Архитектура Аудит Военная наука Иностранные языки Медицина Металлургия Метрология Образование Политология Производство Психология Стандартизация Технологии |
BLOCK 3. EXPORT CONTRACT FORMСтр 1 из 3Следующая ⇒
BLOCK 3. EXPORT CONTRACT FORM LEAD-IN ¨ Have a look at the first page of the given contract form. What kind of contract is it? What kind of goods is it for? ¨ Is it regular to begin a sales contract with an insurance clause? Why?
The total value of the goods under the Contract makes: _________________
The Sellers have sold and the Buyers have bought under the present Contract the above goods on the stated terms. They have agreed on the following:
Insurance Goods shall be insured by the Sellers with the Ingosstrakh of the RF on a.a.r. conditions in accordance with Para 2 Clause 1 of the Transport Insurance Rules of the Ingosstrakh of the RF. Insurance Policy to be issued in the name of the Buyers for … per cent of the cif value of the goods. Insurance against war and strike risks to be made at the Buyers’ request and for their account. Terms of Payment Payment for the goods will be made by the Buyers within 15 days from the date thereof by remitting to Account No …. for V/O … with the … Bank the total value of the goods to be shipped against the present Contract. Not later than 10 days after receipt of payment the Sellers shall effect shipment of the goods to the Buyers. All expenses connected with payment as well as bank commission will be paid by the Buyers. Should the Buyers fail to observe the terms of payment stipulated in the Contract, the Buyers shall have to pay to the Sellers a fine of 0.15 per cent of the value of the goods to be delivered under the present Contract for each day of the delay within 30 days. After the expiry of 30 days no further fine will be charged, but the Buyers in addition to the sum of the fine charged will pay to the Sellers a penalty amounting to 10 per cent of the goods value to be delivered under the Contract. In this case the Sellers will be relieved from their obligations to deliver the goods under the Contract and the Buyers shall have no right to make any claims against the Sellers whatsoever with regard to non-fulfillment of the Contract. Quality of Goods The quality of the goods sold under the present Contract shall conform to the State Standards and Technical Conditions applied in the RF to these goods. Packing and Marking The goods will be packed in wooden cases or millboard boxes and marked as follows: a) gross weight; b) name and address of the Consignee; c) Sender’s name and address. 5. Delivery and Acceptance of Goods The goods will be considered as delivered by the Sellers and accepted by the Buyers: 1) as regards the gross weight and the number of cases – in accordance with the weight and the number of cases stated in an airway bill; 2) as regards the net weight and the quality – in accordance with the Sellers’ Specification. The date of an airway bill is to be considered as the date of delivery. Force-Majeure Should any circumstances preventing the complete or partial fulfillment by either party of the obligations under this Contract arise, viz.: fire, acts of God, wars, military operations, blockades, prohibitions on import or export, or any other contingencies beyond the parties’ control, the time stipulated for the fulfillment of the obligations shall be extended for a period equal to that during which such circumstances will remain in force. If the above circumstances continue to be in force for more than 3 months, each party shall have the right to refuse any further fulfillment of the obligations under this Contract and in such case neither of the parties shall have the right to make a demand upon the other party for compensation for any possible losses. Each party shall immediately advise the other party as regards the beginning and the cessation of these circumstances. Certificates issued by a respective Chamber of Commerce of the Sellers’ or the Buyers’ country shall be a sufficient proof of such circumstances and their duration. Arbitration All disputes and differences which may arise out of the present Contract and/or in connection herewith are to be referred for settlement without recourse to the courts of law, to the Arbitration Court at the Chamber of Commerce in Moscow in accordance with the Rules of Procedure of the said Court, the awards, of which are final and binding upon both parties. Other Conditions All taxes, customs and other dues connected with the conclusion and execution of the present Contract levied on the territory of the Sellers’ country are borne to the Sellers’ account and those levied on the territory of the Buyers’ country and transit territory borne by the Buyers. The Buyers are to secure for their account all import licences and permissions required for the importation of the goods sold from the RF to the country of destination. The legal title to the goods as well as risks of any possible loss or damage to the goods will pass from the Sellers to the Buyers from the moment of delivery of the goods to a transport agency in the Sellers’ country. Neither party to this Contract shall have the right to assign to any third party their rights and obligations under the contract without written consent of the other party. After the signing of this Contract all previous negotiations and correspondence relative hereto become null and void. All amendments and/ or supplements to this Contract are valid only if made in written form and signed by authorized representatives of both parties. Moscow, RF is regarded as the place of the conclusion of the present Contract.
