Архитектура Аудит Военная наука Иностранные языки Медицина Металлургия Метрология Образование Политология Производство Психология Стандартизация Технологии |
Приложение 1.
Упражнение 1. прочитайте текст, обратите внимание на сходства и различия в используемой терминологии:
Полноценное общение на научной конференции предпола-гает, что ее участники, с одной стороны, имеют достаточно яс-ное представление о положении, занимаемом в научном мире их коллегами, а с другой – умеют пояснять средствами англий-ского языка свои научные позиции.Научный статус ученого в известной степени характеризу-ется рядом формальных показателей, среди которых степень, звание, место работы, занимаемая должность, обладание спе-циальными наградами, членство в различных обществах и ас-социациях. Одним из важнейших показателей научной квали-фикации является степень (degree). В англоязычных странах успешное окончание трех- четырехлетнего курса обучения в высшем учебное заведении, как правило, приводит к получению степени бакалавра (Bachelor’s degree): Bachelor of Science, сокр. B.Sc./B.S. (естественные науки); Bachelor of Arts, сокр. A.B./B.A. (гуманитарные науки); Bachelor of Fine Arts, сокр. B. F. A. (искусство); Bachelor of BusinessAdministration, сокр. B. B. A. (управление) и т. д. Степень бакалавра часто называется в англоязычных странах первой степенью (first degree). Студенты, продолжающие занятия после получения первой степени (graduate/postgraduate students), могут претендовать на степень магистра (master’s degree): Master of Sciеnce, сокр. M. S.; Master of Arts, сокр. M. A.; Master of Fine Arts, сокр. M. F. A. и т. д. Для получения этой степени после года или двух лет учебы и участия в исследовательской работе необходимо сдать еще ряд экзаменов и, как правило, представить диссертацию (thesis). Принято считать, что степень магистра соответствует диплому выпускника российского вуза с пяти-шестилетним циклом обучения, выполнившего и защитившего дипломный проект. Отметим, что использование слова diploma по аналогии с русским словом «диплом» (свидетельство об окончании вуза) может привести к неточному пониманию собеседником вашей мысли. Дело в том, что в англоязычных странах завершение курса обучения получением diploma, как правило, менее почетно, чем получение degree. Это обстоятельство можно учесть путем обращения к слову degree, когда речь идет о высшем образовании. Например, обладатель дипломаинженера-химика может сказать: I have a master’s degree in chemical engineering.Следующая степень в англоязычных странах – это степень доктора философии (Doctor of Philosophy, сокр. Ph. D.). Она присуждается представителям различных наук, как естественных, так и гуманитарных. Использование слова Philosophy в данном случае носит чи-сто традиционный характер и объясняется тем, что изначаль-но оно имело более общее значение «наука вообще». Часто степень доктора философии называют doctoral degree/ doctor’s degree/ doctorate: “I attended a college in Arizona for my bachelor’s degree and my master’s degree. Then I got my doctoral degree at the University of Hawai”. Претендент на эту степень должен провести оригинальное научное исследование, как правило, в рам-ках специальной учебной программы (Ph. D. program/students), сдать ряд экзаменов и обязательно представить диссертационную работу (doctoral thesis/dissertation).Понятие «ученая степень кандидата наук» может быть выражено, например, словом doctorate: I got my doctorate ineconomics two years ago”.При использовании сочетаний типа candidate’s degree/candidate of sciences или candidate of chemistry/ candidate ofchemical science(s) и т. п. следует иметь в виду, что они, являясь дословным переводом с русского, будут понятны только тем зарубежным ученым, кто знаком с научными реалиями нашей страны, что ограничивает круг их употребления или, во всяком случае, требует дополнительных пояснений, например, таких: «I have a candidate’s which corresponds to the Ph. D. Degree in yourcountry». Не в пользу дословного перевода русского словосочетания кандидат наук как candidate of science(s) без соответствующих разъяснений говорят два обстоятельства. Во-первых, оно может быть интерпретировано носителем английского языка по аналогии со словосочетаниями bachelor of science, master of science и тем самым создаст впечатление, что вы работаете в области естественных наук, а это может не соответствовать действительности. Во-вторых, необходимо учитывать, что слово candidate часто используется в сочетаниях Ph. D. doctoral candidate, где оно указывает, что данный исследователь работает над соответствующей диссертацией, но степени доктора философии еще не получил. Сочетание doctoral candidate может быть удачным эквивалентом русскому понятию