Архитектура Аудит Военная наука Иностранные языки Медицина Металлургия Метрология Образование Политология Производство Психология Стандартизация Технологии |
Task 7. Complete the following sentences.
1. When a barrister has acquired a substantial practice, he may become … . a) a judge; b) a Queen’s Counsel; c) the Crown Prosecutor. 2. In England the decision of a law student is between becoming … . a) a barrister or a solicitor; b) a barrister or a judge; c) a solicitor or a prosecutor. 3. The solicitor usually deals with … a) petty crimes and matrimonial matters; b) arguing cases; c) presenting cases in any court. 4. Barristers specialize in … a) arguing cases in front of a judge and representation in Magistrates’ Courts; b) advocacy; c) employing solicitors. 5. … in the UK is an independent qualified lawyer. a) a solicitor; b) a magistrate; c) a barrister.
Task 8. Find in the text the words & expressions with the following meanings. a. connected with the law, required by the law; b. gathering of people for the purpose of hearing a speaker, etc.; c. speaking or pleading in the court; d. an English lawyer who specializes in arguing cases and representation in any court; e. professionally working; f. an English lawyer who gives advice to clients, investigates, prepares documents; g. support of a client in a Court; h. barrister’s offices; i. allowed to speak in court; j. lawyer who prepares a case for court.
Task 9. Replace the s in a bold type with the synonyms. 1. This affair requires experience and hard work. 2. Who is responsible for the inquiry? 3. Could you recommend me what barrister to choose? 4. He is not an attorney and has no freedom to decide on the case. 5. What reasons to suspect him of robbery have you got? Task 10. What do usually lawyers do? Can you answer at once? If you can’t do that then read the text below & say whether the list of lawyers’ functions is complete. Ø First, lawyers counsel. This means that lawyers offer advice, even if it is advice their clients would prefer not to hear. Of course, lawyers regularly counsel clients during negotiations and litigation. Ø Second, lawyers negotiate. This means that they mediate between competing interests aiming for results that will prove advantageous to their clients and, if possible, their opponents. Ø Third, lawyers draft documents. This is probably their most intellectually challenging function. Ø Fourth, they litigate. This is the skill most people associate with lawyers. Ironically, only a small fraction of all lawyers devote much time to courtroom activities. In fact, the majority of attorneys never venture into a courthouse except to file legal papers with a clerk.
Task 11.Read & translate the text about other types of legal profession in the UK. Officers of the Court The Judge is the officer who is either elected or appointed to preside over the court. If the case is to be tried before a jury, the judge rules upon points of law dealing with trial procedure, presentation of the evidence and the law of the case. If the case is tried before the judge alone, he will determine the facts in addition to performing the aforementioned duties. The court clerk is an officer of the court, also either elected or appointed, who at the beginning of the trial, upon the judge’s instruction, gives the entire panel of prospective jurors (veniremen) an oath. By this oath, the venireman promises that, if called, he will truly answer any question concerning his qualifications to sit as a juror in the case. Any venireman who is disqualified by law, or has a valid reason to be excused under the law, ordinarily is excused by the judge at this time. A person may be disqualified from the jury duty because he is not a resident voter or householder, because of age, hearing defects, or because he has served recently on a jury. Then the court clerk will draw names of the remaining veniremen from a box, and they will take seats in the jury box. After twelve veniremen have been approved as jurors by the judge and the attorneys, the court clerk will administer an oath to the persons so chosen “to well and truly try the case”. The bailiff is an officer of the court whose duties are to keep order in the courtroom, to call witnesses, and to take charge of the jury as instructed by the court at such times as the jury may not be in the courtroom, and particularly when, having received the case, the jury is deliberating upon its decision. It is the duty of the bailiff to see that no one talks with or attempts to influence the jurors in any manner. The court reporter has the duty of recording all proceedings in the courtroom, including testimony of the witnesses, objections made to evidence by the attorneys and the ruling of the court thereon, and listing and marking for identification any exhibits offered or introduced into evidence. In some states, the clerk of the court has charge of exhibits. The attorneys are officers of the court whose duties are to represent their respective clients and present the evidence on their behalf, so that the jury or the judge may reach a just verdict or decision. The role of the attorney is sometimes misunderstood, particularly in criminal proceedings. English system of criminal jurisprudence presumes every defendant to be innocent until proved guilty beyond a reasonable doubt. Every defendant is entitled to be represented by legal counsel, regardless of the unpopularity of his cause. This is a constitutional safeguard. It is entirely ethical for an attorney to represent a defendant whom the community may assume to be guilty. The accused is entitled to counsel in order that he is protected from conviction on insufficient evidence, and he is entitled to every protection which the law affords him.
Vocabulary notes:
Task 12. Translate the words & expressions. The bailiff, секретар суду, a resident, common law, присяга, a householder, судовий процес, venirman, цивільні та кримінальні справи, склад присяжних, to gather testimony, обговорювати рішення, to challenge the jurisdiction, обвинувальний акт, attorney, заперечення, testimony of the witnesses, речові докази, a just verdict, укладач збірника судових рішень, exhibit.
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