BUYER SELLER Insurance | |||||||||||||
a.a.r. | сокр. от against all risks страх. «Против всех рисков» или «С ответственностью за все риски» (вид имущественного страхования, покрывающий многие (но не все! ) риски) VARIANT: “All risks” | ||||||||||||
Terms of Payment | |||||||||||||
to remit sth | пересылать, переводить по почте что-либо (деньги) SYN: to transfer sth ¨ remittance - денежный перевод | ||||||||||||
account with some bank | счет в банке ¨ to open an account with - открывать счет в (банке, магазине и т. п.) | ||||||||||||
fine | пеня, штраф SYN: penalty ¨ a fine of 0.15 per cent – пеня в размере 0, 15% ¨ to charge a fine – взимать штраф ¨ to impose a fine – накладывать штраф | ||||||||||||
expiry | окончание, истечение срока SYN: expiration | ||||||||||||
penalty | штраф; неустойка SYN: fine; forfeit ¨ penalty under contract - неустойка по договору | ||||||||||||
to relieve sb from obligations | освобождать кого-либо от обязательств | ||||||||||||
whatsoever | усил. от whatever какой бы ни; любой; какой бы то ни было, любой | ||||||||||||
Packing and Marking | |||||||||||||
millboard box | картонная коробка ¨ millboard - толстый картон; картон машинной выработки | ||||||||||||
consignee | грузополучатель, консигнатор | ||||||||||||
Force - Majeure |
| ||||||||||||
force-majeure | форс мажор (непреодолимые обстоятельства, особенно природные катаклизмы, которые послужили причиной невыполнения контракта; при таких обстоятельствах исполнитель не несет ответственности за неисполнение) VARIANT: force majeure SYN: contingency; contingencies | ||||||||||||
to remain in force | оставаться в силе (о документе) | ||||||||||||
to refuse further fulfillment | отказаться от дальнейшего исполнения | ||||||||||||
cessation | остановка, прекращение; приостановка (прерывание действия на время) | ||||||||||||
Arbitration | |||||||||||||
to refer a dispute for settlement | направить спор на урегулирование ¨ to refer to arbitration — передавать в арбитраж | ||||||||||||
Other Conditions | |||||||||||||
dues | сущ.; мн. пошлины ¨ dues and fees - сборы (в отличие от налогов являются целевыми обязательными платежами, предназначенными оплатить услуги, оказываемые компаниям и предприятиям государственными органами) | ||||||||||||
to levy sth | взимать что-либо (налог); облагать (налогом) (on/upon); вводить налоговые ставки | ||||||||||||
to bear expenses | нести издержки SYN: to incur expenses; to defray expenses | ||||||||||||
to secure a licence | получить лицензию SYN: to obtain a licence | ||||||||||||
permission | позволение, разрешение SYN: permit | ||||||||||||
legal title to the goods | право собственности на товары | ||||||||||||
to assign one’s rights and obligations to a third party | передавать чьи-либо права и обязанности третьему лицу VARIANT: to assign one’s rights and obligations to third parties/ third persons/ a third person SYN: to delegate one’s rights and obligations to a third party; to transfer one’s rights and obligations to a third party | ||||||||||||
consent | согласие ¨ without written consent of the other party – без письменного согласия другой стороны | ||||||||||||
to become null and void | быть аннулированным; становиться недействительным | ||||||||||||
1. | Should the Buyers fail to observe the terms of payment, the Buyers shall have to pay to the Sellers a fine... | В случае если покупатель не сможет соблюсти условия платежа, покупатель должен будет уплатить продавцу штраф... |
2. | After the expiry of 30 days no further fine will be charged... | По истечении 30 дней штраф более не взимается... |
3. | The Buyers shall have no right to make any claims against the Sellers whatsoever with regard to non-fulfillment of the Contract… | Покупатель не имеет права предъявлять какие бы то ни было претензии по отношению к продавцу в связи с неисполнением контракта... |
4. | Should any circumstances preventing the complete or partial fulfillment by either party of the obligations under this Contract arise... | Если возникнут какие-либо обстоятельства, препятствующие полному или частичному исполнению обязательств по данному контракту... |
5. | ...excluding jurisdiction of general courts... | ...исключая обращение в суды общей юрисдикции... |
A. We have carefully studied your draft contract for the sale of textiles. We suppose it is a real success. On behalf of my company I would like to discuss some points with you. I think that the contingency clause is missing.
