Архитектура Аудит Военная наука Иностранные языки Медицина Металлургия Метрология
Образование Политология Производство Психология Стандартизация Технологии

II. Write 15 questions on Text A, using new words and expressions in each question. Ask your comrades to reply them. Summarize what you have learned about the British system of higher education.

III. Study Texts В and С and write English equivalents of the following words and phrases:

система высшего образования, практические занятия, колледж с общежитием, колледж без общежития, общежитие (студенческое), территория колледжа (университета), жить в общежитии (о студентах), педагогический состав, лекционный зал, гимнастический зал, раздевалка, студенческое общество, студенческий совет, бакалавр гуманитарных наук, магистр гуманитарных наук, доктор философских наук.

IV. Ask your fellow-students:

1. About the difference between a university, polytechnic and college of higher education. 2. Why it is preferable to study at university. 3. What subjects the Programme of a university is based upon. 4. What you know about tutorials. 5. About the difference between a residential and a non-residential college (university). 6. Who lives in hall. 7. What rooms can be found in a university building. 8. What sport facilities there are at a university. 9. What clubs and societies are popular in British colleges and universities. 10. Who runs those clubs and societies. 11. What a B. A. is. 12. How quickly one can get those letters before his name. 13. What a M. A. is. 14. Which degree is higher: M. A. or Ph. D.? 15. If it is easy for a Bachelor of Arts to find a job.

V. Retell Text В in indirect speech using new words and word combinations.

VI. Fill in prepositions. Ask the others to give their responses to the given sentences so as to make up micro-dialogues:

1.... Great Britain the course... study... intending teachers is based... compulsory and optional subjects. 2. The Programme usually consists... three core components. Do you remember what they are? 3. Are you going to specialize... Education? 4. It is important... a student to learn the use... different visual aids... his block-teaching practice. 5. My school practice began when I was... the first year. 6.... our department examinations are held... the end... each term; ... each examination students are given several days which they spend... revising the material. 7. The English club organized... the students is concerned.., extra-curricular activities. 8. Do you enjoy your lectures... Theory... Education? Are they supplemented... seminars?

VII. a) Retell Text С in indirect speech; b) act it out.

VIII. Speak about the English Department at your University (usе Essential Vocabulary on the topic).

IX. Make up dialogues, using Essential Vocabulary on the topic Suggested situations:

A. A Russian student and an English student are exchanging information on systems of higher education in their countries.

B. Two students of the English department are discussing their college life. One of them is enthusiastic about everything, the other is a dissatisfied grumbler and finds fault with every little thing.

C. A student of the English department is speaking about the programme and the course of study with a friend of his (hers).

D. A strict father (mother) is demanding an explanation from a son (daughter) after a failure in a college exam. The son is giving all kinds of lame excuses speaking about " overcrowded syllabus", injustice of professors and bad luck in general.

X. a) Bead and translate into Russian:


So this is Oxford. As soon as we emerge into the clean, broad streets, there are signs enough that this is the ancient seat of English learning. Gowns and mortar boards.[52] Young undergraduates in loose black thigh-length gowns. A graduate's gown is generally of knee length and for ceremonial occasions at least, has a hood lined in silk of the colour prescribed by the wearer's faculty.

Oxford's main railway station is some half a mile to the west of the area in which are clustered most of the colleges: Queen's College and University College, Magdalen College and quite a number of others.

All these together make up the University of Oxford.

The central University, in general, arranges lectures for the whole body of students in a particular subject and holds examinations and grants degrees; an individual college provides for residence and tutorials. Great emphasis is laid at Oxford and Cambridge on what are called " tutorials", in which a Don[53] gives personal instruction in his study at least once a week to students numbering not more than four at a sitting.

For a lover of old architecture, Oxford has much to offer. Many of the colleges present a lovely picture of ancient pearl-grey walls, noble towers, picturesque gothic archways. All have grass lawns of velvet smoothness which must be seen to be believed, and many have, in summer, most magnificent displays of flowers.

(After " The British Scene" by George Bidwell)

b) Argue the pros and cons of: 1. Tutorial system. 2. Students' uniform. 3. Residential colleges.

