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Telecommunications convergence.

Communication networks were designed to carry different types of information independently. Radio was designed for audio, and televisions were designed for video. The older media, such as television and radio, are broadcasting networks with passive audiences. Convergence of telecommunication technology permits the manipulation of all forms of information, voice, data, and video. Telecommunication has changed from a world of scarcity to one of seemingly limitless capacity.

The historical roots of convergence can be traced back to the emergence ofmobile telephonyand theInternet. The term properly applies only from the point in marketing history when fixed and mobile telephony began to be offered by operators as joined products. Fixed and mobile operators were, for most of the 1990s, independent companies. Even when the same organization marketed both products, these were sold and serviced independently.

The rise of digital communication in the late 20th century has made it possible for media organizations (or individuals) to deliver text, audio, and video material over the same wired, wireless, or fiber-optic connections. At the same time, it inspired some media organizations to explore multimedia delivery of information. Today, we are surrounded by a multi-level convergent media world where all modes of communication and information are continually reforming, changing the way we create, consume, learn and interact with each other. Convergence in this instance is defined as the interlinking of computing and other information technologies, media content, and communication networks arisen as the result of the evolution and popularization of the Internet as well as the activities, products and services that have emerged in the digital media space.

Telecommunications convergence, network convergenceor simplyconvergenceare broad terms used to describe emerging telecommunicationstechnologies, andnetwork architectureused to migrate multiple communications services into a single network. Specifically this involves the converging of previously distinct media such astelephonyanddata communicationsinto common interfaces on single devices, such as most smart phones that can make phone calls and search the web.

Also included in this topic is the basis of computer networks, wherein many different operating systems are able to communicate via differentprotocols. This could be the first step toartificial intelligencenetworks on the Internet eventually leading to a powerful superintelligencevia atechnological singularity.


Ex. 5.True, false or no information?

1. Convergence is historically connected with the marketing activities of telephone companies.

2. Television and radio are broadcasting networks dealing with passive audiences.

3. Convergence services become access-independent.

4. From the very beginning fixed and mobile telephony were offered by operators as joined products.

5. The once-separate worlds of media, entertainment and communications have converged.

6. To effectively exploit the new opportunities in the market of telecommunications, service providers must examine current business models.

7.Telecommunicationsconvergence, networkconvergenceorsimplyconvergence, are terms describing fixed phones networks.


Ex. 6. Answer the questions.

1. How did old media and networks carry information?

2. When did the term convergence emerge?

3. What role did telephone operators play in the emergence of convergent services?

4. How can text, audio, and video material be delivered nowadays?

5. Is a smart phone an example of convergence? Why?

6. What can be considered as the first step to artificial intelligence networks?

Ex. 7. Continue the sentence.

1. Digital convergencerefers to…

a)the way we create, consume, learn and interact with each other;

b)emergingtelecommunicationstechnologiesandnetwork architecture;

c)previously separate technologies that now interact with each other.

2. Technological convergenceis…

a)the first step toartificialintelligencenetworks;

b)the tendency for different technological systems to evolve toward performing similar tasks;

c)television and radio broadcasting network.

3. Telecommunications convergence describes…

a)the converging of previously distinct mediaanddatacommunicationsinto common interfaces on single device;

b)the rise of digital communication in the late 20th century;

c)some media organizations exploring multimedia delivery of information.


Ex. 8. Use the correct form of the word.

1. The tendency for different technological systems to perform similar tasks is called … (converge, convergent, convergence).

2. Video on demand is an example of… services (converge, convergent, convergence).

3. Distinct media such astelephonyanddata communications…into common interfaces on single devices (converge, convergent, convergence).

4. VoIP is a very popular… offered by many companies (service, serviced).

5. Our fixed phone line is… by Dom.ru (service, serviced).

Ex. 9. What device is mentioned in the text as an example of convergence? Tell about this device using the text and ex.2.

