Архитектура Аудит Военная наука Иностранные языки Медицина Металлургия Метрология
Образование Политология Производство Психология Стандартизация Технологии

What changes does the CRS make to the learning process?


For student:

• expanding the possibilities of building an educational trajectory

• access to the most modern educational resources

• dissolving the framework of educational organizations to the scale of the whole world

For parent:

• expanding educational opportunities for the child

• cost reduction due to increased competition in the education market

• increasing the transparency of the educational process

• facilitating communication with all participants in the educational process

For the teacher:

• decrease in bureaucratic loading due to its automation

• reduction of the routine load on the control of students performing tasks through automation

• increased convenience of monitoring the educational process

• formation of new opportunities for the organization of the educational process

• the formation of new conditions for the motivation of students in the creation and execution of tasks

• formation of new conditions for transferring the activity of the educational process to the student

• facilitating the formation of a student’s individual educational trajectory

For school:

• improving resource efficiency by shifting some of the burden on IT

• Empowering educational offerings through network organization of the process

• decrease in bureaucratic loading due to automation

• expansion of communication opportunities with all participants of the educational process

For the region:

• automation of monitoring the educational process

• optimization of communication with all participants

• optimization of educational resources in the region through the formation of network structures

• enhancing the region’s ability to choose learning options through networking

• the possibility of reducing the educational emigration of the best students due to network interaction

• reduction of bureaucratic apparatus and personal communications by automating workflow

For the state:

• growth of educational diversity in the country and satisfaction of the population by choice

• increased motivation to learn based on individual educational trajectories

• reduction of educational migration due to access to various educational resources over the network

• increase public satisfaction with the balance of educational needs and opportunities for its implementation

• improving the effectiveness of available educational resources

• increasing the transparency of the educational process

• efficient monitoring of results


• reduction of bureaucratic apparatus,

• reducing the intensity of the workflow created by the hands of employees of educational organizations,

• increase in the traffic of voluntary use of DSP, above all by students.


To whom

• CHILD - for quality education regardless of location and social status

• PARENTS - a significant reduction in the cost of education of the child while improving the quality of education.

• TEACHERS - getting new tools for professional activities and the possibility of advanced training.

• COMPANIES ABROAD - access to high-quality Russian education, children's inclusion

• to the Russian cultural and educational environment

• TO THE STATE - ensuring the constitutional right of everyone to a high-quality and affordable education, reducing costs in organizing the educational process, saving budget funds. Promotion of Russian education abroad, including strategically important territories.

General requirements for digital educational resources:

Modern digital educational resources should:

• comply with the content of the textbook, regulations of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation, the programs used;

• focus on modern forms of education, ensure high interactivity and multimedia education;

• ensure the possibility of level differentiation and individualization of training;

• to offer types of learning activities that orient the student to gain experience in solving life problems based on knowledge and skills within the framework of this subject;

• to ensure the use of both independent and group work;

• contain options for academic planning with a modular structure;

• exceed the volume of the relevant sections of the textbook, while not expanding the thematic sections;

• fully playable on the declared technical platforms;

• provide the ability to use other programs in parallel with digital educational resources;

• ensure, where methodically feasible, individual adjustment and preservation of intermediate work results;

• have, where necessary, integrated contextual help;

• have a convenient interface.

• have self-study.

Digital educational resources should not: [2]

 represent additional chapters to the existing textbook / CMD;

To duplicate publicly available reference, popular science, cultural, etc. information;

 be based on materials that quickly lose their credibility (become obsolete).

Tasks of the CRS

Assisting the teacher in preparing for the lesson;

 layout and modeling of a lesson from individual digital objects;

A large number of additional and reference information - to deepen knowledge about the subject;

 effective information retrieval in the complete set of PORs;

 preparation of control and independent work (possibly, on variants);

 preparation of creative tasks;

 preparation of lesson plans related to digital objects;

 sharing performance with other teachers via the Internet and portable external memory;

 assistance with the lesson;

 demonstration of prepared digital objects through a multimedia projector;

 use of virtual laboratories and interactive recruitment models in the mode of frontal laboratory work;

 computer testing of students and assistance in assessing knowledge;

Individual research and creative work of students with digital education centers in the lesson;

 assisting the student in preparing homework;

 increasing students' interest in the subject through a new form of presentation of the material;

 automated student self-monitoring at any convenient time;