XI. Describe the pictures on p. 183:

XII. Try your hand at teaching:

A. Preparation. Get ready for a talk on one of the following topics:

1. Higher education in Russia.

2. Higher education in Great Britain.

3. Oxford University.

4. Cambridge University.

5. Teacher training in Great Britain and in Russia.

B. Work in Class. Listen to the students' talk and say a few words about the construction of each talk: its beginning, development, conclusion, and the general balance of these parts.

Speak on what you think may surprise a Russian student at an English University (Oxford, Cambridge): a) programme, b) teaching methods, c) students' extra-curricular activities.

Prompts: I think (suppose, guess, believe, dare say)...; Well, my opinion is that...; My view is that...; True, but...; You may be right... but all the same...; I wouldn't say that; But on the other hand.

XIII. Read the text. Comment on its content:

Students in Tents

Three small tents — two blue and one khaki — are pitched among trees on a hill above Sussex University campus. This weekend they are 'home' to three students who cannot find a bed in the neighbouring town of Brighton.

They are an apt symbol of an accommodation crisis that is affecting thousands of students throughout the country. Tonight 80 other Sussex students will bed down on mattresses on the floor of the university senate chamber. It will be the sixth — and probably final — night of a'protest occupation!

In every major city there are students on camp beds in nooks and crannies and others 'crashing' on the floors of friends' flats.

The National Union of Students describes it as the worst ever student accommodation crisis! The indications are that it is a foretaste of a massive problem.

Unless something radical is done, the concept of a student having the right to go away to university may soon be dead. (See: Ttofi C., Creed T. S. English in Mind. Lnd., 1982)

XIV. Speak on:

1. Your intentions as to your teaching career.

2. What you are going to do to become a highly-qualified specialist.

XV. Role-playing.

Work in two groups, one playing the university lecturers, the other presenting students. Both groups are discussing one and the same exam. Compare their versions and make your conclusion as to the difference in approach:

Exam: English Literature.

Results: Dave Robertson — Sat Charles Hope — Poor

Duncan Holmes — Good Dorothy Baird — Very Good

Jenny Richards — Good

XVI. Compose a short story to which the pictures on pp. 187-189 might serve as an illustration. Use prompt words and phrases listed betow:

physicist; theory of relativity; treading on air; full of sweet reminiscences;

cast a glance; a sudden shock; come to realize; a guilty conscience;

first traces of fatigue; tired-out;

with a wet towel round his head; in frustration; a dazed look; a tub of water; scattered all over; peeping inside; puzzled;

strange visions; welcome cheerfully; arm-in-arm; a cane;

in a frenzy of enthusiasm; leaning on; lunatic asylum.

XVII. Film " Mr. Brown's Holiday". Film segment 5 " Is it Good to be a Student? " (Chrichester). a) Watch and listen, b) Do the exercises from the guide to the film.



A kind of writing technique that helps to achieve good results is summarizing the contents of written works.

Summary is a representation of the contents of complete works in brief. It is expected to be about a sixth or a tenth of the original in length. It is easier to make a summary of stories, novels and plays which have a plot.

Plot is a systematic arrangement of events by means of which the writer builds up a meaningful situation and shows the characters. Usually a plot consists of a good beginning, a middle, and an end.

In order to make a good clear summary of a story you have to go through the following stages:

1. Read the story carefully so as to understand its plot.

2. Make a list of all the points you find important. These notes should be very brief, very much like the topic plan (see the sample in Unit Four).

3. Using the list of points, write a rough draft of the summary. You may paraphrase and modify topic sentences. This will help you to reproduce the contents of the story in your own words.

4. After having written a rough draft shorten it and write a -fair copy of your summary.

Note: Take care not to change the meaning of the original or add to it. Your summary may follow the outline of the story in brief.

Here is a sample summary of " A Day's Wait" (see Unit Two).

