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ATTENTION: Please be sure you update the module with the firmware which is specified will work on your model version ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 3 из 3
A. STAND ALONE – firing module used as it is without FTM-99 remote, computer or other controller. ATTENTION: Firing module must be preprogrammed with a script. To be able to use the firing module as STAND ALONE for safety reasons when power on you must press and hold button ‘>>’ (with green LED). 1. Automatic fire using buttons from the module or small remote: button ‘<<’ (Blue LED) or ‘A’ on the small remote and button ‘>>’ (Green LED) or button ‘B’ on buttons from small - In INIT state Press button ‘>>’ (A from small remote) to go in IDLE state - Stand Alone mode – ‘A’ will appear after the ID of the interface: IDXX A - In IDLE state you can check if the cues are correctly connected and if the batteries are charged - With a few minutes before the show you must go into ARMED state by press and hold about 3 seconds button ‘>>’ (‘A’ on small remote).
- In Armed state the module ready to fire and the script will start (go in PLAY state) when you hit again button ‘>>’ (‘A’ on small remote) - If you want to PAUSE press again button ‘>>’ (‘A’ on small remote) and the module will enter into PAUSE state. - If you want to resume in PAUSE state you must press button ‘>>’ (‘A’ on small remote) - If you want to STOP the show in you must press button ‘<<’ (‘B’ on small remote) while you are in PLAY or PAUSE state
2. Program step fire using buttons from the module or small remote: button ‘<<’ (Blue LED) or ‘A’ on the small remote and button ‘>>’ (Green LED) or button ‘B’ on buttons from small. Condition: the script saved on the module has programmed sequence 0. AT TENTION: It will be fired only channels from sequence 0. If in script there are channels belongs to other sequence than 0 here will not be fired. - In INIT state Press button ‘>>’ (A from small remote) to go in IDLE state - Stand Alone mode – ‘A’ will appear after the ID of the interface: IDXX A - In IDLE state you can check if the cues are correctly connected and if the batteries are charged - With a few minutes before the show you must go into ARMED state by press and hold about 3 seconds button ‘>>’ (‘A’ on small remote).
- In Armed state the module is ready to fire. To enter in ‘STEP Script’ state press button ‘>>’ (‘A’ on small remote). - From now on every time you press button ‘>>’ (‘A’ on small remote) the next channel will be fired (in time order from the saved script – if to or more channel has the same time all of them will be fired). You can skip next channel by pressing button ‘<<’ (‘B’ on small remote).
3. Sequence step fire using buttons from the module or small remote: button ‘<<’ (Blue LED) or ‘A’ on the small remote and button ‘>>’ (Green LED) or button ‘B’ on buttons from small. Condition: the script saved on the module has programmed at least one sequence and does not have any cue on sequence 0. - In INIT state Press button ‘>>’ (A from small remote) to go in IDLE state - Stand Alone mode – ‘A’ will appear after the ID of the interface: IDXX A - In IDLE state you can check if the cues are correctly connected and if the batteries are charged - With few minutes before the show you must go into ARMED state by press and hold about 3 seconds button ‘>>’ (‘A’ on small remote).
- In Armed state the module is prepared to fire. To enter in ‘SEQ Script’ state press button ‘>>’ (‘A’ on small remote). - From now on every time when you press button ‘>>’ (‘A’ on small remote) the NEXT sequence will start (without stopping or pausing the running sequences). - For pause (go in PAUSE SEQ) the current sequence you must press button ‘<<’ (‘B’ on small remote). To resume (go back in STEP SEQ) press button ‘>>’ (‘A’ on small remote). - If you want to STOP the show you must press button ‘<<’ (‘B’ on small remote) while you are in PAUSE SEQ state.
Tip: The small remote can be learned by many firing modules. In this way you can use one small remote to sequence fire many modules.
