. He is to start the work tomorrow.

6. The UK is a state with the highly developed industry.

7. There are no high mountains in Great Britain.

8. Why weren’t you at the lesson yesterday?

9. What is the climate in the USA like?

10. Our friends are to arrive to London at 11 am.


a) смысловой глагол «быть, являться, находиться»;

b) вспомогательный глагол; 

c) глагол-связка;

d) эквивалент модального глагола must;

e) элемент конструкции «есть, имеется, существует».


2. State the function of the verb «have»:


1. I have already done the laboratory work.

2. He has neither book nor pen.

3. She has to take this medicine three times a day.

4. The new English books and video lessons have been bought by the linguistic center this month.

5. They had to go there earlier.


a) смысловой глагол «иметь»;

b) вспомогательный глагол; 

c) эквивалент модального глагола must.


3. Choose the appropriate form of Participle:


1. She had a good practical knowledge of English___as an interpreter for many years in London.

a) working b) having worked c) worked

2. Read the … sentences once more.

a) translating b) translated c) being translated

3. The house … now will be a drama theater.

a) being built b) built c) building

4. When ….foreign languages you should remember it is necessary for your future job. 

a)  having studied b) studied c) studying

5. … properly , the work was a success.

a) Having been done b) a)having done c) doing

4. Choose the appropriate translation of the words in italics:


1. Translating the article he consulted the dictionary.

2. While translating the article the student learnt plenty new words.

3. The article translated yesterday is rather difficult to understand.

4. Having translated the article I sent it to my English teacher.

5. A student translating the article looks tired.

6. The article being translated by my friend is necessary for his term paper.

7. Though translated into English the article is rather easy for edition.

8. Having been translated into German, the article was published in Berlin.

9. The translated article was sent to the scientific journal .

10. A man translating an article is our new colleague.


a) перевели

b) переводя

с) при переводе

d) которую переводит

e) переведенная

f) переводящий

g) переведя

 h) после того как статью перевели

i) хотя статья переведена

5. State the function of the Participle:


1. Knowing English well he was able to read this book in original.

2. I saw her smiling face in the window.

3. Speaking on the mobile phone he closed the door.

4. They had watched a new film before I came.

5. Being ill, he didn’t completed the project in time.

6. She looked at the broken vase.

7. They are reading a new book now.

8. Look at the man crossing the street.

9. Many schools being constructed contain swimming pools.

10.While translating text we should pay attention to the grammar rules.

a) обстоятельство;

b) часть сказуемого;

c) определение.


6. Find 2 sentences with the absolute participial construction and translate them into Russian:


1. The speaker faced the audience, his hand raised for silence.

2. As our work was finished, we went home.

3. There was very little time left, we had to hurry.

4. The weather being cold, he put on his coat.

5. The specialists use computers widely, the latter helping them in many spheres.




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