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Read and translate the example of the invoice. Study the vocabulary given after it.



PO BOX 1656 – Herdon – VA – 20172-1656

Web Address Registration

Send Payment to:

Network Solutions, Inc.

PO Box 17305

Baltimore, MD 21297-0525

SUBJECT: Web Address Registration

To The Account Of:

Peter Kovalenko


Av. Teatralny 40/13

Rostov , 344019

Russian Federation

Invoice Date: 21-Aug – 01        

Tax ID: 52-1146119      

Invoice Number 25198745

Web Address:


Due Date: 18-AUG-2000 Period Covered: 14 JUL-2000- 14-JUL-2002 Amount Due: $70.00 US Dollars
To Pay By Credit Card or Confirm Payment:

Thank you for registering the Web address shown above. Timely receipt of payment will ensure registration services for the period noted above. By this payment, Registrant agrees to the terms and conditions of the current Service Agreement. This payment is non-refundable.

Invoice Number 25198745

Web address:


Due Date Period covered: 14-JUL-2000- 14-JUL-2002 Amount Due: $70.00 US Dollars
To Pay By Credit Card or Confirm Payment:

We accept all major credit cards 24 hours per day, seven days a week.

Go to www.networkssolutions.com

Call 1-888-771-3000 toll-free from the United States, or use Network Solutions Secure On-line Payment System in Canada, Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands. Outside of these areas, call 1-402-496-9798


To Pay By Check: Make check payable to Network Solutions, Inc. in the US Dollars, drawn on US bank and return the check and payment stub in the enclosed remittance envelope. To pay using the funds in your debit account send e-mail to the Web address, invoice number, and 16-digit Account Number.

For binding inquiries, write us http://www.networksolutions.com /help/ contactus.html. or call 1-600-779-1710 from the United States and Canada. Outside of these areas, call 1-703-742-4777 Monday through Friday from 7:00 am to 9:00 pm Eastern Time. Registering a Web address through Network Solutions, Inc. will get your business automatically listed in the dot com directory the quick way to find a business on the Internet. Visit the dot com directory at www.dotcomdirectory.com. Retain this portion for your records.



Amount due                          сумма платежа

Due date                                срок оплаты

Timely receipt of payment     своевременное получение оплаты

Funds in your debit account  средства на вашем дебетовом счете

Non-refundable                     невозвратный


Exercise 5. Answer the following questions.


1. What service does the firm offer?

2. What will be the WEB-name of the customer?

3. What is the charge?

4. What are the terms of payment?

5. What are the terms of payment if the customer isn’t the resident of US?

6. What is the bonus of using offered services?

Exercise 6. Translate the words and expressions below from Russian into English and make up your own sentences with them.

1. сумма платежа


2. срок оплаты


3. невозвратный платеж


4. средства на дебетовом счете


5. своевременное получение оплаты


6. кредит-нота


7. дебет-нота


8. очищать товары от пошлин


9. по чьей-либо вине


10.      простой судна, вагона


11.      за чей-либо счет


12.      расходы, издержки



Exercise 7. Translate the words and expressions below from English into Russian and make up your own sentences with them.


1. breach of contract


2. the sufferer


3. claim


4. statement of claim


5. survey report


7. to meet the claim


8. to decline the claim


9. to settle the claim amicably


10. clean bill of lading


11.      deviation


12. discrepancy


13. to retain the goods


14. allowance for damage


15. to penalize



Exercise 8. Match the verbs from (a) with the nouns from (b) below;

a) to accept                           b) inspection and test

to confirm                              a certificate

to make                                  the acceptance of something

to meet                                   credit cards

to decline                               the goods

to retain                                 a claim

to clear                                   information

to pay                                     penalties

to inflict                                 the goods      

to provide                              a compensation

to carry out                            the claim

to issue                                   liability

Exercise 9. Think of and write the verbs that are most commonly used with:


1. contract


2. claim


3. report


4. goods


5. damage


6. penalty


7. expenses


8. payment


9. credit card


10. check


11.      information


12. delivery




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