A large database of objects for the preparation of speeches, reports, essays, presentations, etc.;

 the ability to quickly obtain additional information encyclopedic nature;

 development of the creative potential of students in the subject virtual environment;

 assisting the student in organizing the study of the subject at his own pace and at his chosen level of mastering the material, depending on his individual characteristics of perception;

Introducing students to modern information technologies, forming the need for mastering IT and permanently working with them. [

Objectives of the digital educational resource kit:

• assistance to the teacher in preparing for the lesson:

- layout and simulation of a lesson from separate digital objects;

- A large number of additional and reference information - to deepen knowledge about the subject;

- effective information retrieval in a set of digital educational resources;

- preparation of control and independent work (possibly, on variants);

- preparation of creative tasks;

- preparation of lesson plans related to digital objects;

- sharing performance with other teachers via the Internet and portable external memory.

• А ssistance with the lesson:

- demonstration of prepared digital objects through a multimedia projector;

- the use of virtual laboratories and interactive recruitment models in the mode of frontal laboratory work;

- computer testing of students and assistance in assessing knowledge;

- individual research and creative work of students with digital educational resources in the classroom.

• Assisting the student in preparing homework:

- Increasing students' interest in the subject through a new form of presentation of the material;

- automated student self-monitoring at any convenient time;

- a large database of objects for the preparation of speeches, reports, essays, presentations, etc.;

- the ability to quickly obtain additional information encyclopedic nature;

- development of creative potential of students in the subject virtual environment;

- assistance to the student in organizing the study of the subject at a convenient pace and at the chosen level of mastering the material, depending on his individual characteristics of perception;

- the introduction of students to modern information technologies, the formation of the need for mastering information technology and constant work with them.


The 21st century is called the century of high computer technology. Information and information processes, becoming the most important component of human life, allowed to form an information society - as a stage in the development of human society. Currently, many schools are equipped with computer classes, and teachers have the opportunity to use modern technology in the classroom. Using a computer during training allows you to create an information environment that stimulates the interest and curiosity of the child. The computer becomes an electronic intermediary between teacher and student. It allows you to intensify the learning process, makes it more vivid and intuitive, provides an opportunity to teach at an individual pace for each student, and also allows you to free the teacher from a number of tedious functions, such as endless writing on the blackboard, working out basic skills and knowledge.


Truth or lie?

Since digital education in our country is just beginning to develop, it is surrounded by many myths. In order for modern technologies to benefit, it is necessary that all interested parties understand what they carry and how to use them. Let's look at the main complaints about digital education.


Myth 1. Savings due to the quality of education

Some parents and teachers believe that digital education does not provide a sufficient quality of education, that it is only an attempt to save money by reducing the quality of communication with the teacher by replacing a person with a screen. Indeed, both in the world and in Russia, BYOD (gain your device) is becoming more and more common, in which students and employees use their personal devices (laptops, tablets, mobile phones) in training and business objectives. This allows organizations to reduce the cost of purchasing equipment, but more and more activity is being transferred to the electronic environment.

Truth: this trend is spreading not at all due to the fact that it is “cheap and cheerful”, but due to the fact that in this way education becomes available. You can take courses in other educational institutions (including foreign ones). If we recall the Strategy-2025, the main idea of ​ ​ the “FLOW” is “the main thing is not where, but what to learn and from whom to learn.” It turns out that the use of their devices can help to learn everywhere, at the same time what you want and who you want.


Myth 2. Distance learning does not provide proper control over students.

There are doubts that the average modern schoolchild or student is able to “comprehend the basics of science” without control of the teacher hanging over him with textbooks at the ready. For effective development of distance learning programs, a certain set of qualities is really required: a high level of self-organization, motivation and focus on the independent formation of high-quality knowledge and skills. The study of the psychological readiness of the Russian student to study using distance learning technologies showed that many of the students of Russian universities are not ready to study using these technologies. If students are not ready, then what can we say about schoolchildren? After all, even because of their age, schoolchildren tend to have a lower concentration of attention, they have no habit of learning, and self-organization is unfamiliar to most of them, especially when there are other, more interesting activities outside of school.

Truth: there are systems for managing the process of self-learning, which allow the student to form and implement a personal learning path (which is again one of the priority areas for Moscow and Russian education). An e-course with reference to calendar dates can streamline and systematize independent work, increasing the level of assimilation of theoretical knowledge and practical skills. Online classes require great self-discipline and perseverance, but the same qualities are required for full-time contact training - a reluctance to learn and a lack of understanding of the need for knowledge will negate the efforts of the best teacher. At the same time, no one offers to leave schoolchildren to learn on their own - the teacher and parents will always monitor the student's progress, while modern technologies will also come to the rescue: they will show what is difficult for the child (the teacher will be able to individually discuss the difficult topic with the student) or which is difficult for everyone (it’s already worth thinking about a change in the presentation of the material).


