Архитектура Аудит Военная наука Иностранные языки Медицина Металлургия Метрология
Образование Политология Производство Психология Стандартизация Технологии

Use the words from the table in the sentences.

arguably reveal facilities to live awaited

1) To..... the enemy was the craft task.

2) To..... up this scandal is not a good idea.

3) It was..... result.

4)..... it was the great D – Day.

5) Several special laboratories and other..... are at their disposal.

2. Find the word we could use in the following combinations four times:

account advertise bill law name count produce

1) Счет в банке.

2) Счет в ресторане.

3) Закон о правах.

4) Рекламировать выставку.

5) Его зовут Билл.

Choose the right grammar form

1) I heard a good ( interviewing / interview ) on the radio devoted to VE – Day.

2) Railway employees usually wear a special ( uniform / unit ) at work.

3) The station manager had a good ( ideas / idea ) to change the train time – table.

4) Technology ( make / makes ) teens lazy.

5) Nowadays teens are increasingly ( use / using ) new form of their language.

4. Is it true or false:

Railtex was the eagerly awaited trade show. It was billed as the UK’s leading rail event. But it didn’t provide a great opportunity to get a job in the rail industry. Besides the show hadn’t a range of influential guest speakers each day.

5. Find equivalents:

1) Adjacent a) – полоса отчуждения, отвода.

2) Right of way b) – оборот.

3) Turnover c) – эксплуатация, ремонт, содержание.

4) Maintenance d) – уменьшение.

e) – сокращение.

f) – смежный, соседний.

6. Put up a question:

Show, days, given, many, are, how, the, for, exhibition, rail, industry.

7. Insert a letter:

1) B_ll;

2) Cr_ft;

3) L_gerly;

4) _tmost;

5) Col_nel

8. Use the words from the table in the sentences:

ensuring warehouse eagerly turnover deny

1) The law..... these guarantees was adopted.

2) They..... wanted to pass that exam.

3) The..... was situated nearby the round – houses.

4) Trade..... between two countries raised greatly.

5) To..... the fact was foolishly.

9. What word could be used in three sentences below:

Wagon carriage vehicle car vessel

1) Это современный автомобиль.

2) Пассажирский вагон находится на сортировочной горке.

3) Реклама на «КарПрайс».

4) Судно прибыло к месту приписки.

5) Современное транспортное средство.

6) В купе было душно.

10. Choose the right grammar form:

1) There wasn’t ( enough / some ) fuel in a tank.

2) ( A little / Some ) time was left before the start of the train.

3) ( A few / A little ) engineers worked that night at the station yard.

4) It was really noisy because there were ( a lot of / lots of ) station workers on the tracks.

5) They had never had ( any / some ) problems with their craft.

11. Is it true or false:

The Southern Railway’s wartime role revealed in May 1945 after European warfare had ended. It was undeniable fact that the railway played a major part in the war effort. It didn’t transport troops only but also military equipment from bombs to tanks. While not every railway could do their utmost, arguably it fell to the Southern Railway. The war was declared over; the official end date was May 9 1945.

12. Find equivalents:

1) Awaited a) Земляное полотно.

2) Roadbed b) Вместительный.

3) Charter c) Включающий.

4) Covering d) Чартер, право, фрахтовый контракт.

5) Large – capacity e) Увеличение.

f) Разоблачение.

g) Смежный, соседний.

13. Put up a question:

In, do, English, you, we, know, how, the, word, “Europe”, pronounce.

14. Insert a letter:

1) Ad…acent;

2) Awa…ted;

3) Den…;

4) Ar…uably;

5) Vic…ory;

15. Use the words from the table in the sentences:

troops swung billed performance volume

1) American and Russian..... met by the river Elbe.

2) The..... of transportation via the main line increased.

3) The tree..... under the wind gust.

4) The industrial exhibition was..... by mass media.

5) Market agricultural..... produce was impossible without roads.

What word could be used in both situations?

track road path way line

a) Британские авиалинии – всемирно известное авиапредприятие, самолеты которого осуществляют регулярные рейсы в Австралию, Азию, Америку и Европу.

b) Открытое акционерное общество “Российские железные дороги “(ОАО “РЖД “) – главный перевозчик железнодорожных грузов и пассажиров в нашей стране.

17. Choose the right grammar form:

1) You ( have to / has to ) ask for advice when you have a difficult job to do at the hump yard.

