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The Purpose of Terrorist Activities.

The basic aims of the terror organizations are to make doubts about the political system in the minds of people, and to weaken the authority of the government. On the other hand, terrorism is used as a tool by some powers to get political and economic advantages when a group of people creates an atmosphere of fear in the society taken as a target to obtain a profit. As a political tool for struggle, terror is also used for state's weakening another state. The next source of terrorist activity is the difference in ethnic structures or religious beliefs. The leaders of some ethnic groups try to clash the groups of people who have different cultural backgrounds and points of views and use the techniques of terror to destroy unity and order of the society.

Terrorist acts are criminal in nature and constitute a serious threat to individuals' lives or freedom. The struggle against international terrorism is different from any other war. Units for Combating Terrorism all over the world and Interpol (182 member countries) fight terrorist networks and all those who support their efforts to spread fear, they use every instrument of power - diplomatic, economic, law enforcement, financial, information, intelligence, and military.

The National Strategy for Combating Terrorism focuses on the following tasks:

- to identify and locate terrorists and terrorist organizations («know your enemy»);

- to isolate the spread of terrorism;

- to destroy the terrorist organizations;

- to create an international environment inhospitable to terrorists and all those who support them;

- to eliminate the capabilities for terrorists to exist and operate (leadership, control, material support and finances, communications);

- to prevent terrorists from acquiring the capability to use chemical, biological, radiological, or nuclear weapons, or high-yield explosives.


fear - страх
threat - угроза
hostage - заложник
hijack ( hijacking) - захват авиатранспорта  
explosion - взрыв
explosive - взрывчатое вещество
premeditated - преднамеренный
noncombatant target - гражданський объект мишень
minority - меньшинство
intimidation - запугивание
to make doubts - сомневаться
tool - инструмент, оснащение
advantages/ disadvantages - преимущества/ недостатки
profit - прибыль, польза, выгода
religious belief - Религионое убеждение
to clash - сталкивать
to destroy - разрушать
destruction - разрушать
struggle/ combat - борьба
terrorist networks - террористическая сеть
to spread fear - сеять страх
inhospitable - негостеприимный
capability - возможность
to eliminate - ликвидировать
to acquire - получать, преобретать,  
nuclear weapons - ядерное оружие
high-yield - высокоприбыльный
explosive - взрывчатое вещество  

Ex.1. Read and translate the following international words:

Atmosphere, resources, reaction, technique, structure, method, morality, strategy, region, technology, brigade, sabotage, fanatic, despotism, activity, to form, to demonstrate, to co-ordinate, to manufacture, to isolate, to focus on, to operate, neutral, opposite, racial, extreme, religious, global, ethnic, lethal, financial, brutal.

Ex. 2. Choose the synonyms from the box:

to get, to receive - struggle, combat -
to show, to display - fright, scare   -
to produce, to make - purpose, goal -
to gain, to succeed - request, inquiry -  

Ex. 3. Define by the suffixes or endings to what part of speech the following words belong (where it is possible). Translate the words:


 identity - identify - identical - identification

 injure - injured - injury - injurious

 recognition - recognisable - recognise

 support - supporter - supportable - supporting - supportive promote - promoter - promotion

Ex. 4. Finish the sentences according to the text:

1. Terrorism is …

2. The main meaning of the word «terror» is …

3. Terrorists are …

4. The basic aims of the terror organisations are …

5. The terrorist actions are characterised by...

6. Units for … all over the world and … fight terrorist networks.

7. The main tasks of Interpol and units for combating terrorism are to....

Ех. 5. Match the term and its definition:

1. Terrorist     a) an act of taking control of a vehicle (esp.an aircraft) in order

                    to force it to change the destination, to take hostages or to 

                    steal its cargo.

1. Hostage b) an object or a place at which an attack is directed.

2. Target   c) a large system of terrorist groups connected with one another

by common aims, rules and leadership.

4.Terrorist d) a person who uses threat or violence                      

network     who is involved in terrorism.

5. Hijack    e) a person who is kept as a captive by one or more others (who 

                        threaten to keep, harm or kill him/her) so that other side will 

                     do what they demand.


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