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Electric Motors and Generators


Electric Motors and generators are a group of devices used to convert mechanical energy into electrical energy, or electrical energy into mechanical energy, by electromagnetic means. A machine that converts mechanical energy into electrical energy is called a generator, alternator, or dynamo, and a machine that converts electrical energy into mechanical energy is called a motor.

Two related physical principles underlie the operation of generators and motors. The first is the principle of electromagnetic induction discovered by the British scientist Michael Faraday in 1831. If a conductor is moved through a magnetic field, or if the strength of a stationary conducting loop is made to vary, a current is set up or induced in the conductor. The converse of this principle is that of electromagnetic reaction, first observed by the French physicist Andre Marie Ampeare in 1820. If a current is passed through a conductor located in a magnetic field, the field exerts a mechanical force on it.

The simplest of all dynamoelectric machines is the disk dynamo developed by Faraday. It consists of a copper disk mounted so that part of the disk, from the center to the edge, is between the poles of a horseshoe magnet. When the disk is rotated, a current is induced between the center of the disk and its edge by the action of the field of the magnet. The disk can be made to operate as a motor by applying a voltage between the edge of the disk and its center, causing the disk to rotate because of the force produced by magnetic reaction.

The magnetic field of a permanent magnet is strong enough to operate only a small practical dynamo or motor. As a result, for large machines, electromagnets are employed. Both motors and generators consist of two basic units, the field, which is the electromagnet with its coils, and the armature, the structure that supports the conductors which cut the magnetic field and carry the induced current in a generator or the exciting current in a motor. The armature is usually a laminated soft-iron core around which conducting wires are wound in coils.

Words and expressions

armature - арматура; якорь; броня кабеля; обкладка


alternator - генератор переменного тока, синхронный


dynamo - генератор постоянного тока

conducting loop - проводниковый контур

converse - противоположенное или обратное


Exercise 1

Ответьте на следующие вопросы:


1. Are electric generators used to convert or electrical energy into mechanical energy?

2. How machine that converts mechanical energy into electrical energy is called?

3. How a machine that converts electrical energy into mechanical energy is called?

4. What are two related physical principles which underlie the operation of generators and motors?

5. Who was the first to discover the principle of electromagnetic induction?

6. Who was the first to observe the principle of electromagnetic reaction?

7. What happens if a current is passed through a conductor located in a magnetic field?

8. In what condition the field exerts a mechanical force on a conductor?

9. What is the simplest of all dynamoelectric machines?

10. What does the disc dynamo developed by Faraday consist of?

11. Is the magnetic field of a permanent magnet strong enough to operate large machines?

12. What types of magnets are used to operate large machines?

Exercise 2

Заполните пропуски недостающими по смыслу словами, используя текст:


1. Electric Motors are used to convert … energy into … energy.

2. The principle of … induction was first discovered by the British scientist Michael Faraday in 1831.

3. The converse of … is that of electromagnetic reaction.

4. The simplest of all … machines is the disk dynamo developed by Faraday.

5. The magnetic field of a permanent magnet is strong enough to operate only a … dynamo or motor.

6. In large machines … are employed.

7. Both … and … consist of two basic units.

Exercise 3

Соответствуют ли данные предложения содержанию текста:


1. Electric generators are used to convert mechanical energy into electrical energy.

2. Electrical energy is converted into mechanical energy, by electric motors.

3. One important mathematical equation underlie the operation of generators and motors?

4. The principle of electromagnetic induction was discovered by the Russian scientist Mendeleev in 1831.

5. The principle of electromagnetic reaction was first observed by Faraday in 1820.

6. If a current is passed through a conductor located in a magnetic field, the field exerts a mechanical force on it.

7. The more complicated of all dynamoelectric machines is the disk dynamo developed by Faraday.

8. The magnetic field of a permanent magnet is strong enough to operate practically all dynamo machines or motors.

9. In large machines, permanent magnets are employed.

10. Both motors and generators consist of seven basic units.

11. The armature is usually a laminated pig iron rod around which conducting wires are wound in coils.

Exercise 4

Используя текст, составьте высказывания с данными словами и выражениями:


To convert energy - by electromagnetic means - mechanical energy - electrical energy – generator – alternator – dynamo – motor - physical principle - electromagnetic induction - magnetic field - conducting loop - electromagnetic reaction – to apply a voltage - permanent magnet – electromagnet - armature - conductor - coil.

Exercise 5

Кратко передайте содержание каждого абзаца.


Exercise 6

Выделите пять основных идей текста.


Exercise 7

Составьте предложения, используя данные выражения:

exciting current (ток возбуждения); charging current (зарядный ток); constant current (ток постоянной величины); earth current (ток заземления); excess current (избыточный ток); field current (ток намагничивания); high-frequency current (ток высокой частоты); induced current (индуцированный ток); peak-to-peak current (удвоенный размах тока);

Exercise 8

Переведите на русский язык следующие предложения:


1. During the early 1830s the English physicist and chemist Michael Faraday discovered a means by which mechanical energy is converted into an electrical energy on a large scale.

2. Michael Faraday was engaged in experimental work on magnetism.

3. Direct energy-conversion devices have received much attention because of the necessity to develop more efficient ways of transforming available forms of primary energy into electric power.

4. Thermoelectric generators are devices that convert heat directly into electricity.

5. A basic theory of thermoelectricity was finally formulated during the early 1900s.

6. In a solar cell, radiant energy drives electrons across a potential difference at a semiconductor junction.

7. Thie process, called electromagnetic induction, provides the working principle for electric generators.

8. Electric motors, which convert electrical energy to mechanical energy, run virtually every kind of machine that uses electricity.

9. The battery, invented by the Italian physicist Alessandro Volta about 1800, changes chemical energy directly into an electric current.


Exercise 9

Переведите на английский язык:

1. Электрические двигатели используются для преобразования электрической энергии в механическую энергию.

2. Электрические генераторы используются для преобразования механической энергии в электрическую энергию.

3. Принцип электромагнитной индукции, открытый британским ученым Майклом Фарадеем, лежит в основе работы генераторов и двигателей.

4. Принцип электромагнитной реакции был открыт французским ученым Ампером в 1820 году.

5. При прохождении электрического тока через проводник, расположенный в магнитном поле, поле оказывает механическую силу на проводник.

6. Электродвигатель, установленный на этом станке, изготовлен на заводе «Электросила» в 1960 году.

7. Магнитное поле постоянного магнита недостаточно для использования в мощных двигателях.

8. Для мощных двигателей и машин используются электромагниты.

9. Двигатели и генераторы состоят из двух основных элементов: электромагнита и якоря

Exercise 10

Текст на самостоятельный перевод:


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