соискатель. Ср.: Сейчас я являюсь соискателем степени кандидата экономических наук. – Now I am a doctoral candidate in economics. Соответственно, для обозначения понятия аспирант на-ряду со словосочетанием graduate/postgraduate student можно использовать и сочетание doctoral student, особенно если учесть, что оно точнее передает позицию аспиранта как исследователя, работающего над диссертацией, соответствующей докторской диссертации в англоязычных странах. Дело в том, что сочетания graduate student(амер.) и postgraduate student(брит.) употребляются для обозначения студентов, которые могут работать по программам, ведущим к получению степени, как доктора философии, так и магистра. Отметим, что ученый может быть обладателем нескольких или даже многих почетных докторских степеней. По-видимому, сочетание senior doctorate может быть ис-пользовано в устной речи для передачи русского понятия степени доктора наук: «I hope to get my senior doctorate within three years».Однако здесь обязательно нужно пояснить, что степень доктора наук в нашей стране требует представления диссертации, а также, как правило, написания монографии. Например, можно сказать: «Our senior doctorate is not an honorary degree. It requires the writing of a dissertation and the publication of a monograph».Для обозначения звания «доцент» на английском языке в европейских неанглоязычных странах употребляется слово docent. Обратим внимание, что в некоторых американских университетах этим словом называют преподавателей млад-шего ранга, не являющихся постоянными членами педагогического коллектива. Поэтому вряд ли можно считать слово docent удачным эквивалентом русскому слову доцент. Если же оно все-таки используется в устной речи, то не будет лишним соответствующее пояснение: «Now I occupy the position of docent which corresponds to associate professor or reader in English-speaking countries».Следующая категория преподавателей в британских вузах известна как lecturer: “Jones J. J., Lecturer in Land Law, University of East Anglia”, в американских – assistant professor: “Brown B. B., Assistant Professor of Economics, University of Texas”.В вузах России аналогичную позицию занимает старший преподаватель. Помимо вышеприведенных аналогов для обозначения этой должности можно употребить сочетание senior instructor. Во всяком случае, им иногда пользуются авторы из англоязычных стран, когда они пишут о системе образования в нашей стране. Заметим, что дословный перевод на английский язык русского словосо-четания старший преподаватель как senior teacher может соответственно потребовать дополнительных пояснений, так как английское слово teacher в основном используется в отношении школьных учителей.Для обозначения группы младших преподавателей в англоязычных странах используются такие сочетания, как assistant lecturer (брит.) и instructor (амер.). В нашей стране примерно такую же позицию занимают ассистент и преподаватель. Несмотря на определенные отличия в организации и функционировании таких подразделений, как кафедра в нашей стране и department в вузах англоязычных стран, эти слова можно использовать в качестве ближайших эквивалентов: кафедра физики – department of physicsи наоборот: department of modern languages– кафедра современных языков, но не факультет, как иногда ошибочно переводят сочетания подобного типа. Слово кафедра нельзя переводить на английский язык как chair, так как данное слово используется лишь для обозначения поста заведующего кафедрой или лица, занимающего эту должность: см., например, два следующих объявления: «TheChair of Economics remains vacant»; «The University of California College of Medicine is seeking a Chair for the Department ofBiological Chemistry».Во главе учебного подразделения типа факультета, азываемого в британских университетах faculty (faculty of arts, faculty of science, faculty of low, faculty of economics, etc.), ав американских– college или school, (college of fine arts, college of arts and sciences, college of business administration, school of law, school of pharmacy, etc.), стоит dean(декан). Для передачи позиций декана в высших учебных заведениях можно использовать слово dean, соответственно, заместителя декана – sub-dean/associate dean/assistant dean.Отметим, что в американских университетах есть ряд должностей, в названия которых входит слово dean: dean of students, dean of university, dean of facultyи т. п., но их функции отличны от функций декана в нашем понимании.Добавим, что в американских вузах слово faculty обозначает основной преподавательский состав, в то время как в британских используется сочетание academic/teaching staff. В беседе с американскими учеными нужно иметь в виду особенность употребления слова faculty и в случае необходимости ввести соответствующие коррективы: «When Iuse the word«faculty» I mean by that a division of the university and not the teaching staff».