Myth 3. Digital learning deprives live communication

There are fears that excessive “digitization” minimizes the contact of the teacher and his audience, because learning is not only the exchange of information, but also live communication. Pupils just watch the video, while there is no necessary socialization, and in fact the school is a society in miniature, and it is there that the child is implanted in communication skills, including with adults - teachers.

Truth: there is no need to explain the difference between a good and a bad lecturer, when the “speaker” from the teacher’s rostrum is not interested in his subject and, on the contrary, his enthusiasm is infectious and directly affects the learning. There is an example of the phenomenon of virtual lectures that can influence the audience - the popularity of speeches on the ted.com platform, when a person can come and hold a mini-conference on his questions and problems and his voice can reach anyone with Internet access. The third most popular TED video on youtube.com has a telling title - “Schools are killing creativity? ”.

It is also worth noting that the full transition of school education to the digital sphere will not take place in the near future, so for the time being there is no danger for the teacher and the student to communicate in the form everyone is used to.

Myth 4. Digital learning is a “boltology”, it does not give practical skills

People are also skeptical about the introduction of digital education, seeing its limitations as a “conversational genre, ” while practical skills are in a “blind zone”. In most cases, digital learning is a set of lectures, dictated by the teacher to the camera, which the student looks at, and then, perhaps, passes the test. The effectiveness of this method of teaching, especially aimed at schoolchildren, is doubtful.

Truth: online courses are not limited to lectures and tests. Increasingly widespread, on the contrary, acquire systems that provide the opportunity for projects, joint work. Traditional assessment methods are also transferred to the digital environment - the teacher can check the essay not in the notebook, but on the screen, specially created sites and systems will track how the student solves equations and problems in physics. Often, elements of the game are introduced, and it has been proven that the competitive element of games provides for the rapid absorption of material and deeper immersion due to emotions. Lectures really occupy a large place in digital education, but do they occupy a smaller place in traditional education?


Myth 5. The teacher will lose control over the actions of students

If a student takes an online course, how can the teacher make sure that these are really student’s results?

Truth: the problem of identifying pupils is indeed quite acute. In the case of online courses for adults on many platforms, it remains on the conscience of the user himself (he needs knowledge and skills, without them his certificate means nothing), but it is obvious that in school realities, control should be more stringent. Here parents can come to the rescue, who can confirm that their child has really passed the task, or they still have to trust the students in the manifestation of consciousness. After all, in traditional education there will always be those who will be able to cheat or write off, unfortunately, no system is perfect.


Myth 6. It's all an extra burden for the teacher.

We all know that often innovations in our life turn out to be only a superfluous headache. Wouldn't it be the same with digital education? Would this not be another task in the series of things to be done by the teacher? But many teachers find it difficult to change proven methods and work with information technologies.

The truth: indeed, the introduction of new technologies requires the development of a certain set of qualities. The use of distance learning technologies is more likely characteristic of younger teachers, with less work experience, but at the same time having a degree; Perhaps this is due to the greater technological knowledge of young people, and can also be explained by established traditions in the technology of learning from the older generation. However, there is no way to get away from the new technologies, but they can really free up the teacher’s time: not only with a single reading of the lecture under the recording, but also, for example, with the help of automatic feedback — instead of writing over and over again in response to the control one and the same, the teacher needs to enter information only once, and the student, if the answer is incorrect, will see it (and at the same time a hint where this was explained so that he can look at it himself). Teachers are freeing up time to teach, rather than answer the same questions, and reducing contact work reduces emotional stress, reducing the likelihood of emotional burnout.



