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Advantage disadvantage advantageous
1. As is known, the... of long continuous faces is that they per 2. Hydraulic mining is practised extensively at a number of col 3. As for the room-and-pillar method one must say that this 4. One of these...s is that the pillars between the rooms are 30. Переведите на английский язык сочетания с предлогами per (в, на) и в сутки; в месяц; на тонну; вместо угля; вместо камерно-столбовой системы разработки 206______________________________________________ Unit 8 31. Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на разные значения и 1. The various methods of mining involve production faces 2. Until mining machines were developed, short faces predomi
3. The aim was to reduce the volume of development work by 4. Some disadvantages of shortwall work are a considerable loss 5. In gassy mines each face with its development workings has 6. Cutter-loaders are being widely applied underground now 7. It is necessary to study all the factors which influence the 8. There are special methods of extracting seams which are 9. The shield method of mining has to be introduced in thick 10. They have to introduce new mining equipment as soon as possible. 32. Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на разные способы вы 1. As the longwall method permits an almost 100 per cent re 2. No fissures were found. 3. We do not use the room-and-pillar method on a wide scale
4. Nothing was said about special ways of extracting thick 5. In manless faces no men operate the machines, you can see 6. A level is a horizontal road with no direct access to the sur Units_________________________________________ 207 33. Выразвте несогласие • подтвердите свою точку зрения фактами из Od the contrary; to my mind; In my opinion; as far as I know; as Is known; I'd like to stress that; I'd like to say that; let us consider 1. We say that the method of mining is rational if it guarantees 2. It is rather difficult to define which method of mining 3. The shield method of mining is used where short faces are 4. The problem of extracting thick seams is not difficult. As a 5. In applying hydraulic mining powerful cutter-loaders win 34. Суммируйте содержание текста Б. При этом ответьте на следующие 1. What does the method of mining mineral deposits under 2. What main requirements should mining methods satisfy? 3. What types of production faces do the methods of mining in 4. What can you say about their application in different coal- 5. What methods of mining are practised in the Kuznetsk coal 35. Расскажите вашим друзьям о посещении шахты по следующему плану, 1. The Location of the Mine, Its Geological Conditions (folds, 2. The Type of the Deposit (tabular, bedded, vein). 3. The Method of Mining (longwall, room-and-pillar). 4. Mine Workings, Their Functions (vertical, horizontal, in 5. Average Output (annual, daily). 208 UnltS 36. Прочитайте заголовок и аннотацию к тексту В и скажите, о чем гово 37. Прочитайте текст и скажите, как ведется борьба с метаном на шах Слова для понимания текста: goaf — завал; обрушенное пространство double-ended drum bearer — комбайн с двойным барабаном ТЕКСТ В Mining Thick Seams Longwall retreating is one of the primary methods of mining in many coal mining areas. There is a high degree of mechanization, and mine safety is receiving an increasing amount of emphasis. Thick seam coal mining is important in Russia. Many high-quality coal seams exceed 35 metres (12 feet) in thickness — the normally accepted classification for a thick seam (although this varies in different countries). Some of these thick seams are of key importance in major mining basins. Seam thickness is the most significant factor which is taken into account in mining practice. The increasing strata movement with increasing seam thickness requires not only specialized extraction techniques, but also highly specialized ground control and support methods. This is certainly true of the coal basins where coal seams are gassy and the majority of coal is liable to spontaneous combustion. Coal seams occur at a depth of between 350 and 710 metres (1, 150 and 2, 330 feet). Longwall retreating is the primary method of mining at the collieries with more than 98 per cent of the total output. Application of a mining method with the coal face being advanced down the dip is steadily expanding; shortwall pillar extraction with power loaders is being successfully employed. Coal faces and development headings are equipped with instruments for automatic gas protection and centralized telemonitoring of methane content. Data on gas conditions in development headings which are particularly dangerous from the viewpoint of methane content, and in all coal faces are transmitted to the mine dispatcher's control panel. In order to reduce gas content in mine workings, extensive use is made of preliminary gas drainage of the coal seams, gas drainage of roofs to be caved and also of the goaf. UnitS_____________________________________________ 209 The main trend in mine transport is towards high-capacity automatic conveyer systems. In underground workings transport of men and materials is by high-capacity electric locomotives; in incline roadways, by ropeways, floor-mounted haulage and up-to-date hoisting installations. The mining district is usually developed by mine shafts. The mining method is longwall retreating along the strike and down the dip. The mining area is divided into two blocks east and west. In the eastern block, the panels are mined down the dip, in the western block, mining takes place along the strike. The faces are 200 metres long and operate along the strike of the seam. Sandstone forms the immediate roof and floor of the seam. Each face is mining a 3.5-metre thick section of coal, and a 0.5 to 0.8 metre thick pillar (band) of coal is left between two panels to form the roof of the lower face. Each face is equipped with a double-ended dram shearer. The drams are 1.8 metres in diameter and a 0.6-metre web of coal. The leading dram cuts the top section of the face, and the trailing dram cuts the bottom section. Water jets are fitted to the drams for dust suppression. Coal passes along the face on the armoured face conveyer to the crasher installed at the main gate end of the conveyer, which reduces the size of the coal before it is delivered to a beam stage loader in the main gate. The faces are operated on two production shifts and one maintenance shift per day. Each face is supported by shield supports. It should be stressed that special attention is paid to underground methane drainage. The methane is pumped through pipes first to the tail gate and then through the mine gate to the upcast shafts and then to the surface, where it is used for heating. Two sensors for continuously monitoring the emission of CH4 are situated in the top panel, one in the main gate, and the other in the tail gate. These are placed 20 metres in front of the face. The control room at the mine's surface automatically monitors and records CH4 emissions throughout the mine. In coal face and development operations, use is made of current forecasting of the liability to sudden outbursts, that is establishing dangerous and non-dangerous zones. All coal faces are equipped with mechanized complexes, comprising power loaders. In underground haulage roadways, use is made of high-capacity belt and apron conveyers. Coal is hoisted to the surface through two skip shafts. Monorails are widely used on levels for transport of materials and equipment to coal faces and Unit 8
development headings. Some of production processes are automatic. 38. а) Разделите текст В на логические части. Озаглавьте каждую часть 6) Выделите ключевые слова в каждом абзаце текста В. Сформулируйте основную мысль абзаца по ключевым словам. 39. Обсудите следующие проблемы: 1. Thick seam mining and problems connected with their re 2. Mechanization used in mining thick seams. 3. Underground methane drainage problems. DISCUSSION Вы прослушали лекции по геологии, горному делу, изучили соответствующие уроки данного учебника (Уроки 4-8). Теперь вам представляется возможность принять участие в обсуждении проблем, связанных с горным производством в целом. Для этого необходимо 1) ознакомиться с общей схемой горного производства; 2) изучить содержание статьи " An Overview of the Mining Industry". Желательно, чтобы студенты группы разделились на геологов и горных инженеров-разработчиков. Задача таких групп — осветить сферу своей деятельности в будущем на основании изученного материала. Слова для понимания статьи: to Identify — опознавать appraisal — оценка susceptibility — чувствительность concealed — скрытый, не выходящий на поверхность crusher — дробилка concentration — обогащение blending — смешивание; составление шихты screen — сортировать (обыден. уголь); просеивать froth floatation — пенная флотация core drilling — колонковое бурение to delineate — обрисовывать, описывать lender — заимодавец feasibility — возможность In situ mining — повторная разработка месторождения в массиве screening — просеивание; грохочение processing — обработка, разделение минералов Популярное: |
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