4. Automatic fire using GPS time trigger Condition: firing module need to have a preprogrammed at start time. - In INIT state Press button ‘>>’ (A from small remote) to go in IDLE state - Stand Alone mode – ‘A’ will appear after the ID of the interface: IDXX A - In IDLE state you can check if the cues are correct connected and if the batteries are charged - Also in IDLE state it will appear GPS time information: ‘UTC XX:XX:XX’ (Universal Time Clock) which means the current UTC time and appears when the module has GPS signal and it is not preprogrammed with a start time. ‘TTS XX:XX:XX’ (Time To Start) it is preprogrammed start time. Appears if the module does not have GPS signal but has set a start time. ‘TUS XX:XX:XX’ (Time Until Start) appear when the module it has preprogrammed a start time and also has the GPS signal. This is a countdown timer. - With few minutes before the show you must go in ARMED state by press and hold about 3 seconds button ‘>>’ (‘A’ on small remote). ATTENTION: The script will start at set time only if it is in ARMED state;
- In Armed state the module is ready to fire and when TUS will be 0 the module will automatically start the script saved on it by going in play state.
ATTENTION: For safety reasons we strongly recommend an operator to stay near the module which will be started in this way to have the possibility to stop the script if something wrong happening. Using the buttons on it or the small remote he will be able to pause/resume the fire by pressing button ‘>>’ (‘A’ on small remote) or stop the show by pressing button ‘<<’ (‘B’ on small remote) Information: To set the GPS start time: a. Check ‘Set GPS time’ box before send program to the interface from computer software b. From the remote press and hold button 3 (from your right hand). With 01/04; 02/05 and 03/06 you can increase/decrease: hours; minutes respective seconds. To confirm press and hold button 3 again. c. Using Smartphone application to set/reset GPS start time (you need to have installed the application on your smartphone): · Power on the Bluetooth module: in IDLE state press and hold button ‘<<’ for about 3 seconds until ‘Bluetooth ON’ will appear on the screen and the password for pair the device · Wait until ‘Bluetooth ON’ will disappear from the screen and a ‘B’ letter appear above the wireless icon (left top corner) · Search and pair the device from Bluetooth menu of your smartphone using the password provided on the first step. The name of the device it will be something like: FTHIDXX · Start the FireS application and press ‘Search for connected devices’. Choose the correct one and press Connect · After connected you can set the GPS time by pressing: ’05’. A dialog window will appear were you can set the start time. Press OK to confirm. · To reset the current GPS start time press button ‘06’.
ATTENTION: You must consider the system use UTC time and not your local time. Please consider this when you set the GPS start time.
5. Automatic fire using Time code Condition: firing module need to be connected on RCA code to an external player which must provide valid Time code. ATTENTION: The modules must be programmed with a script. The time code provide to the system only the sync time - In INIT state Press button ‘>>’ (A from small remote) to go in IDLE state - Stand Alone mode – ‘A’ will appear after the ID of the interface: IDXX A - In IDLE state you can check if the cues are correct connected and if the batteries are charged - Also in IDLE state you can check if the provided Time code signal is valid by starting the external player. If the Time code is detected automatically LTC XX:XX:XX will appear after IDLE. We recommend letting entire code to be played in IDLE state before the show and check if there is any errors. - With few minutes before the show you must go in ARMED state by press and hold about 3 seconds button ‘>>’ (‘A’ on small remote). ATTENTION: The script will start at set time only if it is in ARMED state; The system will not enter in Armed state if a time code is running;
- In Armed state the module is ready to fire. When Time code is detected on RCA input the module will automatically go in Play state and run the scripts. - If the Time code is no longer detected on RCA input the module will automatically go into Pause state. If it is redetected the system will go back into Play state ATTENTION: If the time code it is not detected please increase the volume.
6. Automatic fire using External trigger Condition: External impulse will be provide it on: External power supply connector for FTH-48S module and on special connector (DC 3.5*1.3mm) for FTH-48E version. Impulse must be at for minimum 10V for at least 10 ms. - To activate external trigger in INIT state give a trigger impulse and - Stand Alone mode – ‘A’ will appear after the ID of the interface: IDXX A. Also for FTH-48S instead of external battery icon will appear an ‘ET’ and for FTH-48E ‘ET’ will appear after wireless icon - In IDLE state you can check if the cues are correctly connected and if the batteries are charged - Also in IDLE state you can check if the provided external trigger impulse is valid. If a valid trigger detected an ‘AT’ letter will appear instead of ‘ET’ and stays on about 1 second - With few minutes before the show you must go in ARMED state by press and hold about 3 seconds button ‘>>’ (‘A’ on small remote). ATTENTION: On external trigger impulse the script will start only if it is in ARMED state;
- In Armed state the module it is prepared to fire. When valid trigger is detected the module will automatically go in Play state and run the scripts. - If other external trigger is detected the system will automatically go in Pause state. To resume (go in Play state) you need to provide another valid impulse. ATTENTION: The external trigger will not provide a valid connection for firing system with resistance check.
