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Образование Политология Производство Психология Стандартизация Технологии

IV. Replace the infinitives in brackets by the correct form of Participle I.

1. The children looked wonderingly at the elephant, never (to see) such a huge animal.

2. Not (to want) to go deeper into the matter, he abruptly changed the conversation.

3. They are now at a conference (to hold) at the University.

V. Translate the Russian participles in brackets by Participle II where possible.

1. The number of apartment houses (СТОЯЩИХСЯ) for the population of Moscow is rapidiy growing.

2. What is the number of apartment houses (построенных) in the past few years?

3. The houses (построенных) many years ago are not as convenient as the modern ones.

VI. Translate into English.

1. Переодевшись в костюм цыганки, он хотел подшутить над своими гостями.

2. После того как свидетелей по делу Клайда допросили, им разрешили покинуть зал суда.

3. Брошь, украденная у кузины лорда Горинга, оказалась у миссис Чивли.

Тест 11 вариант 4

Translate into Russian

1 If he closed his eyes, he thought, he would visualize the scene.

2. Oh, if he had had the better fortune to appear before another judge, more sympathetic, would

the result be different now?

3. If it had been anybody else's play, he would have rejected it.

II. Supply the correct mood of the verbs in brackets.

1.1 (not to go) if you (not to say) you'd come with me.

2. How it (to be) if I (to drop) around this evening?

3. If only I (to feel) that somebody wanted me, that I was of use to somebody, I (to become) a

different person.

III. Translate into English.

1. Доведись нам снова встретиться, мы уже будем старыми знакомыми.

2. Даже если бы за это время и произошли какие-то изменения, они все равно не бы на принципиальное решение вопроса.

3. А что если самолет не вылетит

IV. Supply the correct form of the Subjunctive Mood of the verbs in bracket

1. " I wish I (not to cry) so much, " said Alice trying to find her way out.

2. And here I wish I (can) tell you half of the things Alice used to say. 3.1 rather wished Poirot (to be) there.


1. Я теперь жалею, что не захватила с собой таблетки от головной боли,

2. Ты пожалеешь, что не пошел со мной.

3. Жаль, что вы не сохранили


VI. перевести

1 • Я уверена, он сделает вид, будто слышит об этом впервые.

2. Что с вами? У вас такой вид, будто вам нехорошо.

3. Она ведет себя так, будто она ребенок.

Test on Chapter 12 Variant IV


I. Use the required form of the gerund and insert prepositions where necessary.

1 Did he suspect her... (to see) him enter the room?

2 " I'm not very good... (to guess)". I said, with a laugh.

3. I don't like (to wear) a black tie to movies. I enjoy... (to see) my movies when I eat

II. Translate the following sentences into Russian.

1. Let us try heating several metals.

2. Excuse my interrupting you.

3. He regrets having interrupted you.

4 He does not like asking questions.

5. He does not like being asked questions.


III. Translate the following sentences into Russian

1 The books by Pawling are interesting to read.

2 The experimental results are few and not easy to interpret.

3. He must have found out about the conference from the newspaper.

4 The explosion must have occurred long ago.

5 There arc some other properties of water to be considered at this point.

6. There is a particular question to be discussed at length.


IV. Replace the infinitives in brackets by the correct form of Participle I.

1 (to wait) in the reception room, he thought over what he would say when asked into the office.

2 They reached the peak at dusk, (to leave) their camp with the first light.

3 They put up for the night at a temporary camp, (to leave) it at dawn.

V. I mnslati- the Russian participles in brackets by Participle II where possible.

1 These arc the samples of products (посланных) last month.

2 Here are the samples of products of the plants (посылающих) us machinery.

3 There are the samples of products (посылавшихся ) before the restoration of the plant.

VI. Translate into English

1 Они замолчали исчерпав вес возможные темы для разговоров..

2 Собака подбежала ко мне и завиляла хвостом, как бы приветствуя меня.

3. Эту воду нельзя лить, пока не профильтрую


Test on Chapter 11 Variant I

I. Translate into Russian

1. If you were me, here and now, what would you do?

2. He was a stranger to George and he was aware that if he met him in the street he would not

recognize him.