B. Мы намеренно не включили такой пункт, поскольку думали, что можно использовать любой стандартный. У вас есть конкретные пожелания?
A. Certainly. First of all, I think we should define all kinds of force majeure we are going to cover. So, among those are fire, flood, earthquakes, volcano eruptions, tornado, hurricanes, storms…
B. Но вы перечисляете все виды стихийных бедствий, которые традиционно включаются в определение и считаются таковыми всеми торговыми палатами в мире. Вы делаете это намеренно?
A. That’s it. Last summer we suffered great losses, as hail was not covered and stipulated separately. Thus, I believe if we make some detailed definitions it may be of some help one day.
B. Понятно. В таком случае, давайте составим подробный пункт. Хотя не думаю, что мы должны включать такие стихийные бедствия, как, например, цунами или оползни (landslides), поскольку в этой части земного шара такие явления не наблюдаются.
A. All right. I agree. But we should also enumerate other potential circumstances. Like war and war operations of any kind, blockades, prohibitions on import or export, or any other contingencies beyond the parties’ control. I think it is absolutely necessary to include risks of strike as unions are quite aggressive in this country.
B. Да, это действительно имеет смысл. Мы не возражаем. Предлагаю обсудить условия платежа, поскольку у нас есть ряд невыясненных вопросов.
A. Я думаю, что этот проект очень удачен. Он учитывает и наши, и ваши пожелания. А что вы думаете о проекте? Вы удовлетворены?
B. Well, I agree the draft is a real success. But I believe we have omitted two clauses that are very important. They are “Other Conditions” and “General Provisions”.
A. Да, действительно. Но в черновом варианте, мне помнится, были «Прочие условия». У меня с собой наш первый вариант. Вот... «Поставляемое оборудование должно быть укомплектовано электроприборами. Все надписи (inscriptions) на оборудовании должны быть сделаны на русском языке».
B. But that is not enough. We could add the following: “The equipment should be provided with all necessary safeguard devices. The equipment should be painted in brown colour.”
A. Да, действительно, это тоже надо предусмотреть в контракте. А теперь давайте составим «Общие положения». Во-первых, все приложения, упомянутые в настоящем контракте, являются его неотъемлемой частью.
B. Yes, second, all amendments and addenda to the present contract are valid only when being made in writing and signed by the contracting parties. Then, the sellers are not entitled to assign to third parties the performance of the present contract without the buyers’ written consent.
A. Да, все так. Я могу лишь добавить, что нарушение этого правила дает право покупателю немедленно отказаться от исполнения контракта.
Card 1. Вы являетесь представителем компании, которого направили к партнерам для обсуждения окончательного варианта проекта контракта и подготовки его к подписанию. Вы должны обратить особое внимание на процедуру платежа. Платеж должен быть осуществлен в течение 10 дней со дня отгрузки товаров, но не более через 20 дней. Такая просрочка может служить основанием для штрафа в размере до 10% от стоимости контракта и дальнейшего аннулирования контракта.
Card 2. Вы обсуждаете с представителем компании Ваших партнеров проект контракта и готовите его к подписанию. Он предлагает детально оговорить процедуру платежа. Вы считаете, что платеж должен быть осуществлен в течение 10-15 дней со дня отгрузки. Вам предлагают предусмотреть штрафные санкции на случай задержки платежа. Решите, достаточно ли жесткие или, напротив, либеральные условия предлагают Вам партнеры.
¨ Have a look at the first page of the given contract form. What kind of contract is it? What kind of goods is it for?
¨ Is it regular to begin a sales contract with an insurance clause? Why?
