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Глава X Христос и христология


Balz, H. R., Methodische Probleme der neutestamentlichen Christologie, Neukirchen 1967

Barrett, С. K. Jesus and the Gospel Tradition, SPCK. 1967

Brown, R. E., Jesus God and Man, Chapman 1968

Bultmann, R., 'The Significance of the Historical Jesus for the Theology of Paul' (1929), 'The Christology of the New Testament', Faith and Understanding: Collected Essays, ET SCM Press 1969, pp. 220–246, 262–285

— 'The Christological Confession of the World Council of Churches' (1951), Essays Philosophical and Theological, ET SCM Press 1955, pp. 273–290

— 'The Primitive Christian Kerygma and the Historical Jesus' (1961), The Historical Jesus and the Kerygmatic Christ, ed., С. Ε. Braaten and R. A. Harrisville, Abingdon 1964, pp. 15–42

Caird, G. В., 'The Development of the Doctrine of Christ in the New Testament', Christ for us Today, ed., N. Pittenger, SCM Press 1968, pp. 66–80

Casey, M., 'Chronology and the Development of Pauline Christology', Paul and Paulinism, С. K.. Barrett Festschrift, ed. M. D. Hooker and S. G. Wilson, SPCK 1982, pp. 124–134

Cupitt, D., 'One Jesus, many Christs?', Christ, Faith and History: Cambridge Studies in Christology, ed., S. W. Sykes and J. P. Clayton, Cambridge University Press 1972, pp. 131–144

Ebeling, G., Theology and Proclamation, 1962, ET Collins 1966

Ernst, J., Anfange der Christologie, Stuttgarter Bibelstudien 57, 1972

Fuller, R. H. and Perkins, P., Who is this Christ? Gaspel Christology and Contemporary Faith, Fortress 1983

Furnish, V. P., 'The Jesus‑Paul Debate: from Baur to Bultmann', BJRL, 47, 1964–65, pp. 342–81

Hamerton‑Kelly, R. G., Pre‑existence. Wisdom and the Son of Man: A Study of the Idea of Pre‑existence in the New Testament, Cambridge University Press 1973

Hanson, A. T., Grace and Truth; A Study in the Doctrine of the Incarnation, SPCK 1975

— The Image of the Invisible God, SCM Press 1982

Hurst, L. D. and Wright, N. T., ed., The Glory of Christ in the New Testament. Studies in Christology in Memory of G. B. Caird, Clarendon 1987

Hurtado, L. W., One God, One Lord. Early Christian Devotion and Ancient Jewish Monotheism, Fortress/SCM Press 1988 Jewett, R., ed., Christology and Exegesis; New Approaches, Semeia 30, 1984

de Jonge, M., Christology in Context. The Earliest Christian Response to Jesus, Westminster 1988

Jungel, E., Paulus und Jesus: eine Untersuchung zur Präzisierung der Frage nach dem Ursprung der Christologie, Tübingen 1962, 31967

Käsemann, E., 'The Problem of the Historical Jesus' (1954), ENTT, pp. 15–47

— 'Blind Alleys in the "Jesus of History" Controversy', NTQT, pp. 23–65

Keck, L. E., A Future for the Historical Jesus, SCM Press 1972

— 'Toward a Renewal of New Testament Christology', NTS 32, 1986, pp. 362–377

Knox, J., The Humanity and Divinity of Christ: a Study of Pattern in Christology, Cambridge

University Press 1967

Marxsen, W., The Beginnings of Christology, 1960, ET Fortress Facet Book 1969

McCaughey, J. D., Diversity and Unity in the New Testament Picture of Christ, University of

Western Australia 1969

Moule, С. F. D., The Phenomenon of the New Testament, SCM Press 1967

— The Origins of Christology, Cambridge 1977

— 'Jesus of Nazareth and the Church's Lord', Die Mitte des Neuen Testa- ments. Einheit und Vielfalt neutestamentlicher Theologie, E. Schweizer Fest- schrift, hrsg. U. Luz and H. Weder, Göttingen 1983, pp. 176–86

Pannenberg, W., Jesus God and Man, 1964 ET SCM Press 1968

Pokorny, P., The Genesis of Christology. Foundation for a Theology of the New Testament, T. & T. Clark 1987

Robinson, J. A. T., The Human Face of God, SCM Press 1973

Robinson, J. M., A New Quest of the Historical Jesus, SCM Press 1959

Schillebeeckx, E., Jesus: an Experiment in Christology, Collins 1979

Schnackenburg, R., 'Paulinische und johanneische Christologie', Die Mitte des Neuen Testaments. Ε. Schweizer Festschrift, hrsg. U. Luz and H. Weder, Göttingen 1983, pp. 221–37

Schweizer, E., Jesus, 1968, ET SCM Press 1971

Strecker, G., ed., Jesus Christus in Historie und Theologie: Neutestamentliche Festschrift fur Haw Conzelmann, Tübingen 1975

Taylor, V., The Person of Christ in New Testament Teaching, Madnillan 1958

Wainwright, A. W., The Trinity in the New Testament, SPCK. 1962



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