B. Master – used to control via wireless and/or wired other firing modules (FTH-48S or FTH-48E). ATTENTION: Modules used in a wireless/wired network must have a unique ID. If there are 2 modules in the network with same ID they will not work. First of all you need to power on the module which will be set as Master and only after that module is Master you can start power on the slaves. 1. Automatic fire using buttons from the module or small r emote: button ‘<<’ (Blue LED) or ‘A’ on the small remote and button ‘>>’ (Green LED) or button ‘B’ on buttons from small remote. Condition: at least slaves must be preprogrammed with a script - In INIT state while hold button ‘<<’ press button ‘>>’ to go in Create Networks state - Master mode – ‘M’ will appear after the ID of the interface: IDXX M. For this step you cannot use the small remote. - In Create networks state the module will start learn slaves. It will be display how many slaves are connected: ‘Slaves:xx’ - Power on the other firing modules which will become slaves. The connected slaves will automatically go in IDLE state as Slave: letter ‘S’ will appear after ID of the interface like: IDXX S. Once is a slave, the firing module will have disabled the panel buttons. If a firing module does not connect to the Master (does not go in IDLE state) please restart the module. - After you have connected all slaves to the Master you can press button ‘>>’ to send Master in IDLE state were will no more accept any other slaves. - In IDLE state you can check if the cues are correct connected and if the batteries are charged - With few minutes before the show you must go in ARMED state by press and hold about 3 seconds button ‘>>’ (‘A’ on small remote learned by Master) from Master. All the slaves connected to that Master will enter in Armed state.
- In Armed state the module it is prepared to fire. The script from all firing modules (Master + slave) will start (go in PLAY state) when you press again button ‘>>’ (‘A’ on small remote learned by Master) from Master. - If you want to PAUSE press again button ‘>>’ (‘A’ on small remote learned by Master) and all the modules will enter in PAUSE state. - If you want to resume in PAUSE state you must press button ‘>>’ (‘A’ on small remote learned by) - If you want to STOP the show in you must press button ‘<<’ (‘B’ on small remote learned by Master) while you are in PLAY or PAUSE state
2. Automatic fire using Smartphone application: Condition: at least slaves must be preprogrammed with a script ATTENTION: This is a beta version and it is not recommended and will never be for professional shows, only for backyard shows - In INIT state while hold button ‘<<’ press button ‘>>’ to go in Create Networks state - Master mode – ‘M’ will appear after the ID of the interface: IDXX M. - In Create networks state the module will start learn slaves. It will be display how many slaves are connected: ‘Slaves:xx’ - Power on the other firing modules which will become slaves. The connected slaves will automatically go in IDLE state as Slave: letter ‘S’ will appear after ID of the interface like: IDXX S. Once is a slave, the firing module will have disabled the panel buttons. If a firing module does not connect to the Master (does not go in IDLE state) please restart the module. - Activate the Bluetooth and start the application: see ‘Activate Bluetooth for smartphone operation and basic specification’ paragraph - After you have connected all slaves to the Master you can press button ‘>>’ on Smartphone application to send the Master in IDLE state were will no more accept any other slaves. - In IDLE state you can check if the cues are correctly connected and if the batteries are charged - With few minutes before the show you must go in ARMED state by press button ‘>>’ on Smartphone application. All the slaves connected to that Master will enter in Armed state.
- In Armed state the module it is prepared to fire. The script from all firing modules (Master + slave) will start (go in PLAY state) when you press again button ‘>>’ from smartphone application. - If you want to PAUSE press again button ‘>>’ and all the modules will enter in PAUSE state. - If you want to resume in PAUSE state you must press button ‘>>’ - If you want to STOP the show in you must press button ‘<<’
3. Manual fire using Smartphone application: ATTENTION: This is a beta version and it is not recommended and will never be for professional shows, only for backyard shows - In INIT state while hold button ‘<<’ press button ‘>>’ to go in Create Networks state - Master mode – ‘M’ will appear after the ID of the interface: IDXX M. - In Create networks state the module will start learn slaves. It will be display how many slaves are connected: ‘Slaves:xx’ - Power on the other firing modules which will become slaves. The connected slaves will automatically go in IDLE state as Slave: letter ‘S’ will appear after ID of the interface like: IDXX S. Once is a slave, the firing module will have disabled the panel buttons. If a firing module does not connect to the Master (does not go in IDLE state) please restart the module. - Activate the Bluetooth and start the application: see ‘Activate Bluetooth for smartphone operation and basic specification’ paragraph - After you have connected all slaves to the Master you can press button ‘>>’ on Smartphone application to send the Master in IDLE state were will no more accept any other slaves. - In IDLE state you can check if the cues are correctly connected and if the batteries are charged - With few minutes before the show you must go in ARMED state by press button ‘>>’ on Smartphone application. All the slaves connected to that Master will enter in Armed state.