For student:

• expanding the possibilities of building an educational trajectory

• access to the most modern educational resources

• dissolving the framework of educational organizations to the scale of the whole world

For parent:

• expanding educational opportunities for the child

• cost reduction due to increased competition in the education market

• increasing the transparency of the educational process

• facilitating communication with all participants in the educational process

For the teacher:

• decrease in bureaucratic loading due to its automation

• reduction of the routine load on the control of students performing tasks through automation

• increased convenience of monitoring the educational process

• formation of new opportunities for the organization of the educational process

• the formation of new conditions for the motivation of students in the creation and execution of tasks

• formation of new conditions for transferring the activity of the educational process to the student

• facilitating the formation of a student’s individual educational trajectory

For school:

• improving resource efficiency by shifting some of the burden on IT

• Empowering educational offerings through network organization of the process

• decrease in bureaucratic loading due to automation

• expansion of communication opportunities with all participants of the educational process

For the region:

• automation of monitoring the educational process

• optimization of communication with all participants

• optimization of educational resources in the region through the formation of network structures

• enhancing the region’s ability to choose learning options through networking

• the possibility of reducing the educational emigration of the best students due to network interaction

• reduction of bureaucratic apparatus and personal communications by automating workflow

For the state:

• growth of educational diversity in the country and satisfaction of the population by choice

• increased motivation to learn based on individual educational trajectories

• reduction of educational migration due to access to various educational resources over the network

• increase public satisfaction with the balance of educational needs and opportunities for its implementation

• improving the effectiveness of available educational resources

• increasing the transparency of the educational process

• efficient monitoring of results


• reduction of bureaucratic apparatus,

• reducing the intensity of the workflow created by the hands of employees of educational organizations,

• increase in the traffic of voluntary use of DSP, above all by students.


To whom

• CHILD - for quality education regardless of location and social status

• PARENTS - a significant reduction in the cost of education of the child while improving the quality of education.

• TEACHERS - getting new tools for professional activities and the possibility of advanced training.

• COMPANIES ABROAD - access to high-quality Russian education, children's inclusion

• to the Russian cultural and educational environment

• TO THE STATE - ensuring the constitutional right of everyone to a high-quality and affordable education, reducing costs in organizing the educational process, saving budget funds. Promotion of Russian education abroad, including strategically important territories.

General requirements for digital educational resources:

Modern digital educational resources should:

• comply with the content of the textbook, regulations of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation, the programs used;

• focus on modern forms of education, ensure high interactivity and multimedia education;

• ensure the possibility of level differentiation and individualization of training;

• to offer types of learning activities that orient the student to gain experience in solving life problems based on knowledge and skills within the framework of this subject;

• to ensure the use of both independent and group work;

• contain options for academic planning with a modular structure;

• exceed the volume of the relevant sections of the textbook, while not expanding the thematic sections;

• fully playable on the declared technical platforms;

• provide the ability to use other programs in parallel with digital educational resources;

• ensure, where methodically feasible, individual adjustment and preservation of intermediate work results;

• have, where necessary, integrated contextual help;

• have a convenient interface.

• have self-study.

Digital educational resources should not: [2]

 represent additional chapters to the existing textbook / CMD;

To duplicate publicly available reference, popular science, cultural, etc. information;

 be based on materials that quickly lose their credibility (become obsolete).

Tasks of the CRS

Assisting the teacher in preparing for the lesson;

 layout and modeling of a lesson from individual digital objects;

A large number of additional and reference information - to deepen knowledge about the subject;

 effective information retrieval in the complete set of PORs;

 preparation of control and independent work (possibly, on variants);

 preparation of creative tasks;

 preparation of lesson plans related to digital objects;

 sharing performance with other teachers via the Internet and portable external memory;

 assistance with the lesson;

 demonstration of prepared digital objects through a multimedia projector;

 use of virtual laboratories and interactive recruitment models in the mode of frontal laboratory work;

 computer testing of students and assistance in assessing knowledge;

Individual research and creative work of students with digital education centers in the lesson;

 assisting the student in preparing homework;

 increasing students' interest in the subject through a new form of presentation of the material;

 automated student self-monitoring at any convenient time;

A large database of objects for the preparation of speeches, reports, essays, presentations, etc.;

 the ability to quickly obtain additional information encyclopedic nature;

 development of the creative potential of students in the subject virtual environment;

 assisting the student in organizing the study of the subject at his own pace and at his chosen level of mastering the material, depending on his individual characteristics of perception;

Introducing students to modern information technologies, forming the need for mastering IT and permanently working with them. [

Objectives of the digital educational resource kit:

• assistance to the teacher in preparing for the lesson:

- layout and simulation of a lesson from separate digital objects;

- A large number of additional and reference information - to deepen knowledge about the subject;

- effective information retrieval in a set of digital educational resources;

- preparation of control and independent work (possibly, on variants);

- preparation of creative tasks;

- preparation of lesson plans related to digital objects;

- sharing performance with other teachers via the Internet and portable external memory.

