Архитектура Аудит Военная наука Иностранные языки Медицина Металлургия Метрология
Образование Политология Производство Психология Стандартизация Технологии

Exercise 5. Answer the following questions.

1. What are the packing requirements?

2. What preventive measures are necessary to protect the goods from damage?

3. Why is it necessary to know the freight routes when packing?

4. What are kinds of export packing?

5. What is the function of packing in the sale of consumer goods?

6. What are the requirements for marking the goods?

7. What is usually written on packing about special handling?

8. What can happen if marking is wrong?

9. What are the standards of packing and marking?

10. What are the risks to which the export trade is subject?

11. What does the word “average” mean in the insurance business?

12. What are the names of the biggest insurance companies in Russia?


Exercise 6. Translate the words and expressions below from Russian into English and make up your own sentences with them.


1. грузоотправитель


2. терпеть убытки


3. частная авария


4. общая авария


5. утечка


6. мелкая кража, хищение из отдельных мест груза


7. кража со взломом


8. склад (товарный)


9. страховое возмещение


10. груз, партия товара


Exercise 7. Translate the words and expressions below from English into Russian and make up your own sentences with them.


1. breakage


2. storage


3. in transit


4. safety


5. indelible


6. to make qualifications


7. marks


8. marking


9. sea packing


10. external packing



Exercise 8. Match the verbs from (a) with the nouns from (b) below;


a) to make                             b) the equipment

to assume                               the cases

to fulfill                                 hooks

to meet                                   goods

to attract                                indemnity

to secure                                losses

to protect                               the risks

to mark                                  qualifications

to use                                     responsibility

to insure                                 obligations

to obtain                                the requirements

to incur                                  a customer

to cover                                  full safety


Exercise 9. Think of and write the verbs that are most commonly used with:


1. goods


2. obligations


3. requirements


4. losses


5. consignment


6. damage


7. vehicle


8. value


9. vessel


10. customer



Exercise 10. Single out the main facts of the text of exercise 4 and present them in a short review.


Exercise 11. Translate the letters into Russian.   


Correspondence on insurance

Dear Sirs,


We have received your letter of March 3, this year, in which you ask us to change the terms of insurance of equipment, suggested by us in the draft contract for the delivery of the equipment for the machine building plant. You suggest that the contract should provide insurance of the equipment against … risks.

We draw your attention to the fact that Ingosstrakh does not insure equipment delivered to …ports against …risks. We know that insurance against …risks can be done with the London Insurance Company.

As to insurance against other risks they are indemnified depending on the terms of an insurance contract. We are ready to discuss once again the terms of insurance.

Your faithfully,


Correspondence on claims and arbitration

Dear Sirs,


We acknowledge receipt of your letter of September 5, this year, from which we have learned that you make a claim on us for the sum of 500 dollars for the delay in submitting the technical documentation under Contract № 13/06

We have carefully studied your claim and must inform you that the delay in submitting the technical documentation occurred through no fault of ours. We would like to remind you that Article 6 of the above contract provides for the submission of the technical documentation within three months after you open an irrevocable latter of credit in our favour with the Bank for Foreign Trade for the sum of 100,000 dollars. You undertook to open the letter of credit before June 5, this year; it was actually opened by you on July 25, i.e. more than a month overdue.

Thus, you have infringed the contract in respect of terms of payment, which has caused the delay in submitting the technical documentation and consequently you cannot hold us responsible and claim damages.

Yours faithfully,



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