Архитектура Аудит Военная наука Иностранные языки Медицина Металлургия Метрология
Образование Политология Производство Психология Стандартизация Технологии

Exercise 11. Read the list of options. Put a tick next to the things you have done and a cross next to the things you haven’t done. Then write sentences.

· get a bachelor’s degree
  • work in a law firm
· graduate from the university
  • represent a client in court
· draft a patent
  • speak to a judge
· prepare a presentation
  • investigate a crime
· write a report · watch the news · play computer games · pass a verdict
  • negotiate a contract
  • win a case
  • file a lawsuit
  • claim damages
Things I have done Things I haven’t done

Exercise 12. Complete the sentences with for or since.


1. We’ve worked in this company ………… 2014.

2. They have studied here …………. 2 years.

3. We haven’t seen Anna ……… two weeks.

4. I haven’t spoken to him …………. October.

5. She has had this computer …………. three months.

6. They’ve been in Egypt ……….. last week.

7. John has been in Spain ……….. a week.

8. ……… 2014 we have lived in London.

9. We have already investigated this case …… three months.


Exercise 13. Match Column A with Column B.

Column A Column B
Jerry hasn’t answered his letter.
She has always to Japan twice this year.
Have you ever known him?
We’ve already for two years.
Ben has already been visited New York?
How long have you signed a contract yet.
I have worked here wanted to be a lawyer.

Exercise 14. Write the words in the correct order to make questions.

1. How long you have in prison been?

2. Have ever this man met you?

3. witnessed have you a crime ever?

4. he has any evidence found?

5. the police officers him have arrested?

6. Who litigated has the case?

Exercise 15. Correct the mistakes.

1. Gerald Davidson have actively practice in Gwinnett County for over 31 years.

2. He has represent his clients in many types of business disputes.

3. They have ran seminars on corporate law.

4. We have ever been to court.

5. For 1997 he has build his trial practice on product liability cases.

6. She has taught litigation at Yale Law School since ten years.

7. He has acting as a judge since 2000.

Exercise 16. Translate the sentences from Russian into English.

1. Он уже прочитал много книг по юриспруденции.

2. Вы когда-нибудь были в Лондоне?

3. Я не видел его уже два года.

4. Сколько лет Вы работаете в этой компании?

5. Он никогда не представлял интересы клиентов в суде.

6. Они только что подписали важный контракт.

7. Он окончит университет в этом год

Unit 2. Past Simple, Past Continuous, Past perfect

Past Simple


I/ You/ We/ They

He/ She/ It

went / visit ed




I/ You/ We/ They

He/ She/ It

did not (didn’t) go / visit  


Questions Did

I /you/ we/ they

he/ she/ it

go / visit  
Use Example
1. We use the past simple to talk about an action that started and finished in the past. We usually say when it happened. The police arrested him two days ago.
2. We use the past simple to talk about situations that were true in the past. He worked in this law firm three years ago.
3. We use past simple to talk about past habits. My brother read a lot of detective stories when he was young.


The past simple of be is was / were. He was the main suspect in the murder of Jonas Oldacre.
We do not use did /didn’t with was / were. He wasn’t present at the trial. Was he guilty of this crime?

Time expressions

yesterday, two days ago, last week, in 2006 / January Did you speak to the judge last week? She received her J.D. degree in 1989.

Exercise 1. Complete the table with the past simple form of the verbs in the box.


stay, study, come,

Regular verbs Irregular Verbs
give, bring, focus,
keep, arrest, write,
take, speak,

represent, sign, act,

play, buy,
break, drive,

Exercise 2. Make the following sentences negative.

1. He graduated from Emory School of Law in 1982.

2. Darren began his career as a trial lawyer in 1994.

3. He breached the contract.

4. They litigated wrongful death accidents.

5. During his private practice he prosecuted in federal court.

6. The police accused him of murder.

7. He broke the immigration law and stayed in the country.


Exercise 3. Read the text and complete it with the correct form of the past simple.

Sonia Sotomayor


Sonia Sotomayor ………….. (be) born on June 25, 1954 in New York. When she ……….. (be) 12, she ………….. (see) the TV show Perry Mayson and ………….. (decide) to become a judge. She ………………….. (graduate) from Yale Law School and ………….. (pass) the bar in 1980 and ………… (begin) to work as an assistant district attorney in Manhattan. Sotomayor …….. (be) responsible for prosecuting robbery, assault, murder, police brutality and child pornography cases.

She ………… (become) a U.S. District Court Judge in 1992.

Ms. Sotomayor’s childhood ……….. (not be) easy. She ………… (be) from a poor Latina family. Her mother ………. (be) a nurse and her father ………. (be) a tool-and-die worker. When her father ……… (die), her mother ………. (work) hard to raise her children as a single parent. But she ……….. (do) her best to provide them with proper education.

Ms. Sotomayor …………. (become) an outstanding professional and in 2009 President Barack Obama ………… (announce) his nomination of her for Supreme Court of Justice.


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