• А ssistance with the lesson:

- demonstration of prepared digital objects through a multimedia projector;

- the use of virtual laboratories and interactive recruitment models in the mode of frontal laboratory work;

- computer testing of students and assistance in assessing knowledge;

- individual research and creative work of students with digital educational resources in the classroom.

• Assisting the student in preparing homework:

- Increasing students' interest in the subject through a new form of presentation of the material;

- automated student self-monitoring at any convenient time;

- a large database of objects for the preparation of speeches, reports, essays, presentations, etc.;

- the ability to quickly obtain additional information encyclopedic nature;

- development of creative potential of students in the subject virtual environment;

- assistance to the student in organizing the study of the subject at a convenient pace and at the chosen level of mastering the material, depending on his individual characteristics of perception;

- the introduction of students to modern information technologies, the formation of the need for mastering information technology and constant work with them.


The 21st century is called the century of high computer technology. Information and information processes, becoming the most important component of human life, allowed to form an information society - as a stage in the development of human society. Currently, many schools are equipped with computer classes, and teachers have the opportunity to use modern technology in the classroom. Using a computer during training allows you to create an information environment that stimulates the interest and curiosity of the child. The computer becomes an electronic intermediary between teacher and student. It allows you to intensify the learning process, makes it more vivid and intuitive, provides an opportunity to teach at an individual pace for each student, and also allows you to free the teacher from a number of tedious functions, such as endless writing on the blackboard, working out basic skills and knowledge.


What changes does the CRS make to the learning process?


• Increases the effectiveness of the educational process by introducing diversity at different stages of the lesson.

• Gives rich additional material to prepare for the lesson to the teacher and students

• Allows you to show some of the processes in the dynamics (video, animation).

• Enhances visibility.

• Instead of old tables - “cultural” image

• Show objects that can not be shown in another way.

• High-quality consolidation and development of skills in a large number of students using a local network.

• Increases student interest, especially interactive objects


- Increases the efficiency of the educational process due to the introduction of diversity at different stages of the lesson.

- Gives rich additional material to prepare for the lesson to the teacher and students

- Allows you to show some processes in the dynamics (video clips, animation).

- Enhances visibility

- Instead of old tables - “cultural” image

- Showing objects that can not be shown in another way.

- High-quality consolidation and development of skills in a large number of students using a local network.

- Increases student interest, especially interactive objects.

COR at the stage of explaining the new material.

The basis of the activity is the personal inclusion of the student in the process, when the components of the activity are directed and controlled by him. The stimulus to learning is realized through the introduction of an element of novelty that distracts children from difficulties, enthralling and captivating them with their unusualness, using peculiar means. Such elements of novelty are, for example:

- Electronic textbooks;

- Multimedia presentations;

- Training videos.

CRS for monitoring and evaluation of knowledge and skills.

- Project activities

- Simulator programs.

- For certification of students, both the traditional form and the computer version are used (using tests and tests prepared with the help of the CRS system).

DIS for preparing homework

- creative tasks

- Abstracts, reports

- Presentations

- Self-study



1. Technology allows you to experiment more with pedagogy and get instant feedback.

Modern technologies allow children to become more active participants in the educational process, and teachers to create new approaches, methods, models of training and education. For example, a teacher can conduct an online survey at any stage of a lecture to determine the level of mastery of the material being studied.

The learning process becomes more dynamic with the use of digital textbooks, when the student can use the links to relevant materials or resources. Children can search for answers to the questions asked, form their position, and then defend it.

The use of technological tools for the organization of project activities allows to achieve significant changes in learning outcomes. Teachers have the opportunity to implement new models of the organization of the educational process, for example, the “inverted class”. In this educational technology of the XXI century. The teacher first gives students the opportunity to independently study new material at home, and then organizes the practical consolidation of this material in the classroom.

2. Technology helps to ensure the active involvement of students in the learning process.

Online surveys and other digital tools help to engage all students in the learning process, including those shy, not confident in their abilities, usually not taking the initiative. Online systems allow you to regularly receive feedback, including student feedback on the availability of training materials and assignments. Data analysis allows the teacher to quickly and easily identify the difficulties of each child and assist in time, identify areas where students can compete, and therefore easily adjust each student’s work or group work.

For example, technologies can significantly improve the efficiency of using such an active teaching method as a quiz. At the beginning of the lesson, the teacher can conduct a quiz using technical devices and quickly assess the starting level of students, spending only a few minutes to obtain reliable information and its analysis. Further, the teacher can make adjustments to the organization of the educational process objectively understanding where it is worth to direct its efforts and how to organize the work of students. Conducting the same quiz at the end of the lesson will again allow you to receive feedback with minimal time, and for students to evaluate the results and success of the training.

