Архитектура Аудит Военная наука Иностранные языки Медицина Металлургия Метрология
Образование Политология Производство Психология Стандартизация Технологии

Task 2. Do you agree with the following statements? Give your reasons.

1) International cooperation, multilateralism is indispensable. (Hans Blix)

2) To contrast national solidarity and international cooperation as two opposites seems foolish to me. (Gustav Stresemann)

3) The only thing that will redeem mankind is cooperation. (Bertrand Russell)

Task 3. Explain the difference between intergovernmental and supranational international organisations and give examples.

Task 4. Fill in the table and comment on the international organisations in question. Use as many of the following word-combinations as possible:


enhancement of integration in the economic and humanitarian spheres; statutory goals and objectives; guided by the principle of multispeed integration; to define the strategy, directions and perspectives for developing integration; regulation of mutual trade terms; to submit questions and recommendations; to constitute legal framework; to resolve disputes between; to develop coordinated positions;  establish business ties; to strengthen mutual confidence and good-neighbourly relations; to make joint efforts to maintain and ensure peace; to discuss a strategy for multilateral cooperation and priority directions.

International organization Goals and objectives  Scope
Organisation of Petroleum-Exporting Countries
International Monetary Fund
Organisation for Security and Co-operation in Europe
World Trade Organisation
International Criminal Police Organisation,
International Atomic Energy Agency

Task 5. Look up the following diplomatic terms in the dictionary and make a 7-minute team presentation “Diplomatic documents”, explaining the difference between them. Give examples.

accords, agreement, convention, memorandum, pact, protocol, treaty

Task 6. Look up the following terms in the dictionary and make a 7-minute team presentation “Ways of dispute resolution in diplomacy”, explaining the difference between them. Give examples.

litigation, arbitration, mediation, negotiation

Task 7. Role play “Problemland. International negotiation between the countries Alfa, Beta, Gamma, Delta and Zeta”. Hold a negotiation and write a communique.

Problemland is a region located between Alfa and Beta. For a few months there was a war between these two countries in which Alfa managed to win and now Problemland is its part. During the war the head of state in Alfa was the dictator general Sangra. Now he is deposed and the country is run by a democratic government. Beta proposed to negotiate and discus the future of Problemland. Alfa accepted the proposal. Three neghbouring coutries Gamma, Delta and Zeta are invited as mediators.

Problemland is rich in gas and oil but has neither professional staff to explore these mineral resources nor infrastructure to export it. The most convenient rout for a pipeline crosses the territory of neighbouring Gamma.

Problemland is inhabited by ethnic Beta people who, however, are very close to Alfa people among whom they have many relatives. This is why they are not interested in autonomy but ask for visa-free regime. Besides, on the territory of Problemland there is located the Temple of St.Beta, a national shrine of Beta people. (Adapted from М.М.Лебедева. “Технология ведения переговоров»)



Watch the video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fOdcQ3emyzM and answer the following questions:

1. Has the world changed after the creation of such organizations as BRICs, EAEU, CSTO, SCO and how?

2. What events do you think triggered the appearance of international organizations such as BRICs, EAEU, CSTO, SCO and why?

3. Which of these organizations do you think might have affected the way Russia is perceived in the world? Or is Russia pursuing other goals by membership in these organizations? Identify the priorities of Russia’s foreign policy in connection with them. Substantiate your answer.

4. Can China be considered a potential hegemon of the 21st century? Give reasons.

5. Do you believe that membership in such international institutions as BRICs, EAEU, CSTO, SCO allows Russia to share the responsibility of global governance?

6. Is the redistribution of influence of different countries on the global arena is really taking place?

7. How successful do you think these institutions are in dealing with the global financial and economic crisis? What if these organizations have never been created?

8. Consider the strong and weak points of these organizations taking BRICs as an example.

9. Define the main aim of BRICS on the world global arena and its reliability.

10. Do you consider BRICs, EAEU, CSTO and SCO to be the best platform for the management of regional and global affairs?

11. How do you account for the enormous potential of BRICS economy?

12. Give your overview of the development of BRICs in 45 years.




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