- In Armed state the module it is prepared to fire. - For Manual fire you can choose the interface you want to fire using buttons ‘<’ and ‘>’ from bottom and after that choose Rail you want to fire by press the Rail radio button. - To fire a channel just press button 01 to 12 which correspond to the channel will be fired on the choose rail/interface 4. Automatic fire using Computer software: - In INIT state if the interface will detect an USB connection will automatically become a Master and to go in Create Networks state - Master mode – ‘M’ will appear after the ID of the interface: IDXX M. - In Create networks state the module will start learn slaves. It will be display how many slaves are connected: ‘Slaves:xx’ - Power on the other firing modules which will become slaves. The connected slaves will automatically go in IDLE state as Slave: letter ‘S’ will appear after ID of the interface like: IDXX S. Once is a slave, the firing module will have disabled the panel buttons. If a firing module does not connect to the Master (does not go in IDLE state) please restart the module. - Start PC software and press ‘Test and Run’ - Press ‘AutoDetect’ and wait until all slaves are connected - Press finish search to go in IDLE state - If the interfaces are preprogrammed you can delete them by pressing button ‘Delete programming’ - Load project and you can choose to select also an audio file or not - Press ‘Send project to interfaces’ to save the script on the interfaces - Arm the system by pressing ‘Arm’ button. The default password it is ‘1234’ - Now you can press play when you want the show to start - Also you can use buttons Pause and Stop if need to Pause or stop the show
5. Manual fire using Computer software: - In INIT state if the interface will detect an USB connection will automatically become a Master and to go in Create Networks state - Master mode – ‘M’ will appear after the ID of the interface: IDXX M. - In Create networks state the module will start learn slaves. It will be display how many slaves are connected: ‘Slaves:xx’ - Power on the other firing modules which will become slaves. The connected slaves will automatically go in IDLE state as Slave: letter ‘S’ will appear after ID of the interface like: IDXX S. Once is a slave, the firing module will have disabled the panel buttons. If a firing module does not connect to the Master (does not go in IDLE state) please restart the module. - Start PC software and press ‘Test and Run’ - Press ‘AutoDetect’ and wait until all slaves are connected - Press finish search to go in IDLE state - If the interfaces are preprogrammed you can delete them by pressing button ‘Delete programming’ - Arm the system by pressing ‘Arm’ button. The default password it is ‘1234’ - Now you can choose fire manual by pressing channel form the interface/rail you want
7. Automatic fire using Time code Condition: Master firing module need to be connected on RCA code to an external player which must provide valid Time code. - In INIT state while hold button ‘<<’ press button ‘>>’ to go in Create Networks state - Master mode – ‘M’ will appear after the ID of the interface: IDXX M. - In Create networks state the module will start learn slaves. It will be display how many slaves are connected: ‘Slaves:xx’ - Power on the other firing modules which will become slaves. The connected slaves will automatically go in IDLE state as Slave: letter ‘S’ will appear after ID of the interface like: IDXX S. Once is a slave, the firing module will have disabled the panel buttons. If a firing module does not connect to the Master (does not go in IDLE state) please restart the module. - In IDLE state you can check if the cues are correct connected and if the batteries are charged - Also in IDLE state you can check if the provided Time code signal is valid by starting the external player. If the Time code is detected automatically LTC XX:XX:XX will appear after IDLE. We recommend letting entire code to be played in IDLE state before the show and check if there is any errors. - With few minutes before the show you must go in ARMED state by press and hold about 3 seconds button ‘>>’ from Master (‘A’ on small remote if it is learned by Master). ATTENTION: The script will start at set time only if it is in ARMED state; The system will not enter in Armed state if a time code is running;
- In Armed state the module it is prepared to fire. When Time code is detected on RCA input the module will automatically go in Play state and run the scripts. - If the Time code is no more detected on RCA input the module will automatically go in Pause state. If it will be redetected the system will go back in Play state ATTENTION: If the time code it is not detected please consider to increase the volume.