2) You ( mustn’t / may not ) contradict the orders of a dispatcher.

3) You ( can’t / mustn’t ) criticize your colleagues behind their back.

4) You ( need / must ) report the boss directly or on the phone regularly.

5) They ( have to / should ) inform the local head- quarters immediately in case of emergency.

Is it true or false

Railway facilities are usually divided into two general groups: road and equipment. “Road “is also referred to as simply “way “. It includes land, right of way, roadbed and track. Engineers lay out the roadbed on the right of way.

19. Find equivalents:

1) Bill a) Страстно желаемый.

2) Round-house b) Контейнер.

3) Container c) Груз.

4) Eagerly d) Судно.

5) Freight e) Рекламировать, считать.

f) Паркинг.

g) Депо

20. Put up a question:

What, are, groups, facilities, divided, railway, into.

21. Insert a letter:

1) Ens…ring;

2) Evacu…s;

3) Tro…ps;

4) R…adbed;

5) Wa…ehouse;

22. Use the words from the table in the sentences:

arguably consignor freight power plant evacuees

1) Large-capacity containers were addressed the..... yesterday.

2)..... they’ve done their utmost.

3)..... train reached its destination in time.

4)..... from Leningrad were placed in Sverdlovsk.

5)..... supplied the town with electric energy.

23. What prefixes give the opposite meaning to the expressions below:

1) Верхнее строение пути.

2) Геоподоснова.

3) Нижнее строение пути.

4) Подземная часть.

5) Надземная часть.

24. Choose the right grammar form:

1) The show ( has / is ) a range of influential guest speakers each day.

2) It ( is billed / billed ) as the UK’s leading rail event.

3) Talks and presentations ( held / are held ) in several areas.

4) Railways ( transported / were transported ) troops and military equipment.

5) Once the war ( declared / was declared ) over the official end date was May 8 1945.

25. Is it true or false:

The stability of the economics of countries on the whole Eurasian continent depends to a large extent on the Trans – Siberian mainline. States of the Asian and Pacific Region, especially Japan, have enormous potential for the development. The development of export and import transportation can be considered two priorities for container business development in Russia till 2020.

26. Find equivalents:

1) Performance a) Удобство, оборудование.

2) Facility b) Объем

3) Terminal yard c) Овладеть, изучить, одолеть.

4) Volume d) Смежный.

5) To master e) Сортировочная станция, парк.

f) Соседний.

g) Эффективность.

27. Put up a question:

Is, business, what, container, the, for, and, market, international, logistics, transport.

28. Insert a letter:

1) Perfa…mance;

2) Rev…al;

3) Warf…re;

4) Fa…ility;

5) Ri…ht;

Use the words from the table in the sentences.

master facilities roadbed terminal yard right of way

1)..... consists of a strip of land with varying width.

2) The house had all..... comfort as a flat with modern accommodations.

3)..... was ready for laying ties.

4) Two trains from the East were at the.....

5) To..... knowledge of English is our task.

30. Form words with negative meaning with the help of prefixes:

1) Successful

2) Happy

3) Real

4) Dependence

5) Possible

6) Logical

7) Regular

31. Choose the right grammar form:

1) They (are going / will ) to speak about D – Day tomorrow.

2) The war brigade ( will be / is going to be ) here in a moment.

3) Veterans ( tell / told ) us about VE – Day.

4) After the war was declared over, soldiers ( return / returned ) home.

5) Usually in Europe they ( celebrate / celebrates ) Victory Day on the 8-th May.

32. 4. Is it true or false:

Strengthening the Trans – Siberian mainline as a link of the East – West transit is one of Russian Railway’s Strategic objectives. The speed of transportation via the Transsib is faster than via the Suez canal. Railway rates, are competitive in comparison with sea charter rates. If sea transporters offer a lower tariff rate, railway companies can carry freight in a shorter period of time.

33. Find equivalents:

1) Ensuring a) Силовая установка, электростанция.

2) Power plant b) Товарный склад.

3) Warehouse c) Грузополучатель.

4) Consignor d) Сосуд, судно, корабль.

5) Vessel e) Соседний.

f) Смежный.

g) Гарантирующий.

34. Put up a question:

Much, time, how, it, does, to, transport, take, from, cargo, Berlin, to, Shanghai.

35. Insert a letter:

1) Co…erring;

2) Sw…ng;

3) B…ar;

4) T…rnover;

5) Vol…me;



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