Для передачи позиции ректора вуза кроме вышеприве-денных аналогов (vice-chancellor, president) можно воспользоваться и словом rector, которое применяется в европейских странах и будет понятно зарубежным ученым. Что касается научно-исследовательских институтов и других организаций подобного типа, то в названиях должностей, которые занимают их сотрудники, часто встречается слово scientist, без указанной научной дисциплины: assistant scientist, research scientist, senior research scientist, principal scientist, senior scientist и т. п. Для передачи на английском языке ученых званий младший и старший научный сотрудник, имеющихся в научно-исследовательских организациях, могут быть предложены различные варианты. Прежде всего, заметим, что вряд ли целесообразно использовать в этом случае слово junior(младший), учитывая, что оно практически не встречается в данном контексте в англоязычных странах. Принимая это во внимание, можно предложить следующие пары для обозначения понятий младший научный сотрудник – старший научный сотрудник (без указания специальности): scientific associate – senior research associate, research associate – senior research associate, research scientist– senior research scientist или с указанием специализации: research physicist/senior research physicist, research chemist/senior research chemist. Представителям гуманитарных наук следует остановиться на первом из предложенных вариантов, так как такие слова, как scientist и research, как правило, предполагают естественнонаучную тематику исследования. О научном статусе участника конференции можно судить и по занимаемой им административной должности: director of institute; deputy/associate/assistant director; head of department/division; head/chief of laboratory; head of group; project director/leader; head of section и т. д. Подбирая английские эквиваленты названиям руководя-щих научных должностей типа заведующий отделом, лабораторией, руководитель группы и т. п., можно рекомен-довать нейтральное и ясное во всех контекстах слово head: head of department, head of laboratory, head of group.Отметим, что использование слова laboratory предполагает, что речь идет о естественнонаучной тематике исследований. Поэтому сочетание лаборатория гуманитарных дисциплин можно передать по-английски the humanities group.Добавим, что за названием laboratory/laboratories может cкрываться и крупная научная организация (Bell telephone Laboratories), и ее руководитель (director), соответственно, имеет статус директора научно-исследовательского института. Важным показателем научных достижений ученого является вручение ему различных наград (medals, prizes, awards).Особое признание его заслуг в международном масштабе отмечается присуждением Нобелевской премии (The Nobel Prize).Свидетельством заслуг ученого является его избрание в члены ряда научных обществ, например, таких, как Королевское общество (The Royal Society)в Великобритании, Американская Академия наук и искусств (The American Academy of Sciences), Национальная академия наук (The National Academy of Sciences)в США и т. п. Соответственно, в России высшие научные позиции занимают члены Академии наук (members of the Russian Academy of Sciences): члены-корреспонденты (corresponding members) и действительные члены (full members/academicians). В заключение отметим, что научный статус участника конференций в известной мере определяет выбор той или иной формы обращения к нему в процессе общения . Упражнение 2. найдите правильный эквивалент перевода следующих слов и выражений: to publish, sphere, research, to include, importance, to develop, to collaborate; enterprise, scientific adviser, scientific degree, to be awarded, department, to encounter, branch, research team, data, to participate, to take post-graduate courses, to prove a thesis (dissertation) защищать диссертацию, обучаться в аспирантуре, опубли-ковать, область, быть награжденным, включать, (научное) исследование, важность, кафедра, встречать(ся), исследовательская группа, данные (информация), разрабатывать, со-трудничать, участвовать, ученая степень, научный руководи-тель, предприятие, отрасль
Упражнение 3. образуйте имя существительное путем добавления суффикса, переведите его на русский язык: 1) -er/-or V + -er/-or → N Examples: to research → researcher; to invent → inventor to publish, to use, to make, to investigate, to experiment, to compute, to collect, to advise, to supervise, to report, to work, to collaborate, to write; 2) -ist N + -ist → N Example: physics → physicist economy, technology, science, biology, collective, journal.
