Архитектура Аудит Военная наука Иностранные языки Медицина Металлургия Метрология
Образование Политология Производство Психология Стандартизация Технологии

Exercise 5. Study the following adjectives. Find their meaning in a dictionary and describe each person below.

confident …………………………………………………………

demanding …………………………………………………………

health-conscious …………………………………………………………

impatient …………………………………………………………

impulsive …………………………………………………………

laid-back …………………………………………………………

moody …………………………………………………………

rude …………………………………………………………

sensitive …………………………………………………………


1. Nicola never says things like " please", " thank you", " good morning".

2. Paul goes running every morning, and he never eats fast food.

3. Anna is not afraid to speak in public.

4. Be careful what you say in front of Michael. He doesn't like it when people criticize him.

5. Joe is never stressed.

6. Katrina wants everything to be perfect all the time.

7. Alan often does things without thinking.

8. John doesn't like waiting. If I am 5 minutes late, he goes crazy.

9. At the moment, Kate is very friendly. But in one minute she can become angry or depressed.


Exercise 6.Find the noun forms of each of the adjectives below:

1. confident(adjective) - confidence (noun)

2. patient(adjective) - ……………………………………… (noun)

3. sensitive(adjective) - ……………………………………… (noun)

4. friendly(adjective) - ……………………………………… (noun)

Exercise 7. Create sentences about you using the adjectives below with suitable prepositions.




4………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… (aware)

5………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… (generous)







Exercise 8.Translate


Я знаю интересную историю

Он знает более интересную историю.

Она знает самую интересную историю.


Это длинный пуль.

Это более длинный путь

Это самый длинный пуль.


Ее работа очень важна.

Его работа важнее.

Моя работа самая важная.


Это плохая песня.

Это еще более плохая песня.

Это самая плохая песня.


Он хороший инженер.

Он более хороший инженер.

Он самый лучший инженер.

Он принес ей красивый цветок.

Он принес ей более красивый цветок.

Он принес ей самый красивый цветок.


Он рассказал нам о счастливом человеке.

Он рассказал нам о более счастливом человеке.

Он рассказал нам о самом счастливом человеке.

Grammar 1.3


Exercise 1.Use the base words in the chart below to make adjectives with the suffixess -ful and –less and translate them.


Base word Adjectives
  Translation Positive meaning Negative meaning
Beauty     ×
Brain     Brainless
Care   Careful  
Charm   ×  
End   ×  
Event     ×
Delight     ×
Home   ×  
Peace     ×
Penny   ×  
Sleep   ×  
Time     ×

Exercise 2.What word is missing.

cold   the coldest
beautiful more beautiful  
clean cleaner  
big   the biggest

Exercise 3.Translate into English.

Старый друг, старший сын, самая длинная дорога,

грязный пол, сильнейший спортсмен, более трудный пример,

дорогое платье, самый умный ученик, более удобное кресло,

самая светлая комната, более теплое пальто, более красивая девушка,

младший брат, лучший день, более злой учитель.


Exercise 4.Use adjective in correct form


1. Jill’s a far ………………………………………………… (intelligent) person than my brother.

2. Kate was the ………………………………………………… (practical) of the family.

3. Greg felt ………………………………………………… (bad) yesterday than the day before.

4. This wine is the ………………………………………………… (good) I’ve ever tasted.

5. Jack was the ………………………………………………… (tall) of the two.

6. Jack is the ………………………………………………… (clever) of the three brothers.

7. If you need any ………………………………………………… (far) information, please contact our head office.

8. The sinking of Titanic is one of ………………………………………………… (famous) shipwreck stories of all time.

9. Please, send the books back without ………………………………………………… (far) delay.

10. The deposits of oil in Russia are by far the ………………………………………………… (rich) in the world.

11. Could you come a bit ………………………………………………… (early) tomorrow?

12. I like this song ………………………………………………… (well) than the previous one.

13. Which of these two performances did you enjoy ………………………………………………… (much)?

14. The fire was put out ………………………………………………… (quickly) than we expected.

Exercise 5.Put more or less.


1. People are ………………………………………………… intelligent than monkeys.

2. Summer holidays are………………………………………………… splendid than winter holidays.

3. Maths is ………………………………………………… important than English.

4. Books are ………………………………………………… interesting than films.

5. Writing in English is ………………………………………………… difficult than speaking.

6. Parents are ………………………………………………… helpful than teachers.

7. Reading is ………………………………………………… useful than watching TV.

8. Food is ………………………………………………… expensive than clothes.


Exercise 6. Read the text, find adjectives and form the degrees of comparison.

Hobbit lives in a dark forest. He isn’t ugly, he is handsome. He has big eyes and a small nose, he is fat because he has a sweet tooth. He is kind and clever. Hobbit lives in a big house. His house is the most beautiful house in the forest.

Exercise 7. Divide the adjectives in three categories:

Clean, slow, dirty, healthy, dangerous, modern, big, expensive, quiet, interesting, beautiful.

1. those which describe life in the city,

2. those which describe life in the country,

3. those which can describe life in the city and in the country.

Exercise 8. Use the words above to complete the sentences.

1. The streets in the city are …………………………… than the streets in the country.

2. The buildings in the city are …………..than the buildings in the country.

3. The air in the city is … than the air in the country.

4. The life in the city is … than the life in the country.


Exercise 9. Complete the sentences using the words and translate them.


Hints: useful, more, wild, oldest, best, many.


You know that the dog is a man’s………………… friend.
The dog is also man’s………………… friend.
………………… than ten thousand years ago dogs didn’t live with people.
They were……………………………
Dogs now live with people and do………………… things for them.




Compliments Game

Procedure - teacher gives each student an envelope. Inside each envelope are small strips of paper, as many strips as there are students, plus one for the teacher to write on. Students write their names on the envelope and pass the envelopes to the right. The student takes out a strip of paper, writes a compliment about the student whose name is on the envelope and returns the paper to the envelope. Students continue passing envelopes, writing compliments, until the envelope returns to its owner



Acting with Comparatives and Superlatives


Procedure - students are arranged into groups of 3. Each group is given a word to act out as comparative/superlative and the rest of the class must figure out what word they are showing, e.g. funny, funnier, funniest; small, smaller, smallest; smart, smarter, smartest; happy, happier, happiest; etc., etc.


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