C. Slave: Connected on a Master or a FTM-99 remote ATTENTION: Please consider to power on the Master module or the FTM-99 remote first 1. C o nnected to another firing module (Master) - powered on the Master module and set as Master - power on the firing modules which you want to be slaves - don’t forget to set them different ID… please consider also the Master ID - if a firing module in INIT state detect a network will automatically join that network and become a slave - see Master modes for details
2. C o nnected to a FTM-99 remote a. Manual fire: · Power on the FTM-99 remote and wait until ‘Create Network’ appears · Power on the slaves and wait until are all connected · On the remote you can see how many slaves are connected: ‘Slaves:xx’ · You can press buttons: ‘<’ or ‘>’ to go through connected slaves · Also you can go directly to a slave by pressing button 01 to 12 · After all slaves are connected you can go in IDLE state · In IDLE state you can check if connected e-matches, battery level, signal quality for all firing modules · If there is any faults or warnings detected you will be able to see them in the Remote screen. To jump directly on the interface with problems just press button 8 · To fire Manual you need to be in Armed state · To go in Armed state you must press and hold button ‘>>’ for about 3 seconds · To fire manual you must first select the interface which wants to fire by pressing buttons: ‘< ‘or ‘>’ or just press button 01 to 12 to jump directly to an interface. ATTENTION: You will see only the connected IDs · Press and hold button 1 to 4 to select a rail from that interface. An arrow will appear on the screen on that rail · To fire while hold rail selected button you must press a channel to be fired from that Interface/rail by pressing a button from 01 to 12 b. Automatic fire (can be used with Deadman switch). In this case it will be run automatically scripts from sequence 0: · Power on the FTM-99 remote and wait until ‘Create Network’ appears · Power on the slaves and wait until are all connected · On the remote you can see how many slaves are connected: ‘Slaves:xx’ · You can press buttons: ‘<’ or ‘>’ to go through connected slaves · Also you can go directly to a slave by pressing button 01 to 12 · After all slaves are connected you can go in IDLE state · In IDLE state you can check if connected e-matches, battery level, signal quality for all firing modules · If there is any faults or warnings detected you will be able to see them in the Remote screen. To jump directly on the interface with problems just press button 8 · To go in Armed state you must press and hold button ‘>>’ for about 3 seconds · To fire Automatic you need press again button ‘>>’ to go in Play state. If the Deadman switch is activated (was connected) you must press and hold DMS button to be able to go in Plays state. Also if the internal audio player is powered on and you have an audio file on it will be played automatically; · If you want to Pause/Resume the show you can just press button ‘>>’. If the Deadman switch is detected you can Pause/Resume the show by release/press the button · If you need to stop the show you must press and hold button ‘<<’
c . Sequence fire: (can be used with Dead Man Switch). In this case it will run automatically scripts from sequence 0 and you can fire manual other sequences: · Power on the FTM-99 remote and wait until ‘Create Network’ appears · Power on the slaves and wait until are all connected · On the remote you can see how many slaves are connected: ‘Slaves:xx’ · You can press buttons: ‘<’ or ‘>’ to go through connected slaves · Also you can go directly to a slave by pressing button 01 to 12 · After all slaves are connected you can go in IDLE state · In IDLE state you can check if connected e-matches, battery level, signal quality for all firing modules · If there is any faults or warnings detected you will be able to see them in the Remote screen. To jump directly on the interface with problems just press button 8 · To go in Armed state you must press and hold button ‘>>’ for about 3 seconds · To fire Automatic fire you need press again button ‘>>’ to go in Play state. If the Deadman switch is activated (was connected) you must press and hold DMS button to be able to go in Plays state. Also if the internal audio player is powered on and you have an audio file on it will be played automatically; · If you want to Pause/Resume the show you can just press button ‘>>’. If the Deadman switch is detected you can Pause/Resume the show by release/press the button · If you need to stop the show you must press and hold button ‘<<’ · To fire other sequence just press trigger button from Deadman switch or button 8 from remote · You can see on the remote screen the next sequence which will be fired if you press button 8 or trigger button from the dead man switch · With 5.4 firmware you can fire manual any sequence you want from the 48 available, in any order. To do this you need to: - Be in Play state in the remote