Упражнение 4. составьте пары синонимов: 1) device, research, technology, branch, obtain, importance, collaborator, team, scientific adviser, to enable, thesis, journal, to prove a thesis, to collect, data, to encounter, to be engaged in, to be through with, scientific papers, rapidly; 2) quickly, publications, instrument, technique, to finish, to be busy with, field, to get, significance, to come across, information, to gather, coworker, group, supervisor, to defend a dissertation, scientific magazine, dissertation, to allow, investigation.
Упражнение 5. составьте пары антонимов: 1) theory, to obtain, rapidly, experimentator, to finish, to increase, new, experienced, unknown, wide, passive, to enable, high, complicated; 2) simple, low, practice, to give, to disable, active, slowly, theoretician, narrow, famous, to start, to decrease, old, inexperienced.
Приложение 2.
Упражнение 1. переведите на русский язык, обращая внимание на причастные формы и конструкции:
1. A Harris poll taken in 1981 and surveying 12, 000 adults nationwide proved otherwise. 2. The respondents, askedto reflect what was important to them in their lives, were able to state more than one goal. 3. There is a shift in the type of a work people do – a shift from physical labor towards jobs requiring mental skills. 4. Goingdown the list, we can see that 70 % of the people want to have full control of their time. 5. With more people working, adults face the problem of how to balance their work commitments and their deep desire for personal fulfillments.
Упражнение 2. переведите на русский язык, используя разные способы передачи неличных форм глагола:
Using 1. their mind and abilities was the most important goal for the majority of people. Millions of people are turning to activities for 2. improving their health. Having 3. a good self-image was important to 81 %.72 % of the people said their goal was 4. havingenough security to livecomfortably. The top thing on the poll list was 5. to havea family lit. To live 6. comfortably is a national objective. The drive 7. to amass an economic fortune is not a mass phenomenon. Human values seem 8. to have taken priority over material values.
Упражнение 3. найдите переводные эквиваленты к следующим словосочетаниям:
Chess technique, mountain climbing technique, to acquire a technique, to develop a technique, to work out a technique, to perfect a technique, to apply a technique, dance technique, relaxation technique, various photographic technique, computing technique, experimental technique, mass production technique. Technology assessment, technology forecasting, technology intensive production, capital intense and labor intensive technology, adaptation of technology, to create technology, to apply technology, to employ technology, to export technology, high technology (high tech.) Упражнение 4. переведите слова и словосочетания на русский язык:
To average; potassium-argon dates; can be dated by …the…method; be dated at … years; long before the rise of copper metallurgy; passed within 700 km of its surface; placed (=spaced) 100ft apart; at the extreme top; the diagram (re)presents; at a level with; is installed (at) 100 m from; at any distance up to 3000 ft away from the instrument; on the molecular level; at this stage; in the experimental stage; in the middle latitudes; abundant throughout the cross-section; non-instrument observation; ground (=earth)-based observations; elevated temperatures; a doubling of concentration will cause; five percent gain in productivity; recycling (=reuse) of; a recent replica of experiment was made; be lost to the atmosphere.
Упражнение 5. переведите на русский язык: To quarry (from natural deposits); conglomerates have been profitably mined; to mine profitably; the extraction (=mining/winning) of the ore; rates of extraction of these non- renewable fossil fuels; extraction (mining) of useful minerals; to increase … by 5 percent the concentration of 2 percent of the balloon volume; the bound is 50 percent ionic; early in the development; consist of … to the extent of 88; to average; to be.. on the average; to measure 12 cm in length; gypsum constitutes the major portion of; the concentration varies (in the range) from 30 to; the cadmium content of these byproducts runs (=ranges) from 2-3 to 25 percent; to amount to an average of; be of variable composition; it varies in composition; be simple in structure; be of industrial (=commercial), importance; share a common trait; be smaller in diameter.