3. They would enjoy themselves much more if they had a party of their own.

II. Supply the correct mood of the verbs in brackets.

1. If I (not to be) what I am, things (to be) so simply.

2. If you (to be allowed) to stay in Canada? What you (to do)?

3.1 can only tell you that, if anyone (to suggest) to me yesterday that 0'Murphy was a traitor, I (to laugh) in his face.


1 А что если он не придет?

2. Скажите, что я направил вас, если он вас вдруг не узнает.

3. Даже если он ничего вам не скажет, не думайте, что он ничего не заметил.

IV. Supply the correct form of the Subjunctive Mood of the verbs in brackets.

1. I wish I (to have) enough confidence so that I could transfer some to her. But I didn't.

2. I wish I never (to hear) of it.

3.I wish we (to have) bicycles.

V. Translate into English using the Subjunctive Mood in object clauses.

1. Как жаль, что я не могу как следует описать вам сцену, которая затем последовала.

2. Как жаль, что доктор ушел. Я не спросила его, когда принимать лекарство.

3. Обидно, что мы не знаем его адреса. Мы могли бы сходить к нему сегодня же.

VI. перевести

1. Она дышала так тяжело, как будто бежала всю дорогу.

2. Он говорит так, как будто повторяет чьи-то слова.

3. У вас такой вид, словно вы не знаете, куда идти.


Тест 11 вариант 3

Translate into Russian

1 If Miss Emily suffered half as much as she said long ago.

2. If you were a man you'd never speak to her again.

3. She was not old and if she had told you that she was forty you would have been quite willing to believe it

II. Supply the correct mood of the verbal in bracket*.

1. if I (to be) you I (to do) my hair rather differently

2. I (not to mind) if he (to say) my pictures were bad. buy he said nothing.

3. After all, if he (to have) any talent I (to be) the first to encourage him

III. Translate into English.

1.ПозВОНИТе мне. Пожалуйста, еСЛИ вы неожиданно задержитесь

2. Если бы вам довелось побывать в нашем городе еще раз я надеюсь вы не забыли бы дать нам знать об этом.

3. А что если она вдруг забудет об этом?


IV. Supply the correct form of the Subjunctive Mood of the verbs in brackets.

1. I wish I (to know) it was your friend.

2. He wished he (to come) by air.

3. I wish I (to know) what to do now


1. Хоть бы ей кто-нибудь сказал, что это невежливо.

2. Ей очень хотелось, чтобы кто-нибудь заметил ее и спросил, что она тут делает.

3. Хорошо, если бы вы всегда приходили вовремя.

VI. перевести

1. Минуту, другую он стоял посреди комнаты, как будто не зная, что делать.

2. Почему вы смотрите на меня так, словно я говорю неправду

3. Она говорила и смеялась, словно играла на сцене.

Test 12 Variant II


I. Use the required form of the gerund and insert prepositions where necessary.

1. She had the local habit... (to place) the word " eh" at the end of her remarks, questions and answers.

2. His mother would not like the idea... (to eat) fruit unwashed.

" I seems to me an awfully selfish way... (to look) at things”, said Philip.

II. Translate the following sentences into Russian.

1. Would you mind showing one more slide?

2. Would you mind my showing some slides to you.

3 he could not help joining the discussion.

4. There is one more point worth mentioning.

5. It is no use searching for another approach.


III. Translate the following sentences into Russian

1. Most of the nuclear reactions to be studied are of this type.

2. Polonium was the first of the radioactive elements to be isolated by the chemists.

3. This theory will be adequate for practical applications through centuries to come.

4. These methods are to be described in the next chapter.

5. The methods that are to be described next were widely used.

6. The methods to be described are used in our laboratory.


IV. Replace the infinitives in brackets by the correct form of Participle I.

1. (to write) his first book, he could not go far beyond his own experience.

2. (to be) away so long he was happy to be coming back.

3. (to be) so far away he still felt himself part of his community.



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