A boy of nine fell ill. He was running a high temperature (102°F). The doctor diagnosed the illness as flu. He said there was nothing to worry about if the fever did not go above one hundred and four degrees. The boy lay still in the bed. He seemed detached and was looking very strangely at the foot of the bed. When the father took his temperature again the boy asked him about the time he was going to die. He argued with his father about the temperature because when being at school in France he learned from the boys that you can't live with the temperature of forty-four degrees. The father reassured him explaining the difference between the Fahrenheit and Centigrade thermometers. The boy relaxed after " a day's wait", though the next day he was still suffering from a nervous breakdown.


1. Write a summary of the story " How We Kept Mother's Day". (See Unit Four.)

2. Try to make a summary of Judy's letters. (Don't forget to make a list of the most important points before writing a rough draft.)

3. Write a summary of the dialogue between Ann and Steve. (See Text B.) Think of the best topic sentences introducing or/and completing your summary.


1. Listen to Texts A and B, mark the stresses and tunes. Repeat them following the model

2. Listen to Text С Mark the stresses and tunes. Repeat it following the model.

3. Write a spelling-translation test. Check it with the key.

4. Write a dictation. Check your spelling with a dictionary.

5. Translate the sentences and check your translation with the key (written work).

6. listen to the text " Cambridge'' or some other text on the topic " Education". Write tS questions to the text Get ready to discuss it in class.


I. Test your " I. Q." [54] and compare it to Judy's " abyss of ignorance". Say what you know about:

1. Maurice Maeterlinck.

2. Micheleangelo.

3. " David Copperfield" and the author of the book.

4. " Ivanhoe" and the author of the book.

5. " Jane Eyre" and the author of the book.

6. " Robinson Crusoe" and the author of the book.

7. " Alice in Wonderland".

8. Henry the Eighth.

9. Shelley.

10. George Eliot.

11. Mona Lisa.

12. Sherlock Holmes.

II. Give the names of humorists: a) you appreciate most of all; b) of British or American origin; c) of world reputation.



1. I needn't have hurried.

Cf. You needn't go there tomorrow. — You needn't have gone there yesterday.

I needn't tell him that; he knows it. — I needn't have told him that; he knew it already.

The teacher needn't explain such simple things; the pupils know them. — The teacher needn't have explained such simple things; the pupils knew them.

You needn't ask this question. — You needn't have asked this question.

2. He'd been talking more than usual.

You've come later than usual.

Our homework today is longer than usual.

Yesterday this actress played better than usual.

Tomorrow I am to get up earlier than usual.

3. He looked at me with those kind blue eyes of his.

I knew too well that charming smile of hers.

You needn't repeat to me those lies of yours.

I really don't know what to do with this naughty child of mine.

I don't like that sharp voice of your friend's.

Who said that? Of course, that dear husband of Mary's.


I. Paraphrase the following sentences, using Patten 1:

Pattern 1: 1. Why did you answer this question? It was not meant for you. 2. He spoke too long, it bored everybody present. 3. There was no reason why she should get so excited over a little thing like that. 4. Was it necessary to bother such a busy man with this unimportant question? 5. Why have you come to meet me? There was no need for you to bother.

II. Complete the following sentences, using the patterns:

Pattern 2: 1. Today she has been answering her task even better.... 2. Are you ill? You are looking.... 3. The way to his office seemed to him on that day.... 4. He was in love, and the sun seemed to shine.... 5.... earlier than usual. 6. The soup tastes even.... 7.... later than usual.

Pattern 3: 1. She addressed us angrily in that harsh.... 2. Did you happen to see that charming...? 3. I didn't want to come up to you, because you were so busy speaking to that dear.... 4. I don't like the way she treats that miserable.... 5. I wish I knew how I should bring up this dear.... 6. No one any longer believes those.... 7. If I were you, I should throw away these.... 8. Who could have done such a thing but...? 9. I have heard a lot about that....

III. Translate these sentences into English:

1. Вам не нужно было приходить сюда так рано. Никто еще не пришел. 2. Из-за этих своих тесных туфель она еле-еле шла. Мы добрались до остановки автобуса позже, чем обычно, и, конечно, автобус уже ушел. 3. В этот день Джуди была больна и чувствовала себя несчастней, чем обычно. Она не поверила своим глазам, когда ей принесли большую коробку с полураспустившимися розами — подарок этого ее таинственного опекуна.



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