Упражнение 6. запишите ключевые слова из следующих высказываний:
People often think of the U.S. is a very materialistic possession-.oriented country. In 1981, a Harris poll was taken surveying 1, 200 adults.nationwide. The poll asked respondents to reflect on what was important.to them in their lives. The top thing on the list was to have a good family life.. The majority of the people said that using their mind and abilities was the most important goal for them. The next thing down the line was to be physically fit. Lots of people are fond of jogging. The priority of good close friends indicates that, as a nation, Americans have become highly people-dependent. Having a good self-image means feeling that one is conducting one’s day-to-day life in a manner that makes one proud and satisfied. It is interesting that in a country that has a high standard of living for a majority of its people, the desire for economic security is still important.
Упражнение 7. переведите следующие слова в контексте:
To alter: Some robots have the ability to examine a situation and alter their performance according to what is needed. That is, a robot might normally pick up a part with the front facing up. If, however, a part had the front facing down, the robot could follow a different set of procedures. A torch: A Statue of Liberty holds a torch in her raised hand. Perhaps this serves to symbolically light the path for new immigrants. A mode: The spacecraft was ready for landing. It was in its landing mode and the astronauts were in their correct positions. Joints: Robots generally have 5 to 6 joints in their arms. Without these joints, the arms would only be able to reach out in a straight path and could not bend in a curved path. To fuse something: Generally, a lot of heat is necessary to fuse metals together but if it is done well, these metals will never break apart. The orientation of an object: Followers of the religion, Islam, must face Mecca, their holy place, when praying. Therefore, they are very concerned about the orientation of the prayer mat when getting ready to pray. A coat of paint: The old house looked like was in terrible condition but actually it only needed a paint job. Everything else was in fine working order. However, it did require three coats of paint to really cover the old paint because the original colour had been so dark. An avenue for social mobility: Education is a major avenue for social mobility. For example, blue collar workers can move to white collar position by learning the appropriate management skills. Unskilled or semi- skilled blue collar workers can also move to more skilled blue collar jobs with the proper training. Упражнение 8. переведите предложения, обращая вни-мание на залог глагола: The people who would adopt the decision to use nuclear weapons first would never be either justified or forgiven. The assembly was attended by delegations from the national associations of 45 countries. Such a reduction is possible only when major powers mutually renounce the development, testing and deployment of space strike weapons. The first stage will include the complete elimination of the medium-range missiles in the European zone, both ballistic and cruise missiles. Russia and the USA will carry out further measures designed to eliminate their medium range nuclear weapon and freeze their tactical nuclear systems. All nuclear powers are to eliminate their tactical nuclear arms, namely the weapons having a range (or radius of action) of up to 1, 000 km. At the same stage the Russian-American accord on the prohibition of space strike weapon will have to become multilateral, with the mandatory participation in it of major industrial power. Special procedures will be worked out for dismantling, reequipment or destruction of delivery vehicles. Verifications with regard to the weapons to be destroyed or limited will be carried out both by national technical means and through on-site inspection.
Упражнение 8. используйте правильную форму слов в скобках: Capital (punish) ________ has become a very (controversy) 1.______ issue. In the western world, a person is 2. presumed to be(innocence)________until proven (guilt)_____.To avoid the (caprice)_________application of the death 3.penalty, some states make the death sentence (mandate)________ for certain crimes. (Oppose) of the death penalty object to its 4.(discriminate)_________application; (propose)________are in favor of it for (murder)_______who kill (intention)________rather than (accident)________.Some people feel that (crime)_______are victims 5.of their (inherit)______and their (surround) and their antisocial (behave)_______can be changed through (rehabilitate)_______________.If there is a (suspect) that a crime has been (commit)_________, 6.the (suspect)________is (arrest)_______and (arraign)_______. If there is enough (evident)________of (crime)________action, an (indict)________is brought against the (accuse) person, who will then become the (defend)_____in a court trial. In a (try)________, the twelve (jury)__________will listen to 7.the (evident)_________ and make a (decide)________whether the (accuse) person is (guilt)_______or (innocent)__________.Most people feel that all (murder)________, (rape)________, 8.(arson)________, terror_______ and (kidnap)________should be (severe)________punished.Some people feel that capital punishment can act as a 9.(deter)_________to criminals; other feel it does not prevent (felon)________acts.