screen - To fire a sequence manual it is like you will fire a manual channel: Press and hold buttons 1 to 4 from your right hand to select rails and button 01 to 12 to start the sequence. The formula used to calculate what sequence you will fire it is: (Rail - 1) * 12 + Channel. For example: if you press button 1 for rail and 11 for channel means you will fire sequence: 11 [(1 - 1 * 12) + 11] or if you press button 2 for rail and 10 for channel means you will fire sequence: 22 [(2 - 1 * 12) + 10] - Also now you can assign a music file to each sequence. To assign a music file to a sequence you just need to give to that music file name as the number of sequence. So for the Sequence 3 the music file must be have name '3'. - Sequences with DMX events can be fired multiple times ATTENTION: With 5.4 firmware or newer the default music file MUST HAVE the file name '0'
d. Hybrid fire: (can be used with Dead Man Switch). In this case it will be run automatically scripts from sequence 0 and you can fire manual other sequences also you can fire manual individual channels and all to be run in the same time: · Power on the FTM-99 remote and wait until ‘Create Network’ appears · Power on the slaves and wait until are all connected · On the remote you can see how many slaves are connected: ‘Slaves:xx’ · You can press buttons: ‘<’ or ‘>’ to go through connected slaves · Also you can go directly to a slave by pressing button 01 to 12 · After all slaves are connected you can go in IDLE state · In IDLE state you can check if connected e-matches, battery level, signal quality for all firing modules · If there is any faults or warnings detected you will be able to see them in the Remote screen. To jump directly on the interface with problems just press button 8 · To go in Armed state you must press and hold button ‘>>’ for about 3 seconds · To fire Automatic fire you need press again button ‘>>’ to go in Play state. If the Deadman switch is activated (was connected) you must press and hold DMS button to be able to go in Plays state. Also if the internal audio player is powered on and you have an audio file on it will be played automatically; · If you want to Pause/Resume the show you can just press button ‘>>’. If the Dead Man Switch is detected you can Pause/Resume the show by release/press the button · If you need to stop the show you must press and hold button ‘<<’ · To fire other sequence just press trigger button from Deadman switch or button 8 from remote · You can see on the remote screen the next sequence which will be fired if you press button 8 or trigger button form the Deadman switch · To fire manual you must first select the interface which wants to fire by pressing buttons: ‘< ‘or ‘>’ or just press button 01 to 12 to jump directly to an interface. ATTENTION: You will see only the connected IDs · Press and hold button 1 to 4 to select a rail from that interface. An arrow will appear on the screen on that rail · To fire while hold rail selected button you must press a channel to be fired from that Interface/rail by pressing a button from 01 to 12
e. Time code fire: Time code must be feed on the left channel of audio jack of the remote. ATTENTION: External Time code will work only if the internal player is shut down (TC appears on the remote screen) · Power on the FTM-99 remote and wait until ‘Create Network’ appears · Power on the slaves and wait until are all connected · On the remote you can see how many slaves are connected: ‘Slaves:xx’ · You can press buttons: ‘<’ or ‘>’ to go through connected slaves · Also you can go directly to a slave by pressing button 01 to 12 · After all slaves are connected you can go in IDLE state · In IDLE state you can check if connected e-matches, battery level, signal quality for all firing modules · Also in IDLE state you can check if the Time code is valid and working. You can start the external player and if the time code is detected and valid LTC XX:XX:XX will appear after IDLE · We recommend to let the entire code running in IDLE state · If there is any faults or warnings detected you will be able to see them in the Remote screen. To jump directly on the interface with problems just press button 8 · To go in Armed state you must press and hold button ‘>>’ for about 3 seconds · In Armed state the module it is prepared to fire. When Time code is detected on RCA input the module will automatically go in Play state and run the scripts. If the Deadman switch is activated (was connected) you must press and hold DMS button to be able to go in Plays state. · If the Time code is no more detected on RCA input the module will automatically go in Pause state. If it will be redetected the system will go back in Play state · For Pause/Resume the show also you can just use the Deadman switch by release/press the button · In this mode you can also use Manual or sequence fire or all of them
ATTENTION: If the time code it is not detected please increase the volume. |
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