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The President noted that “Digital Kazakhstan” is a new and very important program for the country.

 By the way, the participants of the lecture hall participated in the event in digital mode and online asked questions to the speakers. The session was widely covered live on social networks.

In the near future, about 200 small-scale schools will be equipped with new computers, with software for digital education of children, as in urban schools. The chairman of the board of Kazakhtelecom JSC, Kuanyshbek Yesekeyev, promised that by the beginning of the new academic year all regional centers would be covered by the Internet with a high data rate.

The quality and accessibility of education today are solved with the help of digitalization. Created sites for the selection and work with teaching materials for students and teachers, such as open.kz, where you can learn new textbooks in the Kazakh and Russian languages, bilimland.kz - especially for teachers who can download any necessary material, twig, where You can watch 4500 educational videos in different subjects in three languages, a bilimbook, which generally works without the Internet. Everything is done as simple and clear for an ordinary teacher. Informatization through the creation of such comfortable conditions should solve almost all the problems, - said Rauan Kenzhehanuly, director of Bilimmedia Group LLP, in his speech.


More than 15 countries of the world implement national digitalization programs: Denmark, Norway, Great Britain, Canada, Germany, Saudi Arabia, India, Russia, China, South Korea, Malaysia, Singapore, Australia, New Zealand and Kazakhstan.



In February, Kazakh President Nursultan Nazarbayev instructed officials to teach the population the basics of digitalization. “I’m not saying that the shepherd will not understand, but an educated person will not understand what digitalization is, ” the head of state said and stressed that everything “must be explained on fingers”.


The topic of digitalization has come under sharp criticism from President Nursultan Nazarbayev. The head of state interrupted the report of Deputy Prime Minister Askar Zhumagaliyev, who was responsible for this area, and demanded that people be told about digitalization “on their fingers”.

" Here, Askar, is now a seminar for the leadership, if you explain it in such a language...", Nazarbayev said at the expanded government meeting on the results of 2017.

" It will be difficult, yes? " - asked the vice-minister.

“I’m not saying that the shepherd will not understand, but the educated will not understand what digitalization is. You have to explain on your fingers why, where it came from, it didn’t exist before, ” the president said.

Nazarbayev also appealed to the Minister of Information and Communications Dauren Abaev with a proposal to spend special hours on television, as well as explain in central, regional newspapers.

The President also addressed the Minister of Education Yerlan Sagadiyev.

" That is, universal education is needed. We must start from school. In the future, they (students - note) will generally work in this area. For the future economy, which is coming in 2030, completely different children should be. We are constantly criticized that we all the time we are carrying out reforms in education, and where to go. Children who will be in the future should learn to think independently, not cram, " said Nazarbayev.

Microsoft Office, as a tool for creating pedagogical educational tools. Microsoft Office Word, as a tool for creating POR

Microsoft Office Word is mainly focused on working with text: editing text, creating tables, formulas and much more, so with its help you can create PORs that contain textual information.

Microsoft Office Word can create:

CRS classified by educational and methodological functions

 Didactic materials (forms, templates);

 Demonstration materials (diagrams, figures, tables);

 Electronic textbook;

 Educational e-learning;

 Teaching and controlling e-textbook;

 Reference books and dictionaries for students;

 Tests.

CRS classified by type of information

 COR with textual information;

 DIS with visual information (specifically - diagrams);

 DIS with combined information;

Microsoft Office Word features for creating the above PORs:

 text processing capabilities (editing, creating tables);

 the ability to create hypertext;

 creation of forms, templates;

 insert pictures;

 creation of schemes;

Прав spell checker;

 programming language Visual Basic for Application.


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