Приложение №3 1) Read the text, make up a title for it.
This book presents some of the key economic concepts that have guided economic thinking in the last century and identifies which concepts will continue to direct economic thought in the coming decades. It is written in an accessible manner and is intended for a wide audience with little or no formal training in economics. This treatment will interest economists who want to reflect on the direction of the discipline and to learn about achievements in other subfields. The author imparts his enthusiasm for the economic way of reasoning and its wide applicability. Through the abundant use of illustrations and examples, he makes concepts understandable and relevant. Topics include game theory, market failures, asymmetric information, endogenous growth theory, general equilibrium, rational expectations, and the new institutional economics. Gold is where you find it. This book is solid gold. Clearly, cogently, and cleverly introducing the structure of economic analysis without mathematics, Sandler presents a challenging and comprehensive guide to how to think about the general problems that we face in the broad realm of politics, economics, and policy. This book is a definite treasure for students in politics, sociology, and economics. Michael D. Ward, University of Washington ознакомьтесь с примерами: – completes range of basic concepts in economics made accessible for broad audience; – uses numerous, timely examples and is free of an ideological standpoint; – author has written or edited 15 other books, including 3 for Cambridge University Press.
ознакомьтесь с краткими рецензиями: А. In a highly readable book, Todd Sandler once again demonstrates his talent for innovative economics. Far from being content to supply new answers to established questions, he raises suite after suite of new questions. Stimulating and provocative from first page to last.
Norman Myers, University of Oxford в. In this insightful volume Todd Sandler conveys to the general reader, first, what economics has to tell us about many issues of continuing practical importance? In addition, by explaining cuttingedge developments such as game theory, public choice models, andthe experimental method, the author succeeds in giving a good overview of how economists can come to valid conclusions.
Jack Hirshleifer, University of California, Los Angeles
Упражнение 2. прочитайте аннотацию, объясните, почему данная книга может представлять интерес для читателя: The Judicial Application of Human Rights Law The original human rights concepts articulated in the 1948 Universal Declaration have evolved considerably. Nihal Jayawickrama encapsulates the judicial interpretation of human rights law from all available sources in one comprehensive volume, covering superior court case law of over 55 countries, the jurisprudence of the UN Human Rights monitoring bodies, the European Court of Human Rights, and the Inter-American system. This definitive compendium will be essential for legal practitioners, government and non-governmental officials, and academics and students of both constitutional law and the international law of human rights.
ознакомьтесь с примерами: – The only comprehensive statement of the substantive content of contemporary human rights concepts. – The only book that assembles all the available jurisprudence on human rights law from national, regional and international sources. – The only publication that empirically demonstrates, through an analysis of the judicial application of human rights law, the universality of contemporary human rights norms.
Упражнение 3. прочитайте текст, озаглавьте его и ответь-те на вопросы: The link between information and computer technology has resulted in changes that until a few years ago were restricted to science fiction. Physical access to documents is no longer so important: on-line services, databases on CD-ROM, the Internet, all make access possible to diverse sources of information. If the system allows downloading, if the research results can be printed, how much does access cost, if it is to a public source… Reading is no longer the only form of access. Now the user has the option to format: brochures, CD-ROMs, videos, audio-books, etc. Technological advance provoked an earthquake in the area of information, breaking barriers. The Global Village is a reality, changing people’s daily routines, habits and customs. It is no longer necessary to go to Washington to consult the catalogue of the Library of Congress to conduct bibliographical research: its electronic address is the Open Sesame for researchers and scholars. ответьте на вопросы: 1. Is the link between information and computer technology still science fiction? 2. Why is physical access to documents no longer so important? 3. Why is not reading the only form of access now? 4. Why did technological advance provoke an earthquake in the area of information?