Seller Foreign trade Association Moscow | CONTRACT by exporter CONTRACT by importer |
Consignee | Buyer |
Transport by air From Moscow To________________________________ (place of destination) | Terms of Delivery |
Time of Delivery | |
Description of goods | |
Quantity Amount |
The total value of the goods under the Contract makes: _________________
The Sellers have sold and the Buyers have bought under the present Contract the above goods on the stated terms. They have agreed on the following:
Goods shall be insured by the Sellers with the Ingosstrakh of the RF on a.a.r. conditions in accordance with Para 2 Clause 1 of the Transport Insurance Rules of the Ingosstrakh of the RF. Insurance Policy to be issued in the name of the Buyers for … per cent of the cif value of the goods. Insurance against war and strike risks to be made at the Buyers’ request and for their account.
Terms of Payment
Payment for the goods will be made by the Buyers within 15 days from the date thereof by remitting to Account No …. for V/O … with the … Bank the total value of the goods to be shipped against the present Contract. Not later than 10 days after receipt of payment the Sellers shall effect shipment of the goods to the Buyers. All expenses connected with payment as well as bank commission will be paid by the Buyers.
Should the Buyers fail to observe the terms of payment stipulated in the Contract, the Buyers shall have to pay to the Sellers a fine of 0.15 per cent of the value of the goods to be delivered under the present Contract for each day of the delay within 30 days. After the expiry of 30 days no further fine will be charged, but the Buyers in addition to the sum of the fine charged will pay to the Sellers a penalty amounting to 10 per cent of the goods value to be delivered under the Contract. In this case the Sellers will be relieved from their obligations to deliver the goods under the Contract and the Buyers shall have no right to make any claims against the Sellers whatsoever with regard to non-fulfillment of the Contract.
Quality of Goods
The quality of the goods sold under the present Contract shall conform to the State Standards and Technical Conditions applied in the RF to these goods.
Packing and Marking
The goods will be packed in wooden cases or millboard boxes and marked as follows:
a) gross weight;
b) name and address of the Consignee;
c) Sender’s name and address.
5. Delivery and Acceptance of Goods
The goods will be considered as delivered by the Sellers and accepted by the Buyers:
1) as regards the gross weight and the number of cases – in accordance with the weight and the number of cases stated in an airway bill;
2) as regards the net weight and the quality – in accordance with the Sellers’ Specification. The date of an airway bill is to be considered as the date of delivery.
Should any circumstances preventing the complete or partial fulfillment by either party of the obligations under this Contract arise, viz.: fire, acts of God, wars, military operations, blockades, prohibitions on import or export, or any other contingencies beyond the parties’ control, the time stipulated for the fulfillment of the obligations shall be extended for a period equal to that during which such circumstances will remain in force.
If the above circumstances continue to be in force for more than 3 months, each party shall have the right to refuse any further fulfillment of the obligations under this Contract and in such case neither of the parties shall have the right to make a demand upon the other party for compensation for any possible losses.
Each party shall immediately advise the other party as regards the beginning and the cessation of these circumstances. Certificates issued by a respective Chamber of Commerce of the Sellers’ or the Buyers’ country shall be a sufficient proof of such circumstances and their duration.
All disputes and differences which may arise out of the present Contract and/or in connection herewith are to be referred for settlement without recourse to the courts of law, to the Arbitration Court at the Chamber of Commerce in Moscow in accordance with the Rules of Procedure of the said Court, the awards, of which are final and binding upon both parties.
Other Conditions
All taxes, customs and other dues connected with the conclusion and execution of the present Contract levied on the territory of the Sellers’ country are borne to the Sellers’ account and those levied on the territory of the Buyers’ country and transit territory borne by the Buyers.
The Buyers are to secure for their account all import licences and permissions required for the importation of the goods sold from the RF to the country of destination. The legal title to the goods as well as risks of any possible loss or damage to the goods will pass from the Sellers to the Buyers from the moment of delivery of the goods to a transport agency in the Sellers’ country.
Neither party to this Contract shall have the right to assign to any third party their rights and obligations under the contract without written consent of the other party. After the signing of this Contract all previous negotiations and correspondence relative hereto become null and void.
All amendments and/ or supplements to this Contract are valid only if made in written form and signed by authorized representatives of both parties. Moscow, RF is regarded as the place of the conclusion of the present Contract.
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