3. There are many resources for organizing students' productive learning activities.

In applications of mobile platforms and electronic textbooks there is no shortage of tools that significantly change the organization of educational activities. Some technical devices use various types of incentives and help to assimilate information in the process of learning, use competitive scenarios for the distribution of points and awards to make the learning process more exciting and attractive. An important condition for the use of such technical devices is the achievement of learning objectives.

Some mobile platforms and electronic textbooks include role-playing games in which students are given the opportunity to present facts and their arguments in favor of, for example, historical figures or scientific concepts. In addition, gaming technology contributes to the introduction of healthy competition in the educational process. Modern automated learning systems can significantly help in the organization of productive learning activities and realistically assess the achievements of each student.

4. Technology will help the teacher to automate or simplify the implementation of a number of tedious duties.Automation can simplify execution and reduce time for such routine, but time-consuming tasks, such as tracking attendance and student learning performance. Modern technological tools simplify the systematization and selection of individual tasks for students, help to track the activity of their participation in the discussion, etc.

The ability of modern technological tools to visualize difficult for perception and understanding of educational material reduces the cost of time and effort of the teacher to explain. For example, augmented reality technology allows students from atoms to create molecules of a complex chemical compound in a virtual environment using their own hands. Due to the effect of presence created by influencing the human senses, the technology makes it possible to more effectively demonstrate the process of creating a molecule or substance, rather than a presentation on the screen or a picture on paper.

5. The ability to use technology is a life skill and an important type of literacy.

Having digital literacy is more than having “separate technological skills.” Today we are talking about a deep understanding of the digital environment, which provides an intuitive adaptation to new contexts and co-creation of content with other students. Making presentations, learning how to find reliable sources on the Internet, supporting proper online etiquette, etc. These are life skills that students can learn in the learning process, and they will be useful to every child throughout their lives. Digital literacy can help educational organizations not only improve the quality of learning, but also allow learning outcomes to always be relevant.


1. Technologies can distract from the educational process.

Studies have shown that smartphones and gadgets still distract children from the educational process. But the task of the teacher is to make the learning process interesting, and if the students are distracted, then this is a teacher's problem, not technologies and devices.

Today, an urgent task is the formation of culture and respect for all participants in the educational process. By limiting the use of gadgets, nevertheless determine the specific tasks, projects, time and competently implement the possibilities of technology in the classroom.

2. Technologies can adversely affect the development of students' communication skills and social interaction.

Many teachers do not like gadgets because the ability of students to real live communication is reduced. However, if you create tasks that allow the use of technological tools, oral presentations and group collaboration, the children will actively interact with each other.

Technology is a tool that can significantly improve the quality of the educational process, but not an end in itself. A modern teacher must be able to competently use it, keep it under control and know the advantages.

3. Technologies can provoke deception and avoidance of tasks.

Students have always found ways to avoid assignments, and digital technologies will make it even easier - from copying and using someone else's work to buying a finished essay or presentation on the Internet. The teacher can always structure tasks and tests in such a way as to minimize risks. For example, if a control measure is made open, i.e. give the opportunity to use technology to search for factual information, and shift the focus to solving the problem with its use, the teacher will not only be able to check students' understanding of the material studied, but also skills in working with information. A number of software products allows you to select individual tasks for each student, which involuntarily directs his attention to work, and not to find a solution in someone else's notebook or on the Internet.

4. Students do not have equal access to technological resources.

Not all students can afford a tablet, laptop, smartphone, or even constant Internet access. They can be offered tasks that will allow them to work in a group and share resources, and also recommend the use of libraries or other organizations where they can access technologies.

Do not make the technology a focus of the educational process or an obstacle. Include technology in a holistic educational system.

5. The quality of sources on the Internet leaves much to be desired. The Internet is a blessing and a curse. The ability to distinguish qualitative sources of information from unreliable information will be useful to your students. In educational organizations, you can create a list of electronic educational resources, information from which students can trust, use, copy and adapt.

Educators can use educational resources that are freely available. Usually such resources are classified into sections in accordance with the main disciplines of general education or areas of supplementary education. They contain educational and reference material. Students can also use these resources. Electronic tests, interactive models, colorful illustrations, ready-made designs, simulators and other educational and methodological materials contained in the resource sections will help teachers prepare and conduct interesting, informative, colorful lessons, and students to do homework, research projects or other types of independent works


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