Упражнение 4. прочитайте и переведите текст: The Internet Last years the classical function of libraries has been more and more superseded by various electronic information systems which enable exchange, acquisition and transmission of information, searching, processing and storage of data and reviewing and lending of library material. As to their resources and unlimited access, no classical library at present can be compared with their capabilities of providing information. Generally speaking Internet is a global library. However, it is well known that it enables several different services, such as e-mail and access to distant computers and networks. So far, e-mail has been a significant factor in all areas of the Internet. Users of the Internet may search for various data, exchange information and communicate with the other users of Internet primarily by means of search engines such as Excite, Magellan, Point, Income, Alta Vista, InfoSeek, Lycos, Open Text Index, WebCrawler, Yahoo, etc. найдите в тексте следующие выражения: 1) заменяется различными электронно-информационными системами; 2) накопление и передача информации; 3) поиск, обработка и хранение данных; 4) неограниченный доступ; 5) способность обеспечивать информацией; 6) вообще говоря; 7) до сих пор, пока это ответьте на вопросы: 1. How has the classical function of libraries been changed? 2. What services does Internet enable? 3. What may users of Internet search?
Упражнение 5. просмотрите текст и выполните задания: The Internet is the latest jewel in the crown of information technology. Also known as the information super-highway, it is an international infrastructure used for data communication which is becoming as popular and relied upon as the telephone. The important characteristic of the Internet is its speed of information flow. Hence e-mail (electronic mail) travels much faster and is thus much preferred than traditional paper mail (also known as snailmail). E-mail is also beginning to replace many phone calls. This is because e-mail allows the senders the ability to edit information before they post it. Also, e-mail allows the receiver to answer at their own leisure. Another beneficial feature of the Internet is that being supported mostly by academic and nonprofit organizations, the information is free (after an initial connection fee). This means that this technology is not greatly restricted to or dominated by any particular economic class. In fact, the huge amount of competition between the Internet service providers means that the costs related to net-usage are even beginning to decline. The fact that the information is free to the end-user has also sparked a great deal of commercial interest. Many companies are investing time and money into net-advertisements. They hope that their free promotional material can tap into the new consumer market of the computer-user. The Internet is also beginning to replace libraries as sources of research information. This is because it is current, very generalized for public consumption. The net is also better than libraries for educational reasons. Its interactive nature encourages and motivates students more into learning. The only draw-back is that the information is not as reliable and there are often difficulties in accessing and collecting electronic information, e.g. the crashing of computer servers.
найдите в тексте следующие выражения: 1) известный как; 2) полагаться на…; 3) информационный поток; 4) черепашья почта; 5) способность редактировать ин-формацию; 6) на досуге; 7) огромная конкуренция; 8) потреби-тельский рынок; 9) общественное потребление; 10) единствен-ный недостаток кратко расскажите о: a) characteristic feature of E-mail; b) the costs related to net-usage; c) the problem of replacing libraries by the Internet.
Упражнение 6. просмотрите текст и расскажите, о чем он: Unfortunately, the Internet does contain inbuilt values like most technologies. On the Internet, English dominates, the United States of America is the source of most information and the information is generally a product of the pro-technology community. But despite these prejudices of the medium, the huge popularity of the Internet has led to end-users inventing ingenious1 ways to overcome these problems. For example, the net allows for teleporting (via telnet facilities) to other countries. This is akin to having multiple foreign exchange students and similarly, encourages cultural bio-diversity. Also, information on the net often appears in other languages, of which Japanese and German are very common. Приложение 4.