For example: A smart phone is an example of convergence because…

Ex. 10.Find other examples of convergence in IT.


Ex. 11.Match the terms to their definitions.

1) artificial intelligence a) the quality of something that makes it unusual or strange
2) emerge b) an area of study concerned with making computers copy human behavior
3) emergence c) find the origin or cause of something
4) traceback d) becomeknown
5) singularity e) the appearance of new things


Ex. 12. Match the terms to their definition.

1) surround a) multiple things created by a single production process at the same time
2) inspire b) be all around something
3) convergent c) allow somebody to do something to happen
4) permit d) give somebody the desire, confidence or enthusiasm to do something well
5) jointproducts e) tending to come together, merging


Ex. 13. Make upa sentence using the wordsand phrases.

1. Traced back, to emergence, can be, of mobile telephony and the Internet, the historical roots of convergence. 2. Multimedia delivery of information, some media-organizations, the rise of digital communication, to explore, inspired. 3. Between fixed and wireless telecommunications networks, fixed-mobile convergence (FMC), the trend towards, is, ideal connectivity. 4. The goal of FMC, to and among end users, is, transmission of all data, to optimize. 5. Is becoming, convergence, in the IT world, more and more popular.


Ex. 14.FindEnglishequivalents.

Выполнять схожие задачи, основные особенности, сети были разработаны для, предлагать продукты, продавать продукты, доставить информацию, первый шаг к искусственному интеллекту, появление таких услуг, обрабатывать информацию, цифровое информационное пространство, распределять ресурсы.


Ex. 15.TranslateintoEnglish.

1. Термин “convergence”означает объединение двух или нескольких технологий в одном устройстве.2. Мобильный телефон позволяет нам делать фотографии и входить в интернет.3. Проводные, беспроводные и оптоволоконные соединения играют важную роль в нашей жизни.4. Это устройство можно рассматривать в качестве примера слияния технологий.5. Люди создают продукты и потребляют их.


Ex. 16.Givesynonyms.

To design a device, to manipulate data, to permit, to connect, to carry information, to perform, the tendency, to involve, nowadays, current business models, a task, be able, to define.


Ex. 17.Match these keywords to their definitions and translate them.

1. Computer. 2. Fax (device). 3. E-mail. 4. Telephone. 5. The Internet.

a. The machine which is used for sending or receiving copies of letters, pictures, etc. along a telephone line.

b. An international network of computers. It has electronic mail and provides a large amount of information.

c. An electronic machine that can store and recall information, do many processes on it.

d. An electronic system which joins a group of computers. People can send messages to each other on their computers.

e. A system for sending or receiving speech over long distances.


Ex. 18.Explain the usage of the verbs “to be”and“to have”. Translate the sentences.

1. Engineers have to do it. 2. Programmer had to do it. 3. Clients will have to do it. 4. The hacker attack is to be stopped. 5. The train was to stop here. 6. This method is to be reported in more detail. 7. The other devices are to be delivered over next 12 months. 8. The problem now is to find the most effective way to convert the minimum expenses into the maximum profit.


Ex. 19. Insert the necessary pronouns: who, whom, whose, whatand which.

1. …will help me? 2. …of these programs is the best? 3. …is your bag? 4. …is your telephone number? 5. …computer is this, Peter`s or Helen`s? 6. …are you reading? 7. …teaches you information security? 8. …of you am I to thank for this? 9. …do you know about the first transistor computer? 10. …requests are these? 11. Here are the smartphones. …is yours?


Ex. 20.Translate the wordsand compare meanings of the suffixes.

Changeable, shapeless, upward, radiate, unknown, deepen, southward, serviceable, usually, tactful, noisily, careless, slowly, misapply, incapable, partly, heater, useful, carefully, observable stars, darkness, compression, discharge, stabilize, inward, conductor, cooperate, interchangeable, amplify, cybernetics, weekly, a weekly journal, high, highly.




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