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EXT. STREET (MATRIX) - DAY. The other end of the street fills with soldiers, and AGENT BROWN.


The other end of the street fills with soldiers, and AGENT BROWN.




HE surveys the scene, and immediately draws and fires, running full

bore for the rebels.


MORPHEUS, Niobe and TRINITY are too close to the tanks to be fired on,

but the nearest one lunges at them. They climb up over concrete stoops

and over the side of the tank. They sprint down the street as the

tanks turn their turrets behind them, searching.




                    " The garage, hurry! "


THEY dive behind a corner as a tank fires. Morpheus throws the woman

forward as the tank round hits the edge of the building, blowing the

concrete and brick wall into a massive cloud of powder. Perhaps a ton

of rubble falls on Morpheus’ legs. He drags himself forward. Niobe and

Trinity grab his arms and haul him out of the rubble. Niobe shoots the

lock off a steel door, and they pile into the building.





AGENT BROWN and his men rush into position around the building the

rebels are hiding in.



Suddenly, an unimaginably powerful engine starts, and as we stare at

the garage door, it explodes outward. A jet-black, hyped COUNTACH

explodes out onto the street, tires literally on fire as they throw up

smoke. It cuts through a few soldiers, hitting them in the knees, as

it rips up the street, the throttle going way too high.





THE street scene spins before them. TRINITY is at the wheel, a broken

and dusty MORPHEUS sitting next to her. The tach is redlining as the

car rips up the street. Pedestrians dive for cover.


TRINITY holds her wounded hand to her chest and drives one-handed.


                          " Shift."


MORPHEUS does so, and the tires squeal again when she releases into

second, then third. In a few seconds they’re over 60 on the busy






Soldiers pick themselves up just in time to hear another engine - a

super powerful track bike, emerges from the burnt rubber smoke screen.

A wheely bar on the back of the bike keeps it from flipping around the

rear tire as it accelerates like a bullet out of a barrel. There isn’t

even time to take a shot until she’s gone.





THEY rocket up the entry to a highway, ripping past cars by driving up

the breakdown lane.  Once they hit a straightaway Trinity floors it,

and the speedo creeps up past 130 as they dodge in and out of cars.


MORPHEUS grabs his twisted, folded legs. He was literally poured into

the seat. Concentrating, his face knotting in pain, he straightens the

broken, fractured legs. He closes his eyes and concentrates.


        The legs reform into straight, strong limbs.


                 MORPHEUS grabs the wheel.




         " Keep your foot on the gas. Heal thyself."


TRINITY pulls her bleeding wound from her arm. Her face tightens, and

she closes her eyes, fervently concentrating, shutting the world out,

which is good, as they suffer constant close calls as Morpheus

controls the wheel from his awkward spot.


When she opens her eyes again, she grabs the wheel. With BOTH hands.


MORPHEUS pulls out his cell and tries the line. It’s still full of





                        " Any luck? "




          " None. They’ve killed city-wide comms."




    " Then the agents are out of touch with each other."




" They can’t track us, but that gives them more time to destroy our

exits, and find the Neb. We’ll try the desert. Communications might be

                   working there still."




                    " What about Niobe? "




               " She knows to meet us there."





NIOBE’s bike sizzles down the highway, insanely lane splitting at over

100 miles per hour. The wheely bar is folded up against the rear

wheel. A dual stream of vehicles spit by her like giant machine-gun

bullets. She zooms out of view.




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