Упражнение 1. составьте предложения из предложенных слов и словосочетаний: a) Example: I took post-graduate courses in economics and applied quantitative methods. 1) in economics; 2) in international law; 3) informatics; 4) economics with mathematics; 5) business administration. b) Example: I am to take the candidate examination in English. 1) in philosophy; 2) in the special subject.c) Example: My scientific adviser received the State Prize. 1) got his Ph. D. degree in Moscow; 2) made a considerable contribution into economics; 3) took part in various scientific conferences and symposia. d) Example: I take part in annual conferences of our university. 1) in international symposia; 2) in making experiments; 3) in delivering lecture in economics. Упражнение 7. прочитайте текст и ответьте на следующие вопросы: a) What does your research deal with? b) What are you engaged in at present? Taking a Post-Graduate Course Last year by the decision of the Scientific Council I took postgraduate courses to increase my knowledge in economics. I passed three entrance examinations – in History, English and the special subject. So now I am a first year post-graduate student of the Orenburg State University. I’m attached to the Statistics Department. In the course of my post-graduate studies I am to pass candidate examinations in philosophy, English and the special subject. So I attend courses of English and philosophy. I’m sure the knowledge of English will help me in my research.My research deals with economics. The theme of the dissertation thesis) is “Computer-Aided Tools for…” I was interested in the problem when a student so by now I have collected some valuable data for my thesis. I work in closecontact with my research adviser (supervisor). He graduated from the Moscow State University 15 years ago and got his doctoral degree at the age of 40. He is the youngest Doctor of Sciences at our University. He has published a great number of research papers in journals not only in this country but also abroad. He often takes part in the work of scientific conferences and symposia. When I encounter difficulties in my work I always consult my research adviser. At present I am engaged in collecting the necessary data. I hope it will be a success and I will be through with my work on time.
расскажите о себе, ответив на следующие вопросы: a) what candidate examinations you have already passed; b) what the theme of your dissertation is; c) how many scientific papers you have published; d) if you are busy with making an experiment.
Упражнение 2. прочитайте текст и ответьте на вопросы: My research work I’m an economist in one of the Orenburg auditing firms. My special subject is accounting. I combine practical work with scientific research, so I’m a doctoral candidate (соискатель). I’m doing research in auditing which is now widely accepted in all fields of economy. This branch of knowledge has been rapidly developing in the last two decades. The obtained results have already found wide application in various spheres of national economy. I’m interested in that part of auditing which includes its internal quality control. I have been working at the problem for two years. I got interested in it when a student. The theme of the dissertation is “Internal quality control of audit services”. The subject of my thesis is the development of an effective internal quality control system for audit firm services. I think this problem is very important nowadays as a major portion of public accounting practice is involved with auditing. In making decisions it is necessary for the investors, creditors and other interested parties to know whether the financial statements may be relied on. Hence there should be an internal control of auditing operations for insuring the fairness of presentation. My work is both of theoretical and practical importance. It is based on the theory developed by my research adviser, Professor S. Petrov. He is head of the department at the Orenburg State University. I always consult him when I encounter difficulties in my research. We often discuss the collected data. These data enable me to define more precisely the theoretical model of the audit internal quality system. I have not completed the experimental part of my thesis yet, but I’m through with the theoretical part. For the moment I have 4 scientific papers published. One of them was published in the US journal. I take part in various scientific conferences where I make reports on my subject and participate in scientific discussions and debates. I’m planning to finish writing the dissertation by the end of the next year and prove it in the Scientific Council of the Orenburg State University. I hope to get a Ph. D. in Economics. 1. What are you? 2. What is your special subject? 3. What field of knowledge are you doing research in? 4. Have you been working at the problem long? 5. Is your work of practical or theoretical importance? 6. Who do you collaborate with? 7. When do you consult your scientific adviser? 8. Have you completed the experimental part of your dissertation? 9. How many scientific papers have you published? 10. Do you take part in the work of scientific conferences? 11. Where and when are you going to get Ph. D. degree?
Приложение №5 A LETTER TO A FRIEND
Dear Lynn,
Dear Peter,
Dear Christopher,
Dear Edward,
Dear Nathaniel,
Dear Raymond,
Dear Mr. Lambert, Writing applications |
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