Архитектура Аудит Военная наука Иностранные языки Медицина Металлургия Метрология
Образование Политология Производство Психология Стандартизация Технологии

Task 1. Find the corresponding Ukrainian equivalents of the following English ones.

the multitudinous judicial systems, trial court adjuncts, to assist in the process of deciding issues and cases, to supply the grist for the judicial mill, to come to the bench from other lines of legal work, to follow a promotional pattern through the ranks of the judiciary, litigators, to enter the judicial system at any level, a court of last resort, to ensure the full and fair presentation of cases, to present the litigants’ positions, to develop the evidence and the legal arguments, an integral part of the machinery of justice, the American Bar Association, to meet the requisite standards of character, to be admitted into the bar, to engage in any kind of legal practice.

Task 2. Give the English equivalents.

колегія адвокатів, протилежна сторона судового процесу, судовий виконавець, мати право, адвокат або група адвокатів, які беруть участь у судовій справі, спеціаліст, який проводить судовий процес, аторней, найвищий суд, бути прийнятим до колегії, займатися будь-якою юридичною практикою, представляти інтереси однієї із сторін судового процесу, розкривати докази та судові аргументи.


Task 3. Write down the word-families of the following words.

litigator, judiciary, counsel, promotion, judge.

Task 4. Match the following adjectives with the nouns & translate the word-combinations.

legal administrators
adversary associations
bar careers
judicial system
trial court practice
court jurisdiction
limited adjuncts

Task 5. Find the correct answers.

1. A person whose profession is advising others in matters of law or representing them in lawsuits is ...  a) a court administrator
2. A person with authority to decide cases in a court of law is ... b) a litigator
3. An official in charge of the records of a court is ... c) a litigant
4. A lawyer who is responsible for bringing criminal charges against sb in a particular area or state is ... d) a lawyer
5. A person who takes a claim or dispute to a court of law is ... e) a clerk of court
6. A person who is making or defending a claim in a court of law is ... f) counsel
7. A lawyer or group of lawyers representing sb in a court of law is ... g) a district attorney
8. A person whose job is to manage and organize the court is ... h) judge

Task 6. Find a word or a n expression which best completes the sentence.

1. In the USA judges ...

a) are drawn from the experienced practitioners – barristers.

b) have practiced law, the nature of that practice can be quite varied.

c) begin their professional careers as judges.

2. A lawyer can initially become a judge ...

a) on the highest court.

b) on the lowest court.

c) on the highest court, on the lowest court, or any court in between.

3. In the USA attorney at law ...

a) performs both civil and criminal legal functions for clients.

b) does not represent the clients in court.

c) is the specialist with particular skills in advocacy.

4. In the USA law school graduates ...

a) must spend a similar year as pupils.

b) are awarded the degree of Juris Doctor.

c) are not necessarily qualified.

5. In the USA anyone admitted to the bar in a state ...

a) is allowed to present cases in the higher courts.

b) spends much of his time preparing briefs for counsel.

c) is legally authorized to engage in any kind of legal practice in that state.

Task 7. Match the different branches of the law with the sphere of their application.

1. litigation a) treaties and cross-border agreements
2. corporate and commercial b) bringing lawsuits against others
3. family c) contracts and mergers
4. environmental d) rules applied to how a prosecution or civil action is conducted
5. employment e) civil cases
6. private f) pleading a case in court on behalf of a client
7. advocacy g) divorce and marriage settlements
8. public international h) relating to creativity, published ideas and art forms
9. intellectual property i) equal opportunities and fair pay
10. procedural